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Joined 10 months ago

I am pretty sure many would disagree, but Kodi is complete trash. The whole software is a one massive utter slow bug.

Anything else is better. Jellefin, Plex, VLC, but NOT kodi.

EDIT: Honestly expected downvotes. Looks like I am not the only one who found Kodi basically unusable on any platform.

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  • When you take 5 eur from my pocket - you are stealing.
  • When you take 5 eur from my pocket, make a copy and put my original 5 eur back to my pocket - this is not stealing.
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Google support for literally anything is non existent. Same could be said about Meta.

I am slowly shifting away from Google. Gmail and Google Photos is going to be the hardest. :/

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I know, my use case, is very unique and niche

It's not. It's as simple as "download and watch", but thanks to DRM you can't simply do it. Then pirating is the only way for you.

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Piracy is service problem

The average user would still try to change DNS settings by editing /etc/relov.conf (which is overwritten and will not survive reboots) or changing settings in Network Manager.

No. The average user would use NetworkManager GUI integrated into DE.

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Ukraine did not invade russia after russia attacked Ukraine. Ukraine is simply trying to survive.

Israel on the other hand......

This is bullshit. Any additional support for israel is bullshit.

They should fucking do an experiment - 2€/$ a month for an ad-free subscription and 3€/$ a month for higher video quality+no ads subscription. I would fucking pour my money into it.

Oh wait, that would not solve lack of sponsorblock. I guess I am not interested then...

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This is why I hate consoles. The only "consoles" I would use are PC-based, such as Steam Deck or self-built desktop PC with SteamOS.

This way I am not locked, games are cheaper and I can move/sync game save.

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HP doesn't stand for "Huge Pain". It stands for:

  • H - Fuck
  • P - You

That's the unofficial moto of the HP company - "Fuck you!".

Seriously, anyone who still buys HP products, they disrespect themselves.

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This looks literally what I'd like the future to be. Everyone can live the way they want. <3

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Myself I really wish that Godot would finally start getting traction in being the most advanced and the most used game engine. And it's free.

Just look at Linux - it's free, most used and most customizable server platform, even tho paid alternatives (e.g. Windows server) exists. I wish Godot would become de facto standard game engine.

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For me it's a price and convenience if we talk about media streaming.

If we talk about games - I am playing on Linux and Alan Wake 2, which I recently pirated, is selling on Epic Games and this store has no Linux support at all. Steam has, but this game is not on Steam. If it were on Steam I'd have probably bought it.

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Sounds like you've never been banned in Reddit. You don't realise how differently mods on power trip understand the word "harrassment". Or anything else.

Reddit is a trash place in general.

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I love that there are so many geeks with such healthy understanding about the world.

Religion? Pff, everyone pro-atheism.

Climate change? Pff, everyone against corps.

Open source software & privacy? Pff, lots of suggestions od what to do and what NOT to do.

Lemmy is great.

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Well, media controlled and owned by business. What do you expect? 😅

Well, if you ask me whether it's working? Or can it be used? Yes! It does work and can be used.

But it's like using 2010 smartphone in 2023. It does work, but personally I have zero joy using it.

Kodi is slow, laggy software. Default interface looks ugly. Especially animations - they are laggy and super ugly. Whole interface lags when navigating. As a cherry on top - settings are super non-intuitive and very hard to use. Last few times I used - addons are tend to fail to install or fail to work without bugs, app itself crashed few times (on both Android and Linux). Generally what is the most significant issue with it is it's utter slow performance and UI/UX (ugly/laggy animations, annoying non-synced menu sounds, annoying interface which is very hard to navigate and use).

For example, Jellyfin client is like day & night difference. Settings are easy to use, interface is neat, not laggy and so on.

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Learned that when dealing with Ansible:

  • Folder in most cases 755
  • File in most cases 644 or 755 if executable.
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That's not a surprise. That's a russian way of doing things. Everywhere, everytime and any time.

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I just don't get it. Why not making upload speed same as download speed?

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I'll stick to good ol'

Works on Linux too.

