8 Post – 1278 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

God damn it, Jiaan Yang!

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The front fell off

Stir a lil adderal in there for me too home!

I'm no computer scientist, but I have a suggestion:

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On second thought, I shan't got to the comments section. T'is a silly place.

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You're right. Hey lemmy, lets all accommodate this one guys specific likes and dislikes so he doesn't get his lil feels hurt!

Thanks, Margot Robbie. You are a pillor of Lemmy society!

This is actually healthy. My dad smoked much more than that during my pregnancy and I turned out fine.

Humans ceasing to emit carbon dioxide is inevitable. I reckon this will happen some time before the average global temperature reaches 100 degrees C.

Edit her unit learning guide so that the due dates on all her stuff are a week earlier than they actually are.

Me IRL after overdosing

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✅ Roaring 20s ✅ Pandemic ✅ Fascism on the rise around the world ✅ Multiple regional conflicts

Oh boy Ive seen this one before!

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Pirating an AI. Truly a future worth living for.

(Yes I know its an LLM not an AI)

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XVideo? Ive seen this one.

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No, its millennials killing the aircraft industry.

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It makes cleanup easier.

  • Jack off
  • Cum in sock
  • Put it back on the shelf
  • Leave the department store


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I aspire to be a bad investment for every company

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Thank you for being a loyal subscriber. Please hold still while we fuck you

Same with red cabbages.

Its a conspiracy by Big Red to profit from infringing on Purple's intellectual property. All the other primary colours are in cahoots. Its time to take down their shadowy cabal.

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You are anti-vax because youre a paranoid conspiracy theorist.

I am anti-vax because I crave death.

straightens tie

We are not the same.

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She donated one of her private jets to an underprivileged kid who didn't have any private jets.

They are just getting you ready for Time 2.

Its faster and greener, with advertisements tailored to your interests!

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Angels attacked a friend of mine for more than 90 minutes, taking off and eating part of her legs, arms, breast and face. The paramedics that eventually brought her to the hospital were so traumatized they still have not returned to work. My friend has had 11 reconstructive surgeries so far.


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Begun, the AI wars have.

Faces on T-shirts, you must print print. Fake facts into old forum comments, you must edit. Poison the data well, you must.

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Just print True all the time. Half the time it will be correct and the client will be happy, and the other half the time, they will open a ticket that will be marked as duplicate and closed.

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In Australia this is called speculative invoicing, and its illegal. A company I was working for was doing SI for support contracts, regardless if the client was active with us or not and regardless of they even owned or used the tech that we supported.

My boss was just sending this shit out without telling the service department and without providing us a copy of the support contract and then we got angry calls from former clients and we didn't know why or what the support contract covered. Eventually I figured out what was going on, and when a call came in, I'd repeat the speil - the invoice is optional, it only covers X, if you dont have X then you dont need support for it, here's the phone number of the boss.

Sure enough, when the boss started getting angry phone calls while he was off fishing and treating his business like a passive income, he was angry at me.

He didnt fire me though, I eventually left and took a big chunk of his neglected legit clients.

One person would have responded with "LMGTFY". Another would have said "Why are you trying to do it that way? You should do it this way". Another would have asked what distro they were using, and regardless of the answer, bullied them for their choice. Yet another would have given a very confident and wrong answer. One more would have suggested they use kde instead of genome. And finally, a mod would mark the question as duplicate of another unanswered question and lock it. Thats why.

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The oil is now outside of the environment

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If people who bought some pictures are renderd blind at a party about those pictures, that irony would be so perfect.

Imagine buying NFTs and then going blind.

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You know what else let's you see through walls? Windows. (Suck it, Linux users!)

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Making blue LEDs is easy. Just make a red one, then move towards it really fast.

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The only thing that stops a bad guy with a sharpened melted toothbrush, is a good guy with a sharpened melted toothbrush.

Completely unrelated question but where can I buy termites, and where can I buy a slingshot, and how many Gees can you subject a termite to without killing it?

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I am once again asking for yyyy-mm-dd

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"Your support ticked was marked as duplicate and closed"


Real-time operating system implies the existence of a turn-based operating system.

Goddamn NASA and their meddling!

Im not gay, but you're welcome.

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