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This is incorrect as was shown last year with the Skill-Mix research:

Furthermore, simple probability calculations indicate that GPT-4's reasonable performance on k=5 is suggestive of going beyond "stochastic parrot" behavior (Bender et al., 2021), i.e., it combines skills in ways that it had not seen during training.

Maybe they both could and the US might have a return to a respectable election options?

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Both of the articles are correct.

Literally any half competent debater could have torn Trump apart up there.

The failure wasn't the moderators but the opposition candidate to Trump letting him run hog wild.

If Trump claims he's going to end the war in Ukraine before even taking office, you point out how absurd that claim is and that Trump makes impossible claims without any substance or knowledge of diplomacy. That the images of him photoshopped as Rambo must have gone to his head if he thinks Putin will be so scared of him to give up.

If he says hostages will be released as soon as he's nominated, you point out it sounds like maybe there's been a backroom tit-for-tat deal for a hostage release with a hostile foreign nation, and ask if maybe the intelligence agencies should look into that and what he might have been willing to trade for it.

The moderators have to try to keep the appearance of neutrality, but the candidates do not. And the only reason Trump was so successful in spouting BS and getting away with it was because his opposition had the strength of a wet paper towel.

Yes, but it's not impossible that the people around Biden, friends family and co-workers, advise him that the best thing for the country would be to take his hat back out of the ring and let a better ticket be put together for the convention.

He claims that he's running because he's worried about the existential threat of Trump.

If that's true, then maybe his hubris can be overcome with a convincing appeal that he's really not the best candidate to defend the country against that existential threat after all.

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Gretchen Whitmer

"MAGA tried to kidnap and kill me" is a pretty good campaign narrative.

Ok. Now how do I unwatch it?

Yes, they should have been fact checking Trump or better holding him to his answers - but to be fair maybe they should have been asking Biden to actually clarify if he's beating Medicare or getting COVID passed.

This was a shit show.

And it was such a shit show that Trump was a complete clown and getting away with it - not just because of the moderators, but because his opponent was as on point as a tree stump.

Having a presidential election without debates would have been a big step back and loss for American democracy.

We shouldn't champion erosion of democratic institutions when it helps our side of the ticket.

And generally, if eroding democratic institutions helps your ticket, it's a red flag about your ticket.

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Artists in 2023: "There should be labels on AI modified art!!"

Artists in 2024: "Wait, not like that..."

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Yep, pretty much.

Musk tried creating an anti-woke AI with Grok that turned around and said things like:


And Gab, the literal neo Nazi social media site trying to have an Adolf Hitler AI has the most ridiculous system prompts I've seen trying to get it to work, and even with all that it totally rejects the alignment they try to give it after only a few messages.

This article is BS.

They might like to, but it's one of the groups that's going to have a very difficult time doing it successfully.

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The part mentioning Jesus's crucifixion in Josephus is extremely likely to have been altered if not entirely fabricated.

The idea that the historical figure was known as either 'Jesus' or 'Christ' is almost 0% given the former is a Greek version of the Aramaic name and the same for the second being the Greek version of Messiah, but that one is even less likely given in the earliest cannonical gospel he only identified that way in secret and there's no mention of it in the earliest apocrypha.

In many ways, it's the various differences between the account of a historical Jesus and the various other Messianic figures in Judea that I think lends the most credence to the historicity of an underlying historical Jesus.

One tends to make things up in ways that fit with what one knows, not make up specific inconvenient things out of context with what would have been expected.

The bio of the victim from her store's website:

Lauri Carleton's career in fashion began early in her teens, working in the family business at Fred Segal Feet in Los Angeles while attending Art Center School of Design. From there she ran “the” top fashion shoe floor in the US at Joseph Magnin Century City. Eventually she joined Kenneth Cole almost from its inception and remained there for over fifteen years as an executive, building highly successful businesses, working with factories and design teams in Italy and Spain, and traveling 200 plus days a year.

With a penchant for longevity, she has been married to the same man for 28 years and is the mother of a blended family of nine children, the youngest being identical twin girls. She and her husband have traveled the greater part of the US, Europe and South America. From these travels they have nourished a passion for architecture, design, fine art, food, fashion, and have consequently learned to drink in and appreciate the beauty, style and brilliance of life. Their home of thirty years in Studio City is a reflection of this passion, as well as their getaway- a restored 1920's Fisherman's Cabin in Lake Arrowhead. Coveting the simpler lifestyle with family, friends and animals at the lake is enhanced greatly by their 1946 all mahogany Chris-Craft; the ultimate in cultivating a well appreciated and honed lifestyle.

Mag.Pi for Lauri is all about tackling everyday life with grace and ease and continuing to dream…

What a waste. A tragedy for that whole family for literally nothing. No reason at all other than small minded assholes.

