5 Post – 323 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Have you seen what the supreme Court justices that he appointed have been doing?

They make a big stink about old supreme courts overreaching, but seem to go out of their way to grab power for themselves and their buddies 🤔

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That and snyder.
And of course, no conflict of interest there at all

$99 for your only carpet whole

What a loss 😏

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I never made it as a wise man

You make it sound like monetization can't happen on a FOSS platform. Bots are a form of monetization, it's just not by the people who created and control the platform.

As it gets popular, bots will come for the purpose of creating an audience and monetizing them.

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The problem is that people realized that they could sell agile training to middle management if they changed it to be about making middle managers feel empowered and giving progress visibility to upper management.

Hmmm interesting. I was under the impression that enshitification was "making something shittier in the pursuit of (eg) greed", I didn't realize that it only applies to when the creator (controller? owner?) of the thing does it.

Has it always been used for this specific case? If so, what is the word for the more general case I described?

That's not agile.

It's not bad, it's just not agile. Agile exists for projects where that simply isn't possible. Its sacrificing a bit of potential best-case productivity to ensure you don't get worst-case productivity.


Why is it always the people who most need OSHA who want it removed.

Why is it always the least fit people who want to promote survival of the fittest?

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I imagine that'd be just as fucked up to aliens:

Their brain injects feelgood drugs to reward them for being scared??? and they got addicted?!?!

Extreme sports was more supposed to be an example. Horror movies are the same.

People go out of their way to feel scared, what would aliens think of that?

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Throwing babies in the deep end is how you get a lot of dead babies who would have grown up to be excellent swimmers.

Like, you fail to understand that youre first on the chopping block if we start to push darwinism. You wouldn't be sacrificing yourself, you'd just be the first to go.

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Poe's Law, in action

But specifically fear instincts seems strange. It makes sense to us because we're us, but look at it more clinically: we seek out to stimulate the instinct that keeps us safe. That means that it'd doing the exact opposite of its purpose. If we seek to stimulate our fear, that means we seek to put ourselves in situations where fear is a reasonable response, which is exactly what fear was evolved to prevent.
How did this behavior develop, and how did we survive once it did?

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Lol well, fair enough!

I still aggressively assert that it still benefits humanity to protect each other, even people who don't know they need it.

But that's a pretty reasonable response, I have to admit lol

I've got some bad news for you...

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No lie, after taking about 2 weeks of my first programming course in university, I did almost exactly this, trying to make a poker game.

I hadn't learned about objects, or functions, or even loops. Just one big method that had an if for every hand permutation.

I hadn't ever been exposed to programming before, and I loved it, but I knew nothing about it. Those were the only tools I had in my toolbox, and you know what they say about how when you only have a hammer everything looks like a nail.

I'm a professional dev now, so I really hope I grew out of it lol

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If your spouse was in a terrible accident during a power outage and you had to construct an alternative power source to power their life support - how would you do it?

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But not because you told me to.

I've asked and never gotten a firm answer on appropriate crossposting etiquette. Sometimes something applies to multiple communities, and when it does do you you:

  • post it in each community.
  • post it in one community and share that post to the other communities.
  • stfu and only post the one place.

Who knows???

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Simple solution, flip it upside down.

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Dude just described spirituality 🤷

I think that was the point he was trying to make

Typical capitalist race to the bottom to appease investors with short term decision making

I don't support capital punishment.

But hypoxia in humans is well studied. Unless they were using monumental stupid gas like CO2 (which triggers your breathing reflex) then the problem wasn't the method, in principle.

I wouldn't put it past a execution supporter to fuck it up somehow, though.

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C'mon orcas, you know what to do

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Are you many-fisting me?

Im surprised you aren't sure enough to answer that yourself 😳

We both put the lid down after we're done

I'm kind of tired of social networks offering even the pretense of privacy. Just loudly proclaim that everything is public but clients can filter out shit you don't wanna see.

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if my grandmother had wheels she'd be a bike!

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People be like

Look! Inflation adjusted grocery prices haven't gone up that much

Totally forgetting that it's (in large part) grocery prices that determine the inflation rate. Like...

Look the grocery price adjusted price of groceries hasn't gone up much!

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Some of these im... Curious about. Presumably the names are dog whistles (when they're not just openly stating their purpose)... But IDK the whistle so I'm curious af.

Not curious enough to get put on some list by actually checking them out though lol

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How else do you store your donuts?

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There is no curse in Elvish, Entish, or the tongues of Men for this treachery

you're only allowed to have fun if we control it

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They got a hololens, but like 8 years later, for the same price, and still just as useless.

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Wait... Who is "it" in "it's CEO"??? Which CEO has ties?

I guess I'll have to actually read the article.

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