Single-use e-cigarettes contain batteries that last hundreds of cycles despite being discarded

Lee to – 667 points –
Single-use e-cigarettes contain batteries that last hundreds of cycles despite being discarded

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Meanwhile, I’m forced to use shitty paper straws because plastic straws are banned. And yet THIS SHIT is somehow legal??

Myself I buy these disposables from time to time, but always return to small electronics recycle boxes. It's still electronic after all, with a fucking lithium battery in it.

If you ask me - these should be banned. Only refillables should be allowed to exist.

Yall want to ban the whole world and Loicense up everything out there is fascism land huh?

Wait till tis Yorupean finds out earth rocks and salt water is bad for you

Loicense for salt too dangerous

/sforgot the s

Oh no, don’t get me wrong - I’m very much against banning things in general. You should be able to buy plastic straws, disposable vapes, cocaine and a machine gun at your local 7-11.

I’m just surprised that this isn’t something that they haven’t banned yet, despite being a pretty big issue.

What if they just put a deposit on them like we do with cans to promote recycling.

I'm not in favor of banning things, but depending how it is structured I could support structured discouraging.

Deposit systems can only do so much. We have a new plastic bottle deposit system here in the Netherlands, with about a 70 percent return rate. And you can return bottles at every supermarket.

I don’t think that would work with disposablevapes. Not unless you have really high deposits and strict sales policies. A lot of this stuff also gets imported from China, so that makes it quite impossible to collect deposits on them.