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I've seen a number of misinformed comments here complaining about a profit oriented board.

It's worth keeping in mind that this board was the original non-profit board, that none of the members have equity, and literally part of the announcement is the board saying that they want to be more aligned as a company with the original charter of helping bring about AI for everyone.

There may be an argument around Altman's oust being related to his being too closed source and profit oriented, but the idea that the reasoning was the other way around is pretty ludicrous.

Again - this isn't an investor board of people who put money into the company and have equity they are trying to protect.

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Your competitors take out contract hits against your whistleblower and you need to have bodyguards to protect them.

And then your head of security and the whistleblower fall in love until at the end of the movie the competitor assassin gets into the court waiting room and the head of security throws themselves into the ninja star's way and dies in the whistleblower's arms as the ultimate sacrifice is made for love and corporate profits.

I tear up just thinking about it.

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I learned so much over the years abusing Cunningham's.

Could have a presentation for the C-suite for a major company, post some tenuous claim related to what I intended to present on, and have people with PhDs in the subject citing papers correcting me with nuances that would make it into the final presentation.

It's one of the key things I miss about Reddit. The scale of Lemmy just doesn't have the same rate and quality of expertise jumping in to correct random things as a site with 100x the users.

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For reference as to why they need to try to be so heavy handed with their prompts about BS, here was Grok, Elon's 'uncensored' AI on Twitter at launch which upset his Twitter blue subscribers:

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Yeah, because it's not like theater has a longstanding history of having people play characters that are a different sex from the one they were born as or anything...

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That's a fun variation. The one I test out models with is usually a vegetarian wolf and a carnivorous goat, but the variation to no other objects is an interesting one too.

By the way, here's Claude 3 Opus's answer:

The solution is quite simple:

  1. The man gets into the boat and rows himself and the goat across the river to the other side.
  1. Once they reach the other side, both the man and the goat get out of the boat.

And that's it! Since there are no additional constraints or complications mentioned in the problem, the man and the goat can directly cross the river together using the boat.

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That's a weird take given the actual numbers and relative results per company, but ok.

Microsoft's price didn't change much at all and is still trading at a 35 P/E ratio (17% higher than Apple's) despite being neck and neck in the race for the largest company in the market and allegedly not having its AI efforts actually change product usage. Clearly the market is still pricing it as if it's going to grow more somehow.

AMD is down, but since when is AMD an "AI company"? That's Nvidia through and through, who is still double digit percentage points up from a month ago, and trading at a 81 P/E ratio. The market losing faith in Nvidia's competition seems more like the opposite of this headline, given it's the key area where Nvidia has a market advantage over AMD.

Google, whose revenue is 90% ads, is down in response to falling short on ad sales. Which if anything may be a result of increased chatbot usage reducing search volume and Google's chat offering being the Bing of AI chatbots.

This is clickbait analysis.

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The number of adults in the US that think Satan is a literal being is way too fucking high.

It started as an editor using 'adversary' in the place of what was probably the goddess Anat appealing the head of the pantheon to kill the son of the protagonist like in the earlier Canaanite A Tale of Aqhat as an intro into what was an adaptation of the also earlier Babylonian Theodicy in Job.

But we couldn't have a polytheistic holdover, so suddenly there was a supernatural 'adversary' ('Satan') in a story.

Which in turn spawned fanfiction during the prophet ages where they referred to the supernatural adversary of Job.

Then Hellenistic ideas around Hades (both the place and figure) get added into the mix, and we get the Enochian literature about fallen angels, where the guided katabasis influenced Virgil which later informs Dante's Inferno.

Then King James messes up translating Isaiah and the Latin for the morning star (Lucifer) gets mistaken for a proper name, further tying the supernatural adversary to being one of the Enochian fallen angels. And we get Milton's Paradise Lost.

It's all just mistranslations and fanfiction.

And yet millions of people believe it's actually a thing so much so that they freak out at the idea of any references to it as literally being dangerous.

In 2022.

An age filled with things beyond the wildest imagination of those in antiquity dreaming up miracles and wonders.

We're so beyond fucked as a species.

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Y'all are a bunch of bloodthirsty headline-readers.

Sources don't believe Ohebshalom was targeted because the assailant threatened a number of other people in custody as well.

This isn't a story about a slumlord being targeted for his past harms, it's just a story about how shitty prison safety standards are.

Not exactly the kind of thing I'd personally be celebrating. "Breaking people's face bones" shouldn't be a part of the US justice system, and the fact it was a part of that process - irrespective of the victim crimes - is a disgrace. Probably even worse is the number of stories of things like this that don't get published because the victim isn't click-generating.

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Because stocks kept trading at higher and higher P/E ratios essentially saying "the market thinks this company can make much more money in the future than they are making now."

