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Joined 7 months ago

And local colloquialisms as well. I can tell you the secret to a Boston accent is to replace the r after a vowel with an h, and that'll help you pahk the cah at Hahvahd yahd, but won't do a damn thing when somebody tells you the food at a restaurant is wicked pissah, but warns you that it's rainin' feckin' hahd out deyah so yeh better off takin' the T to Southie.

Because of the American Puritannical values, which dictate what the credit companies and advertisers are willing to do business with and the cultural zeitgeist along with it.

The Puritans were some of the earliest British colonists in the US, and were either thrown out of England for attempting a coup to replace the king with a puppet to force their more extremist form of Christianity on the country, or left by their own choice because they felt that the Church of England was too liberal. They were basically a bunch of prudes who believed that the human body and sex were shameful and disgusting.

This has led to the dichotomy where advertisers want nothing to do with sex/nudity, except when it comes to implied sex in advertisements. Because sex is bad, but it also sells, which is good.

But the fear isn't so rational. It's like a fear that the cocktail in your example will replace the original vodka whether they want the cocktail or not, or that the vodka will be so diluted by seltzer that it will functionally cease to exist.

It's like a fear of gentrification of the country as a whole.

It's also important to remember that the US is a huge exception in this regard as well. Most other countries are like 90%+ native population, and immigrant populations tend to be sort of isolated from the wider national culture due to things like language barriers, and they often set up little "bastions" of their native culture locally wherever they live. We even see plenty of that in the US as well. While there are many distinctly US cultures across the country that are derived from a variety of backgrounds, there are tons of "enclaves" of European culture that make it blatantly clear where immigrants from certain countries settled. In Boston, the culture of Chinatown is distinctly unique and separate from the wider culture of the city, which largely has ties back to Ireland (and is very proud of it). And both of those are distinctly different from where the Italian immigrants settled, who effectively have their own districts of cultures descended from Italy regardless of where they immigrated to.

PG-13 and rated T for teen, respectively

Don't forget that it's also effectively a pay cut due to the added expenses and time lost in commuting. They should ask if the company is going to at least pay for the maintenance of the car if they aren't going to pay for the time spent commuting.

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Didn't it also have something to do with a brand deal? Like the suit got extra funding for the movie by making a deal with Duracell to have their batteries in the movie or something.

Just wait until you learn about Alan Turing, the guy who made the Turing Machine (considered the first computer).

He committed suicide by eating an apple laced with cyanide because the US government chemically castrated gay men like him - forced them to take drugs so that they couldn't "get it up" to prevent them from committing "deviant behavior".

And that wasn't outside the norm 100 years ago for governments to do.

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Considering that Nixon's cabinet has openly talked about how they made it a federal offense so that they had justification to arrest the leaders of the war protesters (and the same thing with cocaine and the black community), I'd say it's of a similar level but a different kind of evil.

We don't even need to build new cities. We just need to let our cities increase density like all cities did for hundreds of years before the 50s. More multifamily buildings, midrise apartments, and mixed use buildings would go a long way towards helping everybody.

Besides, much of that land is either already owned by somebody or empty for a reason. It would be a logistical nightmare for sure. You could send them to all the dying towns in the US, but I don't think that would help either - apart from the locals being rightfully angry about large groups of new people coming in and eroding their local culture, those towns are dying for a reason that runs much deeper than just people moving away.

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Are Millennials hating on Gen Z? I always thought our attitude was more like this:

Also, love how this skips Gen X. Always the forgotten generation.

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This is brilliant for them. They basically take the elevator pitches from the concept phase of design and toss them at players to see what sticks. Don't even have to get to the point of a vertical slice to playtest, just a conceptual animation of gameplay.

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Starting a career has increasingly felt like a right of passage for Gen Z and Millennial workers struggling to adapt to the working week and stand out to their new bosses.

