
35 Post – 231 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Idk why but censoring R*ddit is way funnier than it should be

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It's fake. I recall a while back someone said they had a dream that candy crush had a meta community now and they made this image as an example.

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Don't give her my name

Steve Jobs was the Elon Musk of his time, he just died too soon for everyone to see him for the villain he was.

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Normally I'm not a "lesser of two evils" type, but nuclear is such an immensely lesser evil compared to coal and oil that it's insane people are still against it.

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I did the opposite. I installed an addon that adds Mr Beast to every thumbnail.

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Screenshot of Gregg from Night in the Woods saying "My dad taught me to throw knives to make me less gay. Now I know how yo suck dick and throw knives."

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House of Leaves. It's a book that's been around for a bit, but I believe that it got popular with the zoomers because it was an inspiration for myhouse.wad

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Dynamic languages were invented by runtime error companies to sell more runtime errors.

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Foreign spyware is stealing jobs from hardworking American spyware.

But consider: Swedish is a fictional language made up by a furniture store to sell sawdust and horse meat rolled into funny little balls

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Saw someone the other day say something like "she's the only one who cracks denuvo. She's insane but it's best not to bite the hand that feeds you."

My brother in christ the hand is biting YOU. I would not trust ANYTHING she cracks anywhere near my PC. Consider it all malware.

I get this but with college offers.

It's like "tour our campus this weekend!". My brother in christ I am 5 years into a 4 year course.

No linux support. Actually, in the case of games like rocket league, they REMOVED linux support.

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If that happened it'd be the year of the linux desktop.

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"This is gonna make the karmawhoring and bot problem so much better guys I swear"

-spez, probably

It's me I'm the grungler

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I think it's AI unfortunately.

Either that or just regular photoshop.

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Honestly, Lemmy just does not have the amount of niche content nor the large userbase of reddit. I don't even bother following communities here because there's barely enough on c/all.

The only reason I haven't gone back to reddit is because I know for a fact things are only gonna get worse on there. That, and pure unadulterated spite.

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What if I don't want to use windows? What if I find windows to be buggy and unstable and all around just unpleasant to use? What if I don't want to have to reboot my PC or my deck every time I get the slightest urge to play shitty simulators or one of the millions of backrooms games?

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The enbeam

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A lot of vegan "alternatives" are actually really good when you know what you're doing with them. I will take tofu or mushrooms over meat any day tbh. Problem is some people don't know that and will just prepare tofu like it's meat, and then wonder why their tofu tastes like shit.

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The article is just really bad tabloid garbage

  1. Does not even show the section of this bill that it is talking about
  2. Source is just "Edward Snowden said a thing on twitter" (not shitting on Snowden, he's done some great work. I'm shitting on the article)

Tbh that's a low bar to pass. The newest CoD flopped pretty bad and Rockstar has been too busy with GTA6. Almost every other notable release was either a flop or a smaller studio or indie title.

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It's trekkies actually. Weebs were mostly an off-internet phenomenon until the early 2000s.

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None of these are real. The series ended with fnaf 4. Wake up, you've been in a coma for 8 years.

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Soda: the correct way to say it
Coke: a specific brand, but I'm all for genericization
Pop: why are you calling a soft drink daddy?

Vinyls break easily and sound kinda meh, even with decent equipment. CDs have fairly good quality and are easy to store and handle. Honestly I get why people like vinyl, big discs are fun and tinkering with analog stuff is its own hobby, but when it comes to collecting I prefer CDs.

Humans have been aiding and looking after each other way longer than we've been exchanging fake tokens for labor.

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Used to visit the natural history museum as a kid. People would go to the museum just to hear the whale's moans of pain as it slowly bled out. It was actually pretty romantic. Definitely one of my favorite exhibits, right after the living t-rex bones and the planets that feel pain.

You fool! Now she has 1.4 billion, and can buy him for 100 million. This was her plan all along!

Splitting the fediverse in half just to get back at Meta is an awful idea.

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OP left it in the oven a bit too long

our own power grid

Isn't the Texas grid infamously pretty awful? Like wasn't there a whole thing a while back where it got a bit chillier than usual and it became a statewide emergency which left millions without power?

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Counterpoint: I like pretty lights and don't mind having to play at a suboptimal framerate if it means more detail that I'm going to notice and enjoy.

Also, I keep seeing people confusing photorealism with a lack of style, when that's just not true. Pixar movies for example are photorealistic but stylized. You can have fancy lights and cool styles.

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Getting a bit more in depth, it specifically stems from the r/195 subreddit, which had only one rule stating that if you visit the subreddit page you must post before you leave. This rule was carried over to derivative subreddits like r/196 after 195 shut down. When 196 came to lemmy, this style of post carried over.

This is about the other copilot.

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