4 Post – 750 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Alright you’ve been on a roll lately Swifty, but imma call you out; transponders are public information.

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Really annoying that the company shat on him for years, and continued to do so after he multiplied the value of the company. Toxic behavior.

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Man, they really want you to use Firefox

Fuck I hope so

Friendly reminder that none of these asswipes are your friend :)

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LLMs are essentially confident-sounding lying machines with a penchant to occasionally disclose private data or plagiarise existing work. While they do this, they also use vast amounts of energy

Just described most people

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Props for transparency atleast

Who knew Islamic zealots would be into sausage parties?

Edit: adjectives

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Look at the top. The account already has Premium, and Google are still advertising.

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Resiliency is the strongpoint.

If Reddit shuts down, all of Reddit dies.

Same with Facebook, YouTube, etc. is that highly unlikely? Well, yeah, but still nonzero. The fediverse offers resiliency in this regard, and no one person has the ability to shut it down. Even if all instances decide to shut down, new instances can still be spun up.

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Disney is the most out-for-blood Florida Man

Me: “Hey, family, please stop watching Fox News, it’s literal propaganda”

and a finger curled on the monkey’s hand

Them: “oh, that’s why it’s woke now. I’ll watch Newsmax, then”

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In my experience, people that use the phrase “you’re part of the problem” so loosely are often the most miserable jackasses anyone ever allowed into society.

People just want neat things. It’s not wrong to want neat things.

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That’s capitalism, baby! Thanks for playing!

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I don’t see what’s so complicated. Where’s the burden of writing “because we fucking feel like it” on the bill?

Great, now jump seats are fucken ruined

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Now Bridget, let’s be clear: you’re not being called out for being bi. That would be hypocritical. You’re being called out for being a hypocritical cunt yourself.

Now kindly fuck off :3

Is there a word for something that is disappointing but simultaneously unsurprising?

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What a guy!

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Listen, if he came to that conclusion in a vacuum without reading the article, that’s kind of neat on its own.



This is fucking pitchfork worthy

Do it.

You won’t.

No balls.

They almost certainly are running at a loss. Same as Twitch, their parent companies are generally okay with it, because they also serve as pretty solid tech demos for other services they offer (YouTube runs on Google Cloud Platform, Twitch runs on Amazon Web Services), and that pays off indirectly.

Moreover, their parent companies can use them as free advertising. Google about to launch a new phone? Guess what you’re gonna see ads for!

I think the term for this is “loss leader”

And optimizations..

fuck it needed optimizing..

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It was for me.

I use Arch btw.

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Moon’s haunted

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You fucking legend, you

Am I the only one seeing this kid’s picture and thinking he’s the least offensive teenager I’ve seen this week?

Gotta respect a quality use of the word “thrice”

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Ooooh nexus..

My Nexus 5 and 5X were the best phones I had ever owned, period

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Yes, they can. They just don’t want to.

It’s not hard to see what’s happening here: a company that is almost solely based upon selling petroleum-based fuel put down a few hydrogen stations, then gave up, stating “it’s just not feasible! Look, we tried! Looks like fossil fuels are the future! Oh well, tee hee!”

Very weak tea indeed.

Oh my god I want this shit to stop

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Basically every computer hardware manufacturer is collecting telemetry and sending it home. If you’re using MacOS or Windows, your OS is doing it aswell

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I generally refrain from considering myself more intelligent than others, because.. well, it’s just a safe bet, but also because they probably have optics on something and know something I don’t.

But this.. what the shit is actually happening? It’s like they’re watching everything Musk does and just.. decides to copy it?

They saw Musk admit Twitter is income negative, right? Right?


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Scrap it. Start fresh.

The number of games that should do this is too damn high

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“Eat it”

-advertisers, probably

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You want to restore the nuclear family? Make it financially viable for us to have one.

One of the main reasons I don’t have children is because it’s too goddamn expensive.

Also I’m sterile. But there’s nothing anyone can do about that.

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Mate learning from history’s jackasses is how we move forward as a society. Cancelling? The fuck are we cancelling? You said it yourself, fucko is dead, cancelled by life, you don’t get much more “cancelled” than that.

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I’m fucking American and if you want the bottom spot you’ll have to fucking fight us for it!

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I’m genuinely worried if hell is okay, are you guys getting a tad chilly?

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