The Patriarchy

Flying Squid@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy – 973 points –

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I think it's AI unfortunately.

Either that or just regular photoshop.

sigh I'll never meet a sexy, single dino lady.

I mean there are entire conventions, but you’ll struggle with “hot”.

If you're referring to furry conventions, then I'll chime in and say there are plenty of hot people in the furry community. They just usually aren't the ones who get mocked on social media for being awkward.

Also there's lots of hot people at furry cons, at least the ones that didn't engineer some really efficient cooling for their suits.

Don’t worry, bro. You’ll find the lusty Argonian maid of your dreams sooner or later! There are plenty of lizards in the desert.

you mean crosswalks don't usually end diagonally in the middle of the street?

I know the Facebook account it's posted from is a parody account. I cannot say anything about the veracity of the pictures.

Just means wesker will need to marry an AI.