What the hell does this even mean. How is starting a career considered a "rite of passage" when the average American works 50-60 hours a week between 2 or more jobs? A career in a single field is straight up considered as unattainable as buying a house is by Millennials (46% of whom own a house, compared to the average of 65% for other generations). Plus Millennials have been in the workforce for multiple decades now. We're in our 30s and 40s. And nobody has "struggled" to adapt to the work week since the 40 hour week was created after unions fought for the right to 2 days off a week. Children are indoctrinated to this cycle in kindergarten! And it's a lie anyways with the modern culture of bosses demanding people be available to call during nights and weekends. The average corporate work week was closer to 47 hours even 10 years ago. Do they mean working at a single company for more than 3 years? Because that's often a loss in pay compared to changing companies.

We're off to a bad start before even hitting the paywall...

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My first thought was this shirt so I was very confused:

I mean, how is it any different than referencing movies, music, TV shows, stand-up comedy, or any other piece of pop culture?

Would referencing a movie somebody hasn't seen before make you terminally in-theater or something? Though, having said that, I am now going to take every opportunity I can to work the phrase "terminally in-theater" into my daily life anytime somebody mentions a Marvel movie or something.

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I have one of those 76 "canvas" (vinyl) bags sitting around somewhere. Anytime somebody I know gets excited about a new Bethesda game, I just send them a picture of it and tell them that I've got a great bag to sell them.

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There's a big flaw in your logic.

The biggest portion of people buying this stuff aren't "gamers" in the way that it's often used around these circles. It's the millions of people who buy coins for their Bejeweled clone of choice and have never owned a console in their life. And there's so many new kids entering gaming all the time who have never known a better world. I remember a Twitch streamer talking about how heartbreaking it was when AC6 came out and gave you the full color wheel plus multiple channels to customize your mech, and their chat was full of kids shocked that you didn't have to buy skins or color packs. That's how it used to be. You'd unlock skins by playing the game, not buying them in the store, but that hasn't been the case in decades now.

And the often touted story of the whale with more money than sense is a myth. Do they exist? Sure. But the vast majority of money coming from mtx from gamers is from people who are psychologically vulnerable to addiction/gambling and people with a poor ability to comprehend finances like kids. These companies have hired psychologists to tell them how to best extract money from your wallet by probing your brain in just the right way. From lootboxes to battle passes and seasonal content to daily quests and washing money through funny money currencies, it's all been designed to prey upon people with addiction issues, ADHD, training young kids into gambling addicts, etc. It's the Lotto tickets and pumping extra oxygen into the air of casinos and making sure there's no natural light in there so you don't realize how long you've been playing slots of the gaming world. Look at WoW, with its daily quests. They train players using Skinner Box techniques to continue logging into the game and paying the monthly subscription long after they've stopped enjoying it because it's become a habit and they are afraid of falling behind.

Voting with your wallet isn't going to fix it. You'll never get your average Facebook mom to care enough not to buy Farmville tokens or whatever, and these companies will never stop abusing psychology on their own. Only industry regulation will stop this.

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You nailed it. It's 100% inspired by Starship Troopers and is a criticism of US propaganda in the same vein while also being an incredibly fun co-op game.

The only thing you're missing is just how obtuse some people are. It runs into the same thing as the Warhammer 40k universe, where the humans are obviously just as bad as everybody else, but people praise their fascist military industrial complex society. Either people are so incredibly media illiterate that it makes your head spin, or they're wilfully ignorant because it supports their worldview. Take your pick, but I go for a little of both.

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They'll have to open it up and clean out all the gender fluid so it'll run better.

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Hey now, sometimes it's 3 words. Like antibabypillen.

Yep, delivery drivers are twice as likely to be shot at as cops. Always respect the thin bread crust.

Reminder that the hours played rule is only a limit for the automated refund system. You can request a refund for a game at any time for any reason. It just has to be manually reviewed and deemed justified by a person.

TERFs stop objectifying women challenge: impossible

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It took the Nazis two tries, too.

People from Nixon's cabinet have straight up said that they made both illegal and started the "War on Drugs" as justification so that they could lock up opposition leaders in both the black and hippie communities.

For any Tumblr users here, this has already rolled out completely unannounced and is opt-in by default. You need to manually opt out, which can only be done on the desktop website. Odds are good that your data is already being sold to Midjourney and used to train their models.

