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Authoritarian doesn't mean exercising authority. Banning slavery did exercise authority, of the law, over slave owners, but it was anti-authoritarian. It took power, and authority, condensed wrongly in the hands of a few and, in theory, distributed it to the many, however effective it actually was.

Sounds awfully fascist

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I've never seen any sort of logical response to this argument.

Person A: Maybe we should reduce harm

Person B: But Biden is bad and evil!

Person A: I agree, but Trump is worse and more evil.

Person B: These are both the same!

Clearly, there are people that will be under attack under Trump that won't under Biden. I'm not voting Republican or Democrat in the primaries, but I'm voting against Trump in the general. Not for Biden, but against Trump, because he's far more dangerous in the same ways that Biden was, and spreads out his harm to others as well.

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Then hopefully you don't expect women to take birth control or have an IUD.

My mother doesn't have a mom and a step dad. She has a mom and dad. Her step dad is her dad, as far as she is concerned. Bio dad was just a sperm donor. Family is a choice, not blood.

"C" has a purpose separate from sounding like "K." It can also sound like "S," as in "centennial", an SH, as in "special," or make a unique sound when paired up as "CH," as in church. Maybe there should just be a separate character for the "CH" and "SH" sounds, but that's not how the language developed.

"Doesn't believe in transgenders"

Genuinely funny.

It's my name

What? Cognitive behavioral therapy is not for the mentally handicapped. It's for anyone.

That's the nice thing about federation, you don't have to interact. If you don't like how a community is run, don't participate in it, or even defederate.

It's a reference to Noah's Ark, where God supposedly flooded the whole world except two of each animal and Noah's family, then put a rainbow in the sky as a symbol that He'd never do it again. Young Earth Creationists and their like take the story as fact, despite the fact that such an event would have put humanity well below the number of people needed for a stable gene pool, and that two of an animal likely wouldn't repopulate an entire species. I digress.

Can you explain why? Some people don't want to have kids. Why should the onus fall on only women with birth control and IUDs? More options for male contraceptives are a good thing.

It's not a Chinese company if I'm understanding correctly. It's a British company run by a Chinese guy. Being from China is not a reason to distrust the product.

This is the funniest comment on this post, and I believe you entirely

Expressed well or not, you didn't use any logical fallacies or resort to ad hominem attacks. I could disagree on every point and still enjoy the discussion just for the sake of respectful debate. Hope to run into you again.

You saw it too huh

I think the issue is that the "new" usage of "they" is seen as different, or incorrect, when that's simply not the case. The strict usage of "they" as only a plural pronoun is not "correct." It's revisionist. Historically, "they" has been used as both a singular and plural pronoun, and it can be found in conversation and literature going back hundreds of years. At some point, we revised that they should be only plural, and that's why it feels like things are changing in our current lifetimes. We aren't changing how the word is used, we're going back to how it's been used for centuries.

Language is not a set of rules and strictures. It's fluid, and the way people use words becomes grammatically correct. If these things could not change, then language couldn't exist. You can feel uncomfortable that language has changed from what you've known, but don't hold it back, or complain about the next generation. Language will change in their lifetimes too. Overall, it's a good thing and pushes us to understand each other in the manner appropriate for the times. Right now, an easily recognizable and commonly accepted gender neutral, singular pronoun is more valuable to language than a strict usage or a new word for the use case.

"They left their bag." "They went that way." "I'll find them later."

All these examples could refer to either singular or plural cases, and maybe that confuses some people, but I think it's very simple to determine with even the barest bit of context. It's better than defaulting to "he" for any unspecified gender, as was "correct" for the last few decades, and allows for non-binary people to be referred to without needing oft-criticized neo-pronouns.

TLDR: Times change. We need to get with it.

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This is a necessary evil to save many many human lives. Alternatives are being worked on, but this isn't just for money or food, it's for lifesaving medicine.

I happened to read your last reply before it was deleted, and I have to give you props for disagreeing respectfully. I don't see nuanced debates online often, and I'd much rather have a respectful discussion where we don't see eye to eye. Have a good one, you seem dope.

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