
0x4E4F@sh.itjust.worksbanned from community to Lemmy – 301 points –

What is this? 2012?

Nah, just a incel upset that they got rejected again

Guy: doesn't like superstitious bullshit

You: heh, incel

Crazy, like literal super sleuth detective work here.

Their guess sounds really plausible though

Idk my person, I knew a girl who fits 2 out of the 3 descriptors her (she didn't tell me about any voices if she heard them).

She was a terrible fucking person. "Spiritual" has seemed like a synonym for self-centered ever since.

It sounds like an anecdotal experience with a single person has shaped your opinion on millions of people you have yet to encounter into a brutally negative one. Your flags are much redder than you may realize.

Yes, because I've never met another person obsessed with similar things that I've also disliked.

Again, we've got some brilliant fucking detectives on Lemmy. Shaping up to be Reddit 2.0. All we need is for you guys to start a witch hunt.

Give the guy with the incel comment a break... this is shitposting after all πŸ˜‰.

Fair. All I know is that if someone believes that giving a person a handful of rocks, after making them cum, will cast some kind of love spell... that person is to be fucking avoided.


Hey, I seriously doubt that even the people defending her (or him, doesn't matter, IDK why it was taken as a sexist meme) would actually go allong with that, but... alas, you're also probably aware of how political correctness has fucked up our humour to oblivion, so 🀷.

I usually do this just to "tease" πŸ˜‚, as in "don't be so serious, life is not black and white, things can be funny even if you don't agree with what was written in the meme".

We're all guilty of doing that at some point. Does it make it ok if we say all conservatives are shitty? (Most of us will say: They are until proven otherwise)

Yes, I can safely say beyond a shadow of doubt that conservatives are shitty people. All of them.

But your analysis is lacking nuance. You shouldn't extend the same analysis to others.

I knew a girl

Sample size of 1. Thus all women are the same

Yep and this is the guy sarcastically going, "Great detective work!" to everyone else lmao.

The reading comprehension devil strikes again, or maybe it's the cherrypicking devil

Nah, just a blanket generalization from an anecdotal sample of one. But keep going with your great detective work about, "knowing a girl."

No hypocrisy, here β€” no siree! ;)

Uh, hey there little guy.

There are more comments for you to read.

I know, I know, it's crazy that the random lemmy poster didn't provide a fully mla style essay for you with all of the appropriate links to prove that thinking rocks have mystical powers is fucking stupid and a red flag.

My bad.

Nah, buddy, by all means please proceed with your singular anecdotes extrapolating how terrible these people are β€” you've got this, champ ;)

Reading comprehension devil struck a 3rd, wait no is this the 4th time with you? Unsure, I'm sure it happens to you a lot though

This boiler plate women dumb men smart mysgonsy meme is typical incel BS.

If it was reversed it would be fine?

No. Of course not, why would it be? Why would you even think that? You are entirely missing the point, no one anywhere should be insulted like this. That question isn't even in the ballpark of what I was addressing.

I'm saying this is just another entry of the long standing misogynistic trope of insulting women for spirituality from "just being logical" men.

Stop being reactionary and defensive from people noticing sexism.

I'm married BTW πŸ˜‚.

Anyway, I didn't make the meme, I found it on reddit, but I did think it was interesting to post it here and see the reactions from people.

You can be married and still be an incel. More common than you’d think, you see them all the time, usually in their Dodge Ram.

That is true to be honest. And I am an incel, we haven't had sex in... oh, 2.5 years by now... I think.

This is the funniest comment on this post, and I believe you entirely

At least someone is taking pleasure in my misery.

There's an old saying. Your day can't dawn unless someone else's day goes dark.

How am I not suprised when I hear that this is from reddit?

Most memes here are, believe it or not. They're just mostly filtered out, the really shitty stuff doesn't get to here.

I know off topic. Why does everyone assume the big bad wants a throne room? Like if I was given unlimited resources I don't think I would sit in a chair all day in a boring ass room. That's like what some reptile in human form would do.

Die, monster! You don't belong in this world!

Why is he saying no? I think that is what spiritual means .

No, there is no spiritual without spirits. Or alcohol.

alcohol is a holy substance designed to allow man to communicate with God's holy machines (cars) more efficiently and deeply

such a negative way to put it. I smoke weed. Into geology. Who doesn't like fossils right?

And who doesn't have some kind of internal monologue, even if it's just the 'haha you fucked that up nicely' sarcasm when you bang your feet on some furniture? slandering all those decent, fine things with spirituality seems rude, and uncalled for.