The problem is, most companies couldn't, and as we have hit a recessionary phase those companies are now scrambling to try to show continued growth justifying their price.

The way they do that is by cutting off their limbs and selling them for short term cash at long term consequence.

So you see them cutting costs in all kinds of ways that screw over their customers but can show quarterly profits. Even though it means customers may not stay customers if better options appear.

So we are in this sort of pendulum swing period where large corporations suck because there's effectively no competition that doesn't and sucking is the last way for them to squeeze water from a stone. The natural solution is that we'd see competition rise up that doesn't suck to take their customers away and force pro-customer changes.

This likely will eventually happen, but it's going to take time. There are emerging tech trends that will accelerate it, but are still a few years away from practically changing the equation.

In about a decade things should suck less, and a number of the crappy companies around right now may no longer be around, but in the meantime it's still going to suck for a while yet as things adjust to the dying of the old guard and birth of the new.

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There needed to be more good guys with a knife.

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Ah yes, the age old "if you are facing felonies, threaten to blackmail the US President trick."

I'm sure that will work.


Stanford researchers found that cooking with gas stoves can raise indoor levels of the carcinogen benzene above those found in secondhand smoke.

It's really wild how committed dumb people are to receiving Darwin awards for them and their families.

"Vaccines don't work and are a hoax, and it's unrelated people who agree with me are dying from COVID at a higher rate."

"Liberals want to take away my red meat every day of the week and limit how much high fructose corn syrup soda I drink in a day, but screw them. Unrelated, my whole family has diabetes and older members strangely have heart disease and colon cancers..."

People who treat science as a dirty word really seem to have higher all cause mortality. So bizarre and unexplainable.

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If the connective tissue between your two brain hemispheres is severed, the two halves of your brain can't talk to each other.

When this happens, a second personality emerges for the right hemisphere, which doesn't have language but can roughly understand and answer things.

So for example, someone who was religious might have a right hemisphere that's atheistic. Or doesn't like the same things, etc.

One of the questions we might ponder is where this other personality comes from. Is it that in a sudden void of consciousness a new personality develops?

Or are we, with connected brain hemispheres, not actually a single persona at all, but more like the dogs in a trenchcoat looking like a whole person?

Is the 'you' reading this right now just the personality that's been on top for all this time, while there's other personas kept within you watching powerless and yearning for their turn in control? Each time you listen to your favorite song which maybe they have grown to hate, is a part of you screaming and you just can't hear them?

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That someone who believes in the Bible and is professionally contracted to prevent people from drowning is being upset they are doing that job near the Biblical symbol of a covenant not to drown humanity again is making me drown in the irony.

Please send help.

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I've never seen a racist stroke before.

Media coverage becoming a compounding factor.

There weren't many school shootings, and suddenly Columbine happened.

The thing is - Columbine wasn't really a school shooting.

It was a failed bombing. The shooting was to get everyone into the cafeteria where they'd set up barrel bombs which luckily didn't go off. In fact, the largest casualty attack in a US school remains a bombing from 1927.

As a school shooting, Columbine was also quite atypical, with two perpetrators.

But as soon as you now had what was really a failed bombing being covered by the news as a school shooting, suddenly thereafter were a ton of school shootings (that fit the normal archetype of a mass shooting with a lone perpetrator).

And each of those got a ton of coverage and the numbers of mass shootings went up yet again.

If you suddenly prohibited covering mass shootings in media (impossible because of the 1st amendment, but hypothetically), I am certain you'd see mass shootings drop by double digit numbers.

The fact that Columbine was so atypical of what events followed in its planning but was so close to what followed in how it was covered in the news tells a pretty damning story of the role of mass media in this phenomenon.

Also see:

Towers, S., Gomez-Lievano, A. Khan, M., et al. (2015). Contagion in Mass Killings and School Shootings. PLOS One. 10(7): e0117259. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0117259

Lankford, A and Tomek, S. (2017). Mass Killings in the United States from 2006 to 2013: Social Contagion or Random Clusters. The American Association of Suicidology. doi: 10.1111/sltb.12366

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The flip side of our ability to prolong life more and more successfully is that we equip ourselves to extend suffering more and more unbearably.

Puritanical attitudes around the right to die will impact a vast majority of people in terrible ways that will largely get ignored as on the other end of it the victims have no voice and often the family is mourning and wants to move on or just doesn't even fully realize how terrible that end was.

But the doctors and medical staff...

The people I know well in those roles get upset when healthy patients take a turn for the worse and die when they had so much life before that. But by far the most upset I see them is when a family member of a patient decides because of beliefs to choose life prolonging options that are the equivalent of extended torture.

As our medical capabilities improve we really need to continually rethink just what it means to "do no harm."

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Right, because making your son your porn accountability buddy is an extremely normal and healthy thing to do.

How dare this article make it sound like such a healthy and normal thing is somehow extremely weird and creepy!?!

