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If Amber Metals didn't want Biden to reject the road project in an election year they should have withdrawn the proposal. But they only care about themselves so sucks to suck.

Yeah I almost did a double take

Its convenient. Not everyone wants to waste their life centering divs you know

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This just shows 50cent he needs a smarter fanbase.

You fight back by being terrorists who kill women and children?

Which court ruled there is no genocide? Israeli or U.S courts?

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If it wasn't for politics then they shouldn't take government contracts

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They're actually violating laws. They want to layoff but that would involve giving severance and pay for unemployment benefits. They want to freeload off of tech worker productivity while not compensating fairly.

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It's Smart as in, MLM scheme smart. Not honorable, just smart. Like a thief that is clever about not leaving fingerprints.

Another convenient excuse for the hand of the free market to limit supply and jack up prices even further...

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Haha free market goes brrrr

WOW, WSJ are scumbags!

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Probably dead during covid or because that generation of people are dying off. Some religious folks might hold the rosy view that covid was the rapture.

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Why should you be allowed to buy up low income neighborhood properties and hold them hostage? Your private property is guaranteed by state protection and it can be taken away by the state!

Wow those smiles... Giving all the monsters and devils in the horror genre a run for their money

Going by some arguments in this thread, to ask a restaurant to be considerate for a section of the population is considered entitled but being a cheapskate and selfish money guzzler is a god given right and should be something to be proud of. Like, it doesn't even cost the restaurant $1-$2 extra per serving. Of course, when it comes to money.. fuck being considerate right?

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take a bigger bite out of overall corporate profits.

Don't co-adopt Corporate gaslighting. They can call it "opportunity cost", "expected return" or other bullshit. But it's all castles in the air dreamed up by profiteers.

It's never their money to begin with. It only becomes so because they want everyone to believe that making a copy of software deprives others from using it like physical goods.

The truth is that if somebody was going to pirate software, then they were never going to buy it in the first place and it's greedy and mentally ill to think otherwise.

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The people who don't know are in the dark

A luddite should ideally not involve in Display Server wars

Blame the SC

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The benefits are:

Data that can be analyzed and form basis of ad profile

Can track you when you are on the move.

Vendor lock-in as you may find that most features are tied to the microsoft account (onedrive, office, outlook)

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Actually they were just exchanging their cheap labour and garbage disposal for the West's collective greed. So its only fair they return in kind.

The answer is that in this context "Economy" means the stock price of billionaires' vested companies, not the prosperity of a common citizen (a.k.a peasant)

Somehow you expect Biden to reverse or ameliorate all these economic situations... or you somehow didn't expect Trump to do all these yet you expect Biden to. Trump said he would accelerate the slaughter.. you still had bills to pay when he was president (you expect the president to help you with your bills?), rent and homelessness is supposed to be fixed with cooperation from state, center, and landlords. The last of them are still greedy as ever regardless of presidents so I don't generally expect that the president can do much. Even in this regard Biden is at least trying to fight the republican controlled congress and SC to pass student debt forgiveness.

When Biden tries you all cry that he isn't doing anything while the republicans block any attempts in each step of the way.

When Trump does anything you all cheer his shitty behavior that hurt you more as a common man than as a conservative.

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How do you figure ukraine won't win?

You're the contrarian that likes corporate so much. Didn't think i will see your comment here.

Edit: It's actually fitting that you would show up here.

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Whatabout! whatabout! Whatabout!

We used to have walkability. It was actually better than the car infested hellhole we are it right now.

Funnily, Capitalism could work too but I don't expect billionaires to be honest or have any principles apart from hoarding for themselves.

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My problem with pro-lifers is you're all just content to pretend to be the mouth-piece for babies because somehow you think you know better than the person who is carrying said baby.

Conservatives' advocacy for preserving life rings hollow when it's clear they will actively oppose policies beyond birth, like free lunch programs for kids in schools, debt forgiveness for students, and proper sex education with use of contraceptives.

It's clear the real goal is to birth future laborers and christian missionaries. Your entire position on pro-life is actually a desperate attempt to preserve a dying religion. You're devoid of the kindness and love taught by your own God.

I have no respect for people who pretend to care about preserving life.

First respect women, then you can respect their fetus:

Just because it did not happen near you doesn't mean it did not happen.

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Speaks volumes to the need for diversifying critical infra.

"US and israel politicians don't believe casualty numbers from Palestinian government, so it must be true" says group biased towards Israel

Think of it this way: He is such a visionary that fog is blinding his vehicles.

This argument is oft repeated but It's Bullshit. If it wasn't valuable why is Spez okay with it?

Stock grants not being direct Income isn't clickbait nonsense. It's actually DELIBERATE: Spez doesn't pay income taxes on a majority of his income. Capital gains tax has a lot of loopholes that can be exploited.

This just gives spez more money and he can cash out in the IPO.

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This "Article" is short on details, And according to this article Google did not reveal data about subscriptions in the recent earnings call. I can only think this a PR piece to fluff up Google's shares and discourage critics. Unless Google can be confident enough to explain which regions added subscribers and how much of such a subscription was part of a bundle... We can't conclude that their anti-adblocking measures and price hikes were successful.

Example: India would fluff up numbers without adding as much revenue (bundles are common and subscription prices are low) than NA or EU

More lives to fuel the agenda of Benjamin Netanyahu and some Hamas leader who wouldn't blink an eye ripping off people's heads.

Why don't we let the power hungry bastards duke it out in an arena and let the common folk watch?

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Much better strategy: you take the medicine... survive... and refuse to pay in protest. Sure, you might get sued for non-payment of bills... then a bunch of people can fight a class action lawsuit against pfizer.

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Code being in the open allows the whole world to participate and fix the problems quicker than closed source binary.

This person was advocating for a separate sikh state/country back in India called Khalistan. Not sure about whether he wanted Sikhs to secede or just asked for a separate state. I am guessing it's the former, hence the assassination.

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