
12 Post – 162 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

I'm talking about the date and time of it being changed. You wrote:

dropped the fact checking that afternoon

But from what I can tell, the rules had been set for a couple of months.

I can't find anything to corroberate #4. Do you have a reference?

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Uncle Iroh
I know he's a genocidal war criminal, but he lost his son and traveled a long path of tea and paisho eventually cherishing and mentoring his nephew.

Uncle Ruckus
He's a simple man, tryin’ to make his way in the world. Life’s dealt him a tough hand, but he played it the best he could. He worked hard, respected the values he was raised with, and tries to bring a bit of order to this chaotic world. He ma be rough around the edges and may not make words so good, but he believes in tough love and speaking his mind.

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Sometimes we find inspiration where we least expect it.

13 more...

Man... I remember having fond memories of it. Plus, sort of a Christmas flick. So come winter break, I turn it on for my eight year old. I get to cooking dinner and about 45 minutes in, he's shaking from it. He slept in our room for the first time in years that night. And the next night. And the next.

Literally just told his mom he's still scared of gremlins. This will be one of the parenting regrets.

Yep. He tipped on top of the delivery charge and taxes. I it was 20% tip button that doesn't isolate food.

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Listening to some Captain Beefheart, huh.... I'll grab my shiny rocks!

Income based repayments such as SAVE calculate your payments as a percentage of your disposable income. This means it can be as low as $0 per month if you happen to be unemployed for even a short time. Interest still accrues, but doesn't capitalize with SAVE. This can result in a "significant" balance.


You are the voice of authority. Your words can wound.

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"It is better that one hundred innocent college students fail a class than that one guilty college student write a paper with AI." - Benjamin Academic

Is it possible for your partner to get a job with health insurance while you get your business up and running? If not, the ACA website, healthcare.gov, is your best option. When filing, you won't declare your income from when you had a job. Try to make your best guess. If needed, claim it to be $0 and then plan on paying it back when you file your taxes using the 1095-A.

If you don't have an accountant, get one. Talk to them before leaving your job. They know the ins and outs of these things. They should be one of your first trusted advisors. If you don't know how to pick an accountant, read Small Business Cash Flow by Dennis O ' Berry.

I feel really bad for this person. This is what engagement looks like.

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Here's the source for that chart. And the paper for that chart.

The chart is for household income. With each generation, there's an increase in the percentage of the generation living at home. This is noted in the paper, but not in The Economist article. We'll see if Gen Z makes the switch like Millennials were during their 30s.

A couple of asides. The Economist graph isn't very easily matched with one from the paper. There are several graphs that share similar contours, but The Economist has changed the aspect ratio enough that it's hard to identify with visual inspection. Most curious, though, is The Economist's choice of starting the x-axis at 15 years old. All the graphs in the paper start at 20myesrs old.

The conclusion in The Economist piece is as follows:

What does this wealth mean? It can seem as if millennials grew up thinking a job was a privilege, and acted accordingly. They are deferential to bosses and eager to please. Zoomers, by contrast, have grown up believing that a job is basically a right, meaning they have a different attitude to work. Last year Gen Z-ers boasted about “quiet quitting”, where they put in just enough effort not to be fired. Others talk of “bare minimum Monday”. The “girlboss” archetype, who seeks to wrestle corporate control away from domineering men, appeals to millennial women. Gen Z ones are more likely to discuss the idea of being “snail girls”, who take things slowly and prioritise self-care.

It is clear that The Economist has an agenda of dividing Millennials and Gen Z. The paper makes no claims about Gen Z and their economic outlook. The data is simply not there. Rather, The Economist is recapitulating tired themes of "the youth these days" and "kids don't want to work".

People work when they have something to work towards, with and for people they care about. People work hard because it fills us with meaning purpose. When we are young, we do and should be creating relationships and learning about ourselves, the world, who we wish to be in the world, and who we wish to journey with.

I forever will call bullshit on the anti-youth themes of our culture. It dimishes it and serves only the most well established and crumudgenly amongst us. Articles like these have all too obvious subtext of "shut up, work hard, and grow up".

Fuck that noise.

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From the press release:

Established in 2020, the RBG Award has previously recognized women of distinction, including HM Queen Elizabeth II and Barbra Streisand. The award was expanded this year to include trailblazing men and women. "Justice Ginsburg fought not only for women but for everyone," said Julie Opperman, Chair of the Dwight D. Opperman Foundation. "Going forward, to embrace the fullness of Justice Ginsburg's legacy, we honor both women and men who have changed the world by doing what they do best."

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If you do what Israel was doing, you'd need to scale it on per capita basis. So America is about 330 million and the population of Gaza is about 2.3 million. So the population of America is 140 times the size of Gaza. So 1232 or so 9/11's.

I know this is way later than I or anyone whose been screaming for ceasefire wished for, but I'm so glad something has changed. I hope this is the just a start.




Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee
Makes you high, makes you hide
Makes you really want to go


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The amount of people not reading the article or the study is astounding.