To do so, click on your blog on the sidebar, click on Blog Settings on the other sidebar on the right, scroll down to the Visibility section, and turn the "Prevent third-party sharing for [your blog]" toggle to ON, not off. If you have any sideblogs, you'll need to manually do this for each of them as well. It's per blog and not account-wide.

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The irony. I bet the guy who prompted that calls himself an artist.

Nah, I'm sure the principal is already spanking reprimanding them for distracting the boys and teachers with their "hot underage bodies."

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That's how you know it was drawn by a self-taught artist and not AI generated.

instance blocks downvotes

can neither see downvotes nor downvote posts

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Thank you for doing the research I really did not want to do.

It's about as bad as I expected.

Reminds me of probably my favorite motto ever, which I believe came about on Tumblr after the porn ban fiasco: Become unmarketable.

Be open and unabashedly weird. The world's much more interesting and fun when you don't sanitize your personality to avoid making puritanical people uncomfortable.

I could see a kid drawing that, though I think the page has been...edited by somebody. There's a lot of erased text in that speech bubble, and the "homander" is written in a different hand compared to the rest of the text. It's too composed compared to the rest of the handwriting, sticks out like a sore thumb. I can read what looks like "shoom, eliminait...whatever the fuck I want" underneath it that looks closer to the rest of the text, but it's hard to say.

I can't tell if somebody was okay with everything else but thought the F word was going too far, or what.

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Fun fact, PFAS is in basically anything that's waterproofed, to the point where the guys testing for it can't park their cars within like 150 ft of where they're collecting to avoid compromising the samples. They also can't wear rain jackets or waterproof boots for the same reason, and even the plastic components of the pumps they normally use for collecting water samples from groundwater deposits can throw off the samples because, you guessed it, those have PFAS in them too.

PFAS is the leaded gas of our times.

The one and only point that I disagree with you on is your take on mtx. They may not affect you, but everything about them is designed to be psychologically exploitative, and the wealthy whale is largely a myth. The vast majority of money from mtx is made from people with addiction issues and other mental health issues or atypical neurology, like people with depression or ADHD.

Microsoft bought up all those studios and didn't support them, but that's business as usual for Microsoft, and the money that they'll make from mtx like this will more than make up for it. I recently watched a former Blizzard dev who was talking about how a single $15 mount for WoW made more money than StarCraft 2 did.

The big issue I see is that most people largely don't know about anything beyond the big AAA releases, and as we've already established, that's an exploitative wasteland nowadays. There's plenty of demand for good games and there always will be, but while the indie scene is the best that's it's ever been, the majority of indie companies go under after their first game. It's still hard out there for them, too. There's just enough of them popping up and putting out truly great games that they can actually compete with the AAA space.

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It feels a lot like one of those bags you get at a con for free, or a jacket that you'd get off of a cheap Chinese website like Alibaba or Temu. That cheap woven plastic type of material.

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It's an issue of when the flag was created and what it stood for then. The rainbow flag was specifically created to represent the LGB community (back when trans wasn't considered so much a separate thing from being gay). Indigenous people weren't a group originally considered to be included in the flag because it was specifically about sexual orientation, and that's why the inclusion of the trans colors made sense too, since our current understanding has shifted to how being transgender is about gender presentation and not sexual orientation. So both of those were added to flag not only as a show of support to include those communities, but as a statement about how all minorities are united in the issues they face.

Kinda like how the old American flag with the 13 stars for the 13 original colonies would still be inclusive of the entire 50 states today since they're all part of the US, but it doesn't get used because they kept changing it to include new states as they were added to represent the entirety of the US.

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On the bright side, 9mm is cheaper than a retirement home. Somebody's getting a blowjob on my 60th birthday, and it ain't gonna be me!

Absolutely, I hate it, too. It's like how the more I learn about advertising, the more disgusted I become as I discover that it's all just malicious psychology to push the buttons in your brain to get you to do what they want, but it's still brilliant psychology that they've honed after more than a century of practice. I hate it, but I can't deny it works.

Egg_irl moment /s