6 Post – 680 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

11 years? Damn, time flies. I waited in line for the 1.0 release and took a week off of work to play it. I really need to give XIV another shot once I'm done with XI.

I also got a million spam calls after applying for a mortgage with a trusted bank a couple years ago. I suspect that the banks sell your information to mortgage brokers. I'd be curious to see the privacy policy on the form you submitted.

HorizonXI is free and immensely popular if anyone wants a good look at what old-school MMOs used to be. It requires cooperation and teamwork at every step, and the community is wonderful.

Agreed, but Lemmy feels like the old Internet for the most part. I suspect that 90% ish of comments here are actual humans. The remaining 10% is pushing some kind of agenda.

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Gen Z struggles with file systems in general, because the vast majority of their technical experience is on mobile OS's. However, Gen Z compsci students are somehow far beyond the skill set that millennials had at their age. Or at least that has been my experience with interns over the past 12 years.

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The older I get, the more problems that vodka solves.

$80,000 seems more than reasonable to fix a roof and floor imo.

Well shit. Are there any good floss options out there then?

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Nintendo could have raked in millions by doing it themselves, but they prefer their closed ecosystem.

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Linux Mint

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I was an IT help desk manager for 10 years. Your attire is perfect, and it's a good sign that you're concerned about looking professional.

Here's a pro tip - In your interview you will almost certainly be asked how you'd solve an issue that you have no idea how to approach. What they're looking for is how you'll respond emotionally. The correct answer is to assure the end user that you will find a solution, don't panic, and then check internal documentation. "Have we run into this before?" Insist that the company should never have to solve the same issue twice because documentation is paramount. Never be afraid to say that you'd escalate the issue but KEEP OWNERSHIP. Ownership is huge to these people.

I'd be glad to go into more detail about what they'll be looking for if it will be helpful.

I won't wish you good luck because you've already got this!

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The article didn't have the full quote, so here it is:

Silence of the Lambs. Has anyone ever seen The Silence of the Lambs? The late, great Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful man. He often times would have a friend for dinner. Remember the last scene? ‘Excuse me. I’m about to have a friend for dinner,’ as this poor doctor walked by. ‘I’m about to have a friend for dinner.’ But Hannibal Lecter. Congratulations. The late, great Hannibal Lecter. We have people who are being released into our country that we don’t want in our country, and they’re coming in totally unchecked, totally unvetted.

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Your feet get smaller when you lose weight.

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This image has been around for ages. There was supposedly a medical reason that they had to shave the dog.

This is a mildly interesting story at best.

In 2010 I was working at a video rental store (RIP) and got access to new movies before they were available to the public. Every day I'd grab one, and every night I'd stream them online for 4channers on /tv and /r9k. There was a chat built into the stream and we had a lot of fun for months and months, hanging out watching movies and chatting. It built a pretty big following. Think Twitch before Twitch existed.

One night there were no new movies so I grabbed The Shining. We watched through it, and when that scene came on the screen I paused it to take a closer look. We joked and carried on about it in chat, and I screenshotted it and opened Photoshop and made the meme then and there. Everyone loved it. Several folks posted it on 4chan boards and it took off in a big way. We finished the movie and had a great night.

One of my favorite young adult memories.

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Let's turn offices into apartments and all work from home.

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Wow, yet again it's not a trans person.

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I'm the original creator of the "Still waiting on OP" meme from The Shining and have a mildly interesting story behind its creation if anyone would care to hear.

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Fuck that, her mother deserved it and I'm glad that Gypsy will finally be free. What she did was self defense through and through. It's heart breaking that her (now ex) boyfriend is in jail for life because of this.

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Can we please just have adults represent us. This buffoonery is embarrassing.

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I would hope not after the Trump mob tried to hang Pence. What even is this timeline.

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YouTube at least has the advantage of being really fucking hard to replace by an independent third party. Whereas Reddit is an extremely easy formula to copy and requires minimal server costs.

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Tbh as a quick fix your local library almost certainly has this audio book. Finish your book then you can look into piracy.

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I've always worked for small companies and moved to a big company a year ago, and I feel like I AM living the dream. Hard capped 40 hour weeks, 35 days vacation, plenty of perks like an on-site gym and free car charging. I didn't think that things like this could exist in the IT world. Unions really make a huge difference.

VPNs are about to become a lot more commonplace.

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Ah yes let's slut shame the 13 year olds instead of doing our due diligence as mandated reporters. Smh.

I prefer "Let's keep our conversations professional." It lets him know that you're there to work, not BS.

Realistically, though, this is a problem for your manager to handle.

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The secret is to stop using Reddit, so you don't know which posts are reposts.

That was extremely thoughtful and wholesome of you, SatansMaggotyCumFart.

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Anyone who has ever been to a homeless shelter knows that it's incredibly dangerous. Even as a big tough-looking guy. There's little to no security or oversight, people actively ODing feet from you, and vultures trying to steal the literal clothes off your back the minute you close your eyes. We need a total overhaul of the homeless system. As it stands, a tent is far safer and more appealing than a shelter.

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I worked selling cellphones when Windows Phone was trying to compete. Their failure was lack of apps. From what I understand, it was difficult to port apps from Android or iOS to Windows Phone OS. It's a shame because the user experience was bar none. Hell, I installed a Windows OS theme on my Android for years. I still think they could make a comeback if they made an actual, honest to God Windows Phone that ran all Windows apps.

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Yeah, we need to level the playing field by having half naked sexy guys on the cover of games. ^please

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I agree, except this guy showed great bavery and upheld the standard that we've been fighting for police to have. He could have run and hide, but he protected our democracy. We need more cops like him. Putting him in office may very well help us achieve that goal.

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The sad part is that this sets the standard (again) that companies can market the hell out of an unfinished game, release it buggy as hell, and still make an amazing profit. This doesn't bode well for the future.

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The greatest country.

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Terra Nil is definitely a puzzle game and not a reverse city-builder. As a puzzle game, I think it succeeds.

Wtf who would play that? I'm not waiting 10 minutes to play a videogame - that's a 6th of my free time every day.

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The fact that you had to update software manually on each computer speaks volumes about how bad that company was being run. Sccm has existed since the mid 90s.

$36/mo is 144 pages printed at my local library. If I needed to print that many pages, I'd get an enterprise MFP.

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My Chevy Bolt gets more range at a fraction of the cost and I love it. I charge it at work for free and it has been an extremely reliable car for a couple years now.

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