That was my reaction as well.

"I do have voices in my head. They're called thoughts, and I highly recommend the experience."

β€œI do have voices in my head. They’re called thoughts, and I highly recommend the experience.”

Well put!

But who is the author of said thoughts? From whence do they arise? If you look carefully you'll find that there is no author and that the self is an illusion that arises from the nature of consciousness. This is the essential insight of Buddhism and other contemplative traditions.

Some people evidently do not hear a voice in their head. It generally blows the minds of people who do, but minds are so varied its possible we're misunderstanding each other when discussing voices in head. Similar to the question if two people see red, but only know it's red because someone taught them, can we be absolutely sure we both experience the exact same "red"?

If your mental white balance is off, everything would vary in the same amount, but if you could b9th project the image you see somehow into another mind it would look different.

I hear my voice(as if I'm talking to myself), but it sounds like you mean another voice?

I think what chatokun is talking about is that some people don't hear their own voice in the way that you describe. I think I am similar to you, in that my thoughts often form a clear, internal dialogue, but I know people who just don't. It baffles me, because I can't imagine what the inside of their head must sound like.

On the flip side, I am fairly sure that I have aphantasia (lack of ability to visualise), so often people get confused at this in a similar way. If you've never had a thing and don't really understand what it feels like, it's hard to understand what you're apparently missing

Yeah, she's spiritual. Good thing none of that is up to you.

I'm not spiritual and i still hear voices

Don't smoke weed then, trust me on this.

Confirming that pot gives me strong auditory hallucinations (but only in the presence of enough white noise)

I still smoke though

We're curious why

Ummm... let's just say that the hearing voices thing in your head is gonna be a lot more intense.

Psst, the rest of you doesn't need to know this.

I mean, one is nice and chill, the other one is an edgelord, but is protective of us, so what's thr issue?

Reminder to look out for the Lunar Festival when it comes around in the warmer months. It's fun, lots of vendors and cool stuff to check out. Lots of weed smoking rock collectors with voices in their heads, as one might expect ❀️

I can get down with the weed part 😁.

This meme has been reported as misogyny. Upon investigation the complaint has been dismissed.

I did want to provoke a discussion though, that was my point. I am guilty of that.

I didn't make the meme, found it in the wild. I rarely make my own.

2 more...

β€œI’m spiritual”

Doesn’t even believe in spirits, just chi, magic rocks, and Wiccan magic

On another note, if I believe in The Holy Spirit, does that make me spiritual or religious?

if I believe in The Holy Spirit, does that make me spiritual or religious?

Both, they're not mutually exclusive

Unless you believe that the Holy Spirit has granted you magical powers (miracles) in exchange for following specific demands (Commandments), in which case you're a warlock.

Yup, but on the flip side if she smoked rocks and collected weed now we're onto something.

What ever is "spiritual" though? Not in a gotcha way, in legit wondering about it, because everyone i ask just says what boils do "some stuff I do sometimes", which doesn't sound like the right answer.

Every answer I've gotten boils down to being afraid of there being nothing else. People find whatever poppycock to justify the "I'm sure there's something more".

If you just have curiosity to know what "spritual" is, I'd recommend seeing a man on YouTube, his name is J Krishnamurti. He has answers to your questions. But you indeed has to have courage and willingness to listen what the man says.

But you indeed has to have courage and willingness to listen what the man says.

What a weird answer. I've never needed courage to hear a definition of a word before

You need courage when your already set year long believes are challenged, which spirituality is all about. You are brave I know.

Death cult dudes be like "whereas I only fall under one of those"

There are plenty of men also into this tendency of hipster spiritualism - Alistair Crowley and all that shit, Terrence McKenna, wild body piercings and tattoos - so it might have been a fifty-fifty chance that the caricature would have landed on either gender.

I wonder what the crowd reaction would be if it was a couple in there, instead of just a single female.

Or a just male...

I usually post these "dubious" memes in order to start a debate or just to see what the crowd here on Lemmy is like. Far better than a poll, people usually get triggered fast over memes like this.

Judging by the votes, it's about 3/1 thus far in favor of "logic".

psst; all the hot ones are superstitious. if you don't play along you won't get to tap that.

psst, I agree, but I'm not trying to date on Lemmy, I'm just shitposting here.

oh. why would you go to the effort to post something hateful if you don't even believe it?

This isn't hateful, it's a cheeky shitpost. I'm spiritual and chuckled then shared it with my witchy pals.

Because (I also commented this in other places in this post) I thought it would open up an interesting debate... which it kinda did.