0 Post – 122 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

What's wrong with having a some year old software? Does it do what you need? Yes. Then what? I have all I need on Debian. Why should I care of new updates. Security? Yes we have Debian security because of that. Look, y'all had the xyz backdoor package in your systems because it was new. Me as a Debian stable user I didn't have to deal with it. Did I lose something by not having the latests software? No. Well maybe less crashes.

Most privative software also gets weekly updates. Does it make it better? No. You may prefer that.

Also I don't get the point about the version numbering of Debian packages. Every team uses the versioning they want.

From my experience software that updates a lot tends to break old features a lot too.

Debian suporting freesoftware projects or other stuff doesn't look as a relevant argument. I mean if you prefer using privative stuff and using that kind of software. Do whatever you like with your Google/Facebook/Apple friends.

But don't come intoxicate the community with this bullshit.

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You can always water it down. The point is to have some order in the commits. Otherwise is just messy.

You can always adapt to your how repo. But yeah, that's the point. If you can trust people to make changes on a repo then you should be able to trust them in using some kind of commit structure.

Generic names are probably used in order to crate a familiar, easy to remember, structurized commit format.

Please use Conventional Commits. Simple and easy to use. Plus it is very easy so combine with Versioning techniques like Semantic Versioning.

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Well now chinese companies that use free softwware don't have an excuse to share their modifications of their software product.

I also need to do this expermient for scientific purposes. Any candidates?

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Let me introduce you to tolerance in measuring instruments and measuring errors.

Edit: Apparently I'm pro evil companies because I just pointed out that scales (and more importantly non-professional scales) have relatively high error tolerances (+ the measurament method error). Thus the measuring of this pasta and the possible interpretations of it have to take into account that.

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This team block is so agressive to firefox users that it's literaly hardcoded as if web browser firefox then deny.

You cam override that by changing a parameter in firefox to advertise itself as another we browser. I don't remeber how i did it but, once i had to use firefox and i just changed that stting in order to advertise me to the host as a edge browser. With that changed i could use teams as normal.

Epic drm.

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We have firefox, iceweasel, fennec (android). Anything else not firefox based is chrome based. Don't get tricked by opera and similars.

You can still change browser.

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At least he is honest about it

glibc is great, but holy shit the source code is obscured into oblivion, so hard to understand, with hardcoded optimizations, and compiler optimizations. I understand how difficult is to find vulnerabilities. A bit sad that the only C lib truely free software is so hard to actually read its code or even contribute to it.

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Is this the plot of Mr.Robot or what?

For one second I thought Valve anounced new series continuation.

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Where do I sign?

My dumbass me first tought this was some kind of gym aparatus.

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o7 the real chad. I hope others maintain his legacy inside AMD.

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Internet was already unreliable source of information (for some stuff) without AI, just wait

If you want to install this please DO NOT USE THE CH341A programmer. That fucking shit has the internal control signals and data signals at 5V and the bios chips usually work at 3.3V or lower.

The CH341A is defective by design and the Chinese manufacturers don't care. There are fixes online, but still the chip works badly.

If you want to install libreboot, please use any other option given at Libreboot docs. I lost too many hours because of the fucking Chinese ch341a. Which I solved quickly with a pi pico board.

In any case do not use this guy's video as an example. The instructions of the video ARE WRONG and you may fry your bios. Don't be fooled by this youtuber confidence. Follow the docs.

I've installed it on a x220.

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At this point I just wanna burn nitendogs up. If by any change they sue the Zelda oot port to PC, I would probably start making tutorials to crack all Nintendo stuff for free.

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Imagine all the vulnerabilities that privative and low reviewed code has...

Well how fucked up are his/her commits? Straight blinding matterial + useless?

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I feel the same. My entry distro was ubuntu, and every time I updated major version the whole installation exploded and i had to reinstall it from scratch.

Luckly for me now i use Debian and updating major release is smooth af. Already went through 3 major updates and 0 problems.

Just swap to Debian, Valve. And snap is engineered to waste your time, imo.

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NewPipe on Fdroid

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Bruh, french guys?

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I hate nintendo. I know a lot of ppl that plays the game with their our bought copies all legal on pc just because it RUNS BETTER. Nintendo....

Use Windows 10 debloater tool.

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All that speech does not change that the weighing scales he is using is cheap af and thus the measuring error is high enough. Even if the guys at the company had the best measuring system in the world without error and they packed 410g of pasta, the guy measuring at home with that scale would probably mesure a vaule not equal to the nominal one.

Maybe the scales have measuring errors because they defend evil corporations. "Please scales stop defending evil corporations!!". Dude i hate scales they are so much pro system....

Srry your comment was too funny for me.

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If webpages are storing plain password and not the hash, we should be worried

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Paaaaain. Thanks to God I discovered LaTeX and other text editing languages (like groff), I'll never look back.

A true doomer

My secret tip: go to inspect element, search the box that has the link and copy the embedded link. You are welcome ;)

Edit: Also do all of that from tor. Once you got the link you can go back to your torrent client.

Yeah my blueprint of efficient os it isn't Windows also.

Using punctuation is not that difficult xd

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1337x is good. Open it with tor and get rid of all the shit. Then get the magnet.

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You sound like an angry oldman not wanting to accept reality.

So you want companies to put excess product because you don't know how to measure correctly (or don't have good equipment). Well ask them. For the price of 410g, too? No? And maybe a paycheck supplement too.

I want a lot of things too.

The point is that it isn't false advertising if you don't know how to measure well. Is not a standar or whatever you think it is. It's reality.

Outside the kindergarten where everything seems so simple and easy to understand. In real life you don't have ideal things. You don't have an ideal measuring place.

Sources of error when measuring:

  • The material cut tolerance.
  • Your house not being perfectly smooth leveled.
  • (for electronic scales) RF noise.
  • (for electronic scales) Tolerance on electronic components.
  • The scale subjection points not perfectly pressed.
  • (for electronic scales) discretization error.
  • Components degradation.
  • Humidity.
  • Gas denisty near the scale.
  • Gravity fluctuations in the region of measurement.
  • Surface of the sample not resting completly in the scale plate. Etc.

And you are ranting about evil and "our" standards or whatever for a 2% error in the measurement? I would expect a 5% error given all that. That scale must be an exceptional good one.

It's not standards it's reality. Why do you think measuring labs are so expensive? Evil companies?

Try measuring your height more than once and see if results change. Hey if they change, you work for the evil companies, and you probably live in our "standards zone".

Our/Yours standards was pure comedy. It's getting better and better.

Yeah this guy is pure comedy at this point tbh. Are you of the "our standards" team or "their standards" team (very evil, probably eat childs too)

You can create aliases

This is the way