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Manjaro is suppossed to be "easy to install Arch Linux" and oh hell nah I am never going to use it. If Arch Linux breaks once per 1-2 years, the Manjaro breaks in 1-2 months... Had it installed for "daily driver" like 3 times and all of those times it broke.

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With advances in AI, Reczek’s performance could be recreated, but CDPR made sure they got permission from his family. His sons were “very supportive” of the idea, according to a Bloomberg report.

I am pretty sure his sons are fans of CP2077 too. I would give permission too if I were in their shoes - getting a new character, or a different voice for the old character is annoyingly weird when you get used to it...

When software is locked and manufacturer do not provide updates anymore - there is no point to repair...

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We upgraded our technologies so much that it'a becoming unsustainable for us, so we are increasing prices.

Imagine being triggered by this lol. People are such snowflakes.

Oh wait, aren't that religious people who are triggered? 😅

Considering what Elon has become - I don't want anything to do with him and his stuff. Just like with Zucc.

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Can HP go fucking bancrupt already?

I've heard that it's not fully open source. Some components of it are still closed source.

Arch Wiki is invaluable at this point.

And I don't mean just Arch Linux (BtwOS), I mean countless amount of sysadmins, platforms engineers, developers, SREs and so on that uses it.

The last games I purchased are Dave the Diver and BG3. Those games have something in common:

  1. No DLCs.
  2. No DRM.
  3. No external launchers.
  4. Internet connection is not required to play.
  5. Those games are polished, not broken and activelly supported/maintained/updated.

All other titles I simply pirate. Here are my reasons:

  1. Runs like trash on day 1.
  2. 60-80€ price for a buggy mess.
  3. Companies usually under-deliver of what's promised.
  4. Has DRM (hurts performance) or requires active internet connection (hello steam deck while I am on a plane) or has additional launcher bullshit.
  5. Ubisoft usually copy/paste games (assassins creed, far cry series). I don't want to pay 80€ for a game with a new map and new skins, while everything else is literally the same mess.
  6. Not sure if I'd like the game (for 60-80eur). Companies no longer release trials.

Regarding this:

  1. Not sure if I'd like the game (for 60-80eur). Companies no longer release trials.

Once upon a time, I pirated Subnautica. Played for 10 minutes and realized "fuck it" and I bought both games. Realised that this is going to be a loooong game for me. No regrets supporting the company - those became one of my favorite games of all time.

For me, paying 20-60 eur (depending on a game) is fine and using Steam is more convenient, but in most cases - piracy is usually more convenient to me. :)

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OpenEEE 😅

Lmao yeah. They need someone to blame for upcoming crash lol.

That's the right thing to do

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$400 on a fancy gaming router with custom firmware support

I think I need to bold this up. Custom firmware support, especially OpenWRYT, means that your router will live for years to come.

Valve Index is much better device.

Also Zucc can go fuck hinself. Maybe he will find a privacy, because he stores it in his asshole.

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Ubisoft and EA are the only games I pirate. Fuck those shitty cancer companies.

I was considering this on and off, but never really attempted to do this.

Biggest dealbreaker was lack of USB-C cable, but here are few other issues:

  1. No easy & free way to sideload apps.
  2. No ability to install 3rd party OS.
  3. No proper files management.
  4. Clipboard and files sharing is still a joke. It works, but is uncomfortable as fuck.
  5. Lack of cusotmization almost for every aspect of a phone.
  6. Inability to self-repair. Apple made it harder on purpose.
  7. Overpriced smartphones & gadgets.
  8. Can't simply upload & download files from my PC (both Windows & Linux).
  9. Shitty media format support.
  10. Apple wallet does not support discount cards.
  11. Buying an Apple device means I would literally support anti-consumer company with shitty behavior towards its users.
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I will not blame you, since it seems you spent a lot of time on this project.

What does this project actually solve? It seems like you are trying to re-implement ISP's router, just being open source.

From my understanding, it's either user who has no idea how stuff works and will not look into this project, or user knows enough how this stuff works and will use OpenWRT router/rpi or Mikrotik. I don't understand - why would someone pick your project over RPI/OpenWRT/Mikrotik router?

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Linux becoming mainstream