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Joined 12 months ago

I've taken drugs and didn't really like the experience. I know some people who think they are a lot of fun. If you are taking drugs because you think it makes you cool, I think you are doing it wrong.

There is a shoe store where I used to live named Red's Shoe Barn. I was always hoping the correct lights would fail to make their sign read "ed's hoe Bar". To my knowledge it never happened, but I don't know.

Somewhat the opposite. My mom started "borrowing" money from me when I was a teenager. I was too trusting, but eventually i learned to say "no".

Fuck, I haven't thought about any of this in a long time. My mom was awful.


I forgot to explain why borrow was in quotes. Most of the time I never got paid back. I still believe she intended on paying me back, but was never able to get ahead financially enough to do it. In general if she borrowed less than $100 she'd get it back to me and pretty quickly. Over $100 it would take her too long to save it up and she'd forget about it.

For me an email is when I don't need a quick response. A text is when I want a faster response but I don't want to interrupt what the other person is doing. A call is when I want a quick response and I think it's worth interrupting the person.

I very rarely call.

Go on.

What if being shamed is my kink?

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If you are paying separately for the delivery, what is the tip for?

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Harris Wolobah's cause of death is not yet determined; it's not certain if the chip is to blame.

Maybe, just maybe we should put our pitchforks away until we know if the chip mentioned is responsible?

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Not sure if you are suggesting op gets a dog free of cost or that they should set the dog free, but I think both options are acceptable.

Learn to fix things yourself. Mend your clothes, fix your bike or car, patch drywall, whatever. Learning to do things gives you the option of to save money doing it yourself. If you don't learn, your only option is to pay someone else to do it.

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I've given up on food delivery. With the all the fees and tips and shit to wait who the hell knows how long for food to show up colder than a penguin fart.

It's just not worth it to me anymore. Why would I want to pay for that experience? I can make less disappointing food quicker for less money.

I don't mind grabbing my pitchfork and joining the "YouTube is already ruined party", but two thoughts first:

That headline is so deliberately vague. It could literally be one employee who said "eh, I don't think YouTube shorts is a good idea".

The article itself doesn't really give you any information that isn't in the headline. It feels like an attempt to stoke anti-YouTube sentiment without providing any useful information.

...okay, with that out of the way...

Yeah, the current YouTube situation is pretty crap.

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Wait a sec. You're telling me that giving money to people that don't have money helps them do things that require money?! I'm shocked.

As a started reading I thought "Hmm, some of these remind me of [coworker x]". As I continued I realized all of these remind me of [coworker x].

I might have to turn some of these into bingo cards.

Technically a gay couple is twice as manly as a hetero couple.

Not really related to the story, I just like that fact.

I see hundreds of ads every day on almost every hat, T-shirt, shoe, hand bag, bus, bus stop enclosure, train, and car I pass throughout the day.

Hell, my neighbor just had his house painted so I literally can't walk around the block without seeing an yard sign advertising a painting company.

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JanSport backpacks. My wife had the zipper wear out on the backpack she has had for ~20 years. She contacted the manufacturer. They don't make that particular bag anymore so they just sent her a comparable equivalent with almost no questions asked.

Similarly, and also often misunderstood...

Peacock only refers to the males. A female is called a peahen.

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Am I the only person who was confused because I read penises instead of pennies the first time?

I wonder what Freud would say about this.


It's not great by today's standards, but in the late 90's my friends and I found this to be the peak of internet entertainment.

Reading this after hugging my wife made me wonder if the encounter that made her was super hot or not. Honestly I don't feel comfortable enough to ask.

I use FreeCAD most of the time, but occasionally I'll also use OpenSCAD. It's a different way to think about drawings but in certain circumstances it seems easier.

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A couple weeks ago I was walking home, and had just crossed a road, and as the traffic lights changed to let the cars go, I hear someone honking. A few more seconds later, more cars joined in just in case one car honking wasn't enough to fix the situation. At the front of the line of traffic there is a guy in an SUV who looked flustered. I can see his headlights periodically dimming, which I assume is him trying to start his car. I walked up to his window and asked "Hey, do you want a push?" which he replied "yes, please". When I walked to the back of the vehicle and leaned against people finally stopped honking. It took all of 15 seconds or so to get him to the side of the road. Before walking away, I simply asked him if he was all set. He gave me a relieved "yeah. thank you", I continued home, and didn't really think about it until just now when I read your question.

Around 2010 I was going through a traditional Irish music phase. I remember listening to Pandora while eating my lunch and after the song "Finnegans Wake" I got an advertisement for "Funerals starting at $900 in the {where I lived} area".

I understand why it was suggested, most people listening to The Dubliners are probably 30-40 years older than me. It also made me laugh to imagine some sales guy going to a funeral home and pitching advertising as a way to drum up more business.

...you mean IF you've got infinite time to wait?

I'm picturing a man on one knee in a nice restaurant. The woman looks flustered. While maintaining eye contact, and in a serious tone, the man asks..."Will you please shave your snatch?"

I usually set it on the edge of the sink, and pick it back up after I wash my hands.

What an odd question.

I like the "secret 'stache" joke.

... Forgive me for borrowing from reddit:

I wander. I can walk to a Boston subway stop in about 35 minutes. I often just hop on a train and get off at a random stop and just explore.

I'm literally on a train right now for this very purpose.

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Waiting for my kid to put on his seatbelt.

What is something that is brown and sticky?

::: spoiler Answer A stick :::

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My car has a SD card slot that it will read music off of. The first week I had it, I loaded up a disc with as much music as I could. I haven't switched it out in 3 years.

It has been quite nice. Until this post, I had almost forgotten where my music was coming from.

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I usually start with subscribed, and when I run out of new content I switch to all and it reminds me why I prefer to stick with subscribed as a default.

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I remember borrowing CDs from friends and converting them to MP3s in the mid-late 90s. Admittedly I didn't really know what I was doing, so I couldn't really explain it to my friends, but ripping CDs with Windows CLI programs and amassing a huge (for the time) digital music collection was something I thought was super cool. Unlike wav files, I could actually (not always) fit a whole song on a floppy disc!

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Go easy dude, you're gonna kill him.

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There's always a relevant xkcd: Correlation: https://xkcd.com/552/

To add a light structure to this approach I always liked the "wait $100 a day" approach. Want to buy something that costs $300. Wait three days after you have decided you want it. Want to buy something over $1000, think about it for a couple weeks. A $50 impulsive purchase, maybe think about it over lunch.

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I would expect it to also be less expensive but they don't show us that information.

I personally wouldn't mind if my fuel mileage goes down if the cost is also proportionally lower.

Also, ethanol has a energy density of roughly 2/3 that of gasoline, so yes e85 would have 5% less energy than gasoline with no ethanol, not e10, which is what I see as the listed price in most places. When doing a price comparison, it should be against e0, not e10 if you are expecting a 5% energy difference.

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While reading your comment I somehow managed to overlook the emojis initially and I just pictured you running outside with a bubble wand and a container of soapy water to celebrate.

RC cars, amateur radio, sailing, 3d printing, cooking/baking, sewing, camping...probably more.

I'd say my kid has a mild interest in some of these, but probably wouldn't if I wasn't also doing it. My wife and I mostly just watch tv together.

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