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This is less a design choice and more the reality of package-based architecture, but - menus that I have to wait before interacting.

I spent most of my life being able to enter clicks and hotkeys as fast as I want, because they would queue up and the app would resolve them in order. Now I can’t type too fast after pressing the Windows Start button, because the start menu needs time to load before it can handle KEYPRESSES. Tapping Windows key followed by “Discord” will search for “iscord” or something if I type full speed.

It feels like every modern app is optimized for a slow person browsing one-handed on a phone.

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In addition to the wealth of experiences and opinions in this thread, it is worth reminding:

2 is a really small sample size

Headcanon bonus joke: Mario’s hand gesturing a single pea looks like he’s just making the Italian hand gesture, adding to Luigi’s confusion

Luigi: “guess it needs to be top shelf pee!

Not only is this wrong, the prevalence of this weird comparison fuels more stigma and dismissal of people who already have to struggle to get Adderall without judgment from their own doctors and pharmacists, when it’s literally one of the only high percentage treatments for ADHD.

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Yea judoka had no striking game and boxer had no wrestling game. Under these conditions the grappler could just wait out the striker until catching a grapple, then win. This is why the Gracie family pushed UFC in the 90s, because karate-and-boxing-obsessed US audiences were constantly surprised by these matches, and it led to more people signing up for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu!

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Last panel inaccurate, games were vibrant and awesome

Just like the ones today that will feel amateurish compared to future immersive games. Give it time

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Their guess sounds really plausible though

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Sometimes there are better methods to implement something, and we can learn from others’ mistakes without having to make them ourselves

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A funny thing about life is a lot of things happen unofficially, and humans do fine at adjusting to such situations.

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Amazon promotes the shittiest, least honest reviews to the top of most products, though I guess if you know how to hunt for the rough 2-4* ratings you can technically find real reviews too.

who’s “we,” bub

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She needs to seek resignation

Those are already in place. They don’t suffice.

Justice for Bing Bong

Too bad you managed to make it to 40 without developing any sense of perspective

With cold hard facts like “some places in Virginia” where cost of living can be reported as “pretty high” I can see why you needed to post this scathing dismissal

Anyway typical home price in VA is $377k while the typical price in California is $761k

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If he felt that way he could’ve changed the listing on the intranet. It’s not like he’d lack access

O-oh, uwould youwu wook at the time! :3

Did you read the whole comment you replied to?

Brian is my most recent answer to this question. Everyone’s so thoughtful and empathetic in that group, and then there was he with nothing but one-upping and sarcasm.

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They get called “monitors” a lot (depending whether you need them to pick up cable/airwaves of course)

The person who downvoted you for listening to someone else talk is a hilarious reminder of what kinds of mindsets are out there

Who do you feel the need to convince of this? Yourself? Lol


Wait’ll you hear which one came first

Facts weren’t the answer for that group to begin with, so not much is changing for them.

Written like someone who wasn’t actually paying attention to the subreddits during that time

Pac-Man is about to hurl

Tragically you still have your bloodthirsty blue Dotharl sis to remind you of it forever

And done what exactly??

It rains there sometimes. Forecasts change wildly day to day regardless. But it’s a desert and the water typically evaporates so quickly that an hour later there’s no evidence it rained.

Not to mention, it’s unlikely the person died from being trapped in the rain. I’m not sure why the article mentions both things except to give news about the event conditions I guess.

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One thing at a time.

I don’t so much stop the thoughts—they’re inevitable—I redirect them back to “one thing at a time.”

That’s wonderful for you, but it does happen.

“Objective worth” is a bit of an oxymoron, because worth is up to your value judgment.

If you’re questioning the “evolutionary imperative” that organisms want to pass on genes - one fairly human trait is that a lot of us can consciously diverge from that instinct, either fulfilling that need by passing on our legacies socially rather than genetically, or just not looking to pass anything on at all.

Something we have in common with other mammals is we prioritize whatever experience is in front of us. Anyone who’s directly affected by catastrophes and strife will have different beliefs than people who aren’t.

So if objective worth has no neat answer, what’s left?

I’d say it’s interesting to have so many different subjective experiences in one world, with a language-based society able to communicate and share many more varied experiences than most animals. Interesting isn’t inherently good or bad, but if nothing was good nor bad then nothing would be interesting.

So yea. Human life is entertaining. We’ve got that going for us!

P.S. If you’ve ever lived in a city whose infrastructure is strained by overpopulation, you don’t necessarily view declining/shifting populations as a bad thing.

Sorry to pick on your comment, but I have a question about a statement everyone seems to assert…

Is he charismatic? No.

(As a disclaimer I’m out of touch with people’s impressions on this)

I don’t understand this statement from everyone. Charismatic compared to what? He’s way more charismatic than most humans - he’s a career politician who manages thousands of relationships. He snaps off solid one-liners to shut down trolls. He leaned into the Dark Brandon thing. If he spent effort seeming even more charismatic, I’d be more concerned about his fitness for the job.

Put another way, I see him as having the right balance of charisma for voters aged 35+.

What are people wishing we had instead of that, in a presidential candidate?

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“Since Adderall is chemically meth” is not medical information, nor is it accurate, but is what you posted.

Literally the next sentence after your quoted line:

While these small differences are important in how they affect us, without a degree in chemistry, they can be difficult to discern.

Then, digging just ONE CENTIMETER FURTHER into either article, the OP is clearly about illegal meth, and the article you linked describes illegal meth as wildly, exponentially different from Desoxyn or Adderall.

Get your harmful bullshit out of here. “How is this news?” Idk try reading the article man.

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This is only one example, but a lot of people are interested in studying top performers like Olympians etc. and what things are different about them. In studies like those, genes are relevant, as are performance results.

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Not dumb, just selfish, contemptuous of their users, and willing to destroy anything they have legal rights to for a cash grab.

hashed out



There’s something poetic about you randomly commenting this truthy-sounding rant on an article that it’s completely false about