This is not about Trump.
This is not about your conservative uncle.
This is not about America only.

This is about off label prescribing in ICU and ERs early in the pandemic with low evidence (theoretical pathways) in six countries which either gave explicit approval or unclear guidance that was interpreted as approval. It goes on to suggest that in a similar emergency future, the state agencies sould do better.

In the absence of restriction, the number of expected HCQ-related deaths is likely to be directly related to the promotion of its prescription by scientists, physicians and health agencies. In February and March 2020, the use of this treatment was widely promoted based on preliminary reports suggesting a potential efficacy against COVID-19 [80]. For instance, the use of HCQ markedly increased from mid-March to mid-April 2020 [81], [82] in France before a temporary recommendation supporting its use by the State Council was rapidly rejected [83]. Similarly, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted a temporary emergency use authorisation for HCQ on March 28th 2020, which was finally revoked on June 15th 2020 [84]. In India, HCQ was also prescribed as a curative treatment to patients with COVID-19 and as a prophylactic treatment for front-line workers based on public authority guidance [85]. Conversely, the British government promoted HCQ use only within clinical trials, explaining the absence of cohort studies reporting the use of HCQ in the United Kingdom in the present study [86]. Consistently, a cohort of a multinational network showed a wide variation in the use of HCQ between countries, with 85% in Spain, 14% in the USA and less than 2% in China [80]. The rush to administer this treatment caused supply shortages in community pharmacies, forcing the implementation of dispensing restrictions [82]. Finally, the results of observational studies and randomized trials in May and June 2020, respectively, convincingly demonstrated that HCQ was ineffective and led to an increase in adverse events [4], [5], [12], [66], [73].

The Guardian article links to the original SFGate article which gives a better description and picture.

The obstructions in question include large boulders and plants placed along the sides of East Mountain Drive and Riven Rock Road in Montecito, blocking spots people would otherwise be able to use as parking before hiking to nearby Montecito Hot Springs.


The encroachments are on the right of way which allows for only certain encroachments:

the county says that the only encroachments that can remain within 10 feet of the pavement include mature trees and “boulders historically situated onsite and partially buried 40% or more, particularly those boulders adjacent to a buried, high pressure gas line”.

Edit: I don't know why people get so worked up when someone parks on a public street in front of their house. It literally does not compute for me.

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Best Republican president since Eisenhower.

This is the adverb form. If it were an adjective, it would be nearer to the noun and not seperated by the verb like in "He stole home plate." "Home" is modifying the state of being or "am".

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Sadly, they don't link to the survey data. Nor does this data provide the number of respondents, how they reached them, and any of their methodology.

There's a surprising amount of additional insight like 1 in 10 males agree, 1 in 9 moderates and Democrats, 1 in 8 Hispanics and Blacks agree, 1 in 7 urban people agree. It also stays when across income.

I don't know where the education level stuff comes from that's mentioned in the article.

Screen grab of the two questions from the survey summary

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I don't know why they post the boingboing piece when it links to a much better Reuter's article.

I agree with this in general, but it doesn't apply to this situation from what I can tell.

The American Compass isn't something I'm familiar with before this article, but the article says they are trying to leverage right wing populism to traditional conservatism which I read as social conservatism.

As such, both the liberal groups the article highlights donate because the American Compass is anti-corporate.

The Hewlett Foundation did not reply, either, though the group has explained its donations online, stating that American Compass is “working to restore an economic orthodoxy that emphasizes the importance of family, community, and industry,” eschewing “growth for its own sake” in favor of “widely shared economic development that sustains vital social institutions.”

The other liberal group cites their pro-worker stance

In a statement for the Omidyar Network Foundation, a spokesperson told The Daily Beast, “We would encourage you to reach out to American Compass directly for comment on the pro-worker elements they were able to advocate for related to Project 2025.” The spokesperson did not reply to follow-ups seeking specific comment on American Compass’ affiliation with anti-democratic groups and ideologies that appear at odds with Omidyar’s historical support for inclusive global development.

Now, I think their pro-worker stance is short sighted and self serving at best and disingenuous at worst, but, for reasons I can't seem to glean, these organizations weren't able to see that clearly. Or they could, but it doesn't make sense with their other donations.

Engineers in the US regularly stop at the bachelor's level.

Ultimately, it's should the numbers given by the GHM be trusted. The first article you provided give two different views.

The against side, as represented by the Reuter's beareu chief, rightfully points out that they have a self interest in inflating their numbers.

The other side, as represented by the Israel and Palestine director at Human Rights Watch, notes that their numbers have been trustworthy in the past and verified by their organization. Further, they provide detailed lists of the killed to support their numbers. Finally, their numbers have been used by others like the US to understand previous conflicts.

We should, as skeptical people, doubt them. But if people involved in the situation on the ground level are vouching for them, we shouldn't fully discount them either. And the sad reality is, we have no alternative. No other organization is providing numbers. No other organization is on the ground. The lives lost are real and it's sad.

