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Joined 5 months ago

Or "City officials upset that local Christian community actually acts Christian."

Imagine being so brainwashed by your Robber Baron overlords that you literally think: More money = less money. Sad.

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Yeah, no. This will trick a lot of people. Because they are idiots, regardless of who they align with politically.

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Much easier said than done.

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The whole point is most people want simplicity, not a chore.

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Minimalize your bank account.

You and the court who found him guilty of rape...

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So it's a win-win then?

This is a great philosophical question, people have been asking themselves this for a very long time. Some have answers: You may have heard "Cogito ergo sum.", by Rene Descartes. The context of this quote is that it is a logical conclusion, after the border began purposefully trying to show what really REALLY exists, as he chose to doubt about the existence of everything.

After a lot of thinking and writing he came to the conclusion that there is no way for you to know that your life isn't just a hallucination, projected unto your brain by a daemon, however, there is one thing you CAN be sure of: If you are asking yourself these questions, you are thinking, that is undeniable you 100% experience your thoughts first hand, and therefore it is safe to say that because you can think, you can be sure you exist. Cogito, ergo sum. (I think, therefore I am)

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Big corporations don't need you to help them exploit their workers.

You actually hit it right in the nail. What actually works is talking to them like thinking, rational human beings, explain the situation and then be a mature adult and understand that they will have to make their own choices and there is nothing you can do about it.

Ideally we should be teaching self-control instead of submission and evasion. A lot of what's going on in the world stems from this tendency.

I don't get it? What is the news here. Someone made a random post on Facebook? Surely a million others also posted with blind certainty that he was going to be convicted, just as a few other millioka must have posted he wouldn't. What makes this instance different? Is this the glitch to get out of jail free? Just rob a bank and ask your cousins to make a post saying he know you'll be convicted!

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Broder just wanted to shill lol

Your comment makes no sense. I'd it was paid in Bitcoin it would be a 100% traceable by anyone I'm the world.

Nah, he failed to fall out of a window.

"The curb effect" for the little Ramos people made on curbs for wheel chairs, that turned out to be useful for delivery people, baby carriages, bicyckes, etc

If you read this thread closely, the problem isn't AI, it's capitalism and its extractive design.

It must be really hard living in a black and white world, huh?

"Lottery Winners and NFL Players" You mean it works that way often for the 1% of the 1%? Wtf are you even saying? Are you a bot or is chatGPT writing this for you? You don't think that paying more to the 80% of Americans that live PAYCHECK TO PAYCHECK is going to be a good thing for them? Do you really think that not fearing homelessness is actually gonna make them sadder? Lol.

I hope you're trolling and not really so sadly blind to the reality world you live in.

There is nothing Crypto can do better than regular database. Immutability is not a desirable property.

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It's gonna be fun. When the drug. Carrels realize there is now a whole country they can take over just north of Mexico.

Yeah it isn't. But we're talking about the NY Times

Be careful not to offer too much evidence with your dramatic accusations.

Lol. Google en passat

So you mean "kill children faster".

To be fair, banana are only cheap in North America compared to the cost of other fruits. Bananas are pretty expensive if you consider you can get around 8-10 for a dollar in places where they are local.

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It's probably not. It's more about "We are the only ones who should be spying on our own citizens" kind of deal. The racism is just part of standard US politics.

This is a really bold claim. Do you have any examples? (Of the systems of oppression, I'm aware women are overrepresented as mental health professions)

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Exactly. To me throwing out clothes because they have a hole seem alike throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Most of the time a needle and some thread with fix it.

"the whole reason" lol. You're trolling or a paid shill.

Just out of curiosity, taking into account feed and care for the chickens, how much would you say each egg costs?

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I think the problem is that some men look at hot Jesus and feel... Funny. But they are Christian men... So it MUST be the image that's not just erotic but homo-erotic. It is the image that's giving them a semi, nothing to do with them, at all.

Were you there bro?

So what you're saying is you miss the algorithm.

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By "boots on the ground" do you mean killing children?

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What champ.

Oh yeah, I consider myself unpaid labor so that's ok. XD Do you mean that you also sell the chickens? Or just that you raise them from chicks?

Yrah no, life doesn't work like that. You're not playing Hearts of Iron. War is horror, death, rape, famine. It's terrible for everyone involved and hurts even those far away from the front lines. "More war." Has not been and will never be the way forward, that is the path that leads back to the stone age.

The fact that you survived growing up a bullied kid with no supports, doesn't mean you came out alright, just saying. Just because greater aggression gives the illusion that it could end war, does not mean it will.

Yep, this is a very good explanation. Seeing ChatGPT "talk" is immediately associated with sentience, because for your entire life, and millions of years of evolution, apeech was in 99.9% of cases, a sign of aentience. So your brain doesn't even consider it a question, until you consciously stop to think about it.

An interesting way to antromorphizise GPT that's still technically correct is to think of it as having essentially perfect memory. So it doesn't know how to talk, but it has seen so many conversations (literal trillions) that it can recognize the patterns that make up speech and simply "remember" what the most likely combination of words is, given the context, with zero actual "understanding" of language. (Human trainers then fine-tune these guesses to give you the ChatGPT experience)

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It's so funny how the whole "Decentralization means Lemmy is better than Reddit, and no bad actors can take over" mantra keeps being tossed around. But here we are with malicious actors and no (real) solutions only more issues.