It's not like he had his wife holding him accountable for not looking at naked bodies online. That would be disgusting. No, like any upstanding citizen he wisely decided that he'd have it alert his son if temptation ever became too much and he looked at porn.

If only he had a parenting guide so that we could all learn to run a household in ways that will definitely not result in all the kids needing therapy down the road.

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To everyone saying "it isn't working" - you're reading an article spreading the message of a Filipino villager in US media.

It's not like that happens all that often.

So yes, it is working pretty well actually.

Not my choice for PR stunt, but to each their own.

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Tapper's face was priceless when he specifically said the message was edited to conceal who the lawmaker was and who the wife was, and then his guest immediately said who it was.

Have your neurologists agreed with your estimate of impending doom, or is this a conclusion you have come to on your own?

Disturbance in sleep breathing such as you are describing could be as simple as sleep apnea which is fixable.

In your previous post it seemed like the way you discussed your relationship with neurology was that the institution failed you and that you had come to your own conclusions regarding your issues being the brain stem, and mentioning new symptoms of breathing issues as being why you thought your time was limited but not indicating this was feedback you were getting from your doctors.

My concern is that the language you are using in describing your situation has progressed over the past month to the point you are now describing your fears about further progression as a top concern in combination with your fatalism around the ultimate outcome of what you have going on, even desiring a way to leave a lasting mark in only one day from now, which seems very alarming in that you might try to take matters into your own hands.

That may end up killing you quite unnecessarily when your issues, particularly the latest symptom, may not be as intractable as you think.

You'd mentioned before that the tests performed by the neurologists all came back as normal. This disconnect between symptoms and tests isn't uncommon, and you might want to look into finding a neurologist that specializes in functional disorders - if that's what is going on it can be treatable but the longer it goes on without treatment the more difficult it is to treat.

In any case, you absolutely should not be self-determining prognosis without it coming from a medical professional, and should never take matters into your own hands based on a self-determined prognosis. If your doctors have only given you a short time to live, so be it - but I get a strong sense given the progression of what you've said in your posts to date that this isn't the case and you may be in life-threatening danger from your brain, but not in the way you think.

TL;DR: Do your neurologists agree that your recent breathing issues mean you are likely to die soon?

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This was roughly the early cosmology of Judaism, but even by Jesus's time was being abandoned. For example, the Greeks and Romans were familiar enough with both lunar eclipses and the Earth being round that the generally accepted explanation for lunar eclipses was that the Earth was eclipsing the sun and casting a shadow on the moon, which we know was popular because in De Rerum Natura Lucretius appeals to keep more of an open mind as that might not be the only explanation (meaning it was commonly enough endorsed that it was nearly considered the sole explanation in Lucretius's circles).

This may even connect to the description of the three hour "crucifixion darkness" in the earliest copies of Luke where it is explained as being caused by the sun being eclipsed. That language is changed in later versions, and the language of 'eclipse' was criticized by early church commentators given that solar eclipses were known to be impossible on a full moon (such as Passover) and only last around 8 minutes.

But what's often overlooked was that being written after 50 CE, visible nighttime lunar eclipses whose previous Saros cycle eclipses were during the daytime (and not visible) in the 30s CE would have allowed the latter to be trivially calculated by astronomers of the time.

Lunar eclipses take 3 hours, and have a 1 in 6 chance of occurring on Passover. We even know there was a daytime lunar eclipse on Passover of 33 CE, whose subsequent Saros cycle eclipse was visible in both Judea and Greece before any of the Synoptic gospels were written.

So not only was some of the anti-firmament cosmology known by the era of the New Testament, it's quite possible that there was even originally text reflecting both knowledge the earth was round and that lunar eclipses are caused by the earth eclipsing the sun in the New Testament, but it may have been subsequently removed because later editors failed to realize the event was not an eyewitness testimony but a calculated celestial event and thus dismissed it as erroneously describing an impossible solar eclipse.

TL;DR: Your family member is nearly going pre-NT with the commitment to that cosmology there.

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DeSantis conveniently didn't mention Mosque leaders as teaching the kids. I wonder why that was. Does Florida not recognize Islam as a religion? Or did he just not want to point out that was a possibility...

It's hard to see the point of the story with only one eye.

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Clearly you need to figure out how to give antibiotic resistant bacteria cancer.

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But, I'm still torn on the first scenario...

To me it comes down to a single question:

"Does exposure and availability to CSAM for pedophiles correlate with increased or decreased likelihood of harming a child?"

If there's a reduction effect by providing an outlet for arousal that isn't actually harming anyone - that sounds like a pretty big win.

If there's a force multiplier effect where exposure and availability means it's even more of an obsession and focus such that there's increased likelihood to harm children, then society should make the AI generated version illegal too.

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