Edit: The Week article also adds nuance to the Hamas control angle. And it's not like the Week is some leftist rag.

The Gaza casualty numbers come mostly from doctors who diligently count every body brought into struggling hospitals, then send the numbers on to the Health Ministry for tabulation, The Associated Press explained regarding the accuracy of the death count. And while Hamas exerts control over the ministry, it's partly funded and run by the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank — a key Hamas rival — and many of its civil servants predate Gaza's Hamas takeover. The United Nations and other international institutions and experts "say the Gaza ministry has long made a good-faith effort to account for the dead under the most difficult conditions," AP reported, and "in previous wars, the ministry's counts have held up to U.N. scrutiny, independent investigations and even Israel's tallies."

I'm not sure if you're arguing in good faith or not, but if you're like me, this is a lot of new information. Maybe humble your responses.

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You, for reasons I don't understand, didn't link to something that supports an unreliable record. Just to a tweet by the Reuter's Jerusalem beareu chief pointing out that they are part of Hamas.

You should point out their unreliable record which in my opinion would be an examination of their lengthy history of providing numbers and not just being wrong about one here or there.

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30 minutes in: "And you don't have to change anything if your dishwasher is working for you. But honestly, you're probably not watching this if things are working for you."

Me: I live my life the way I want damn it!

Inevitably, I'll get the people on here saying the polls are unreliable. Sure. That doesn't change the fact that this is going to be close. Far closer than the electoral votes will reflect.

And the people that matter will be the groups highlighted in this article. Especially those who live in the six or seven swing states. And not, surprisingly, online leftists. I get there's catharsis in flogging the people you see as responsible for the possiblity of the failure of democracy and possibly entering authoritarian and rule. But I'd you want to be effective, strategic efforts matter. Be effective.

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Read the original paper.

At the household level, intergenerational improvements in income are even clearer at all age ranges, including young adulthood. This is consistent with individuals increasingly living with and relying on their parents well into their 20s, although improvements from relying on parental resources do not reflect the same type of financial progress as improvements from one’s own income.

Fun science fact. Crabs are always shit talking and making "yo mama" jokes.

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Woke Californians. Stand your ground.

American breakfast

The Gaza Health ministry existed before 2006. It's continuity is contingent upon the same personelle doing the grueling work day in and day out. The rank and file are first and foremost medical professionals.

From the Wikipedia entry:

On 10 November 2023, the Wall Street Journal reported that the US intelligence community has growing confidence that death toll reports from the Gaza Health Ministry are roughly accurate. The article also reported that despite US officials had growing confidence, they did not have enough information to confirm for sure. On 6 December 2023, a comparative study published in The Lancet based on publicly available mortality reports stated there was no evidence of inflated mortality reporting from the Ministry The US Assistant Secretary of State said that actual death toll was most likely "even higher" than what the GHM reported. In January 2024, Israeli news magazine Mekomit reported that Israeli intelligence officials had concluded that Health Ministry casualty reports are generally reliable and are used in briefings to senior officials.

So if more than vague conjectures, share it.

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The article is quoting an Israeli official. The article doesn't verify the veracity of that claim. Do you see the difference?

If a Reuters article quotes trump saying he won Vermont in the 2020 general election, it doesn't mean that Reuters is saying it's true.

The difficulty of adding orange food coloring to cornstarch is an insurmountable chemical process.

A bit
Just a moment
Monarchical Inch
A peck
A hobbit

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I'm not saying they are trustworthy because there is no other source. I'm saying something that is quite opposite and nuanced to that.

  1. Just because they are controlled by Hamas, that should not be dismissed.
  2. Their organization is made up of front line doctors who have been organized longer than Hamas control.
  3. They provide strong evidence for their claims.
  4. While they may have been incorrect in some cases, their record appears to be far more correct than wrong.

The on the ground reporters lack organization that can provide comprehensive evidence and, as far as I'm aware, have provided direct evidence to counter their claims. This includes the CNN article that counters the Al-Shifa hospital bombing because their evidence is analysis of satellite photos. I don't consider satellite photos alone to be as strong front line evidence. It supplement and clarify it, but not sufficient by itself. And as far as I've seen, I don't know of any official report to support the CNN analysis.

As for intelligency agencies on the ground, do you have anything that supports this claim? And what is their bias?

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That type of knee jerk conjecture is really weak. The data collected on shrinkage, as noted in the linked Reuter's article, is noisy. You can't differentiate lose due to theft or shipping mistakes or cliericsl error.

More importantly, and not mentioned directly in the boingboing article, was the cited number of rising organized theft was based upon an analyst from a security firm. The report was created in partnership with that firm. With the recent redaction, there is no mention of that firm.

We have bells.
About ½ the time, she makes a gesture towards the bell, misses, and just barks at me.

Then, occasionally, she'll get excited by the bark, find a stuffie, and forget that she even wanted to go outside. The things we do for love.