Christian lifeguard can't handle standing near a Pride flag, sues Los Angeles

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 407 points –
Christian lifeguard can't handle standing near a Pride flag, sues Los Angeles

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That someone who believes in the Bible and is professionally contracted to prevent people from drowning is being upset they are doing that job near the Biblical symbol of a covenant not to drown humanity again is making me drown in the irony.

Please send help.

What is the biblical symbol you're referencing? Explain it like I'm not a Christian (I'm not lol).

It's a reference to Noah's Ark, where God supposedly flooded the whole world except two of each animal and Noah's family, then put a rainbow in the sky as a symbol that He'd never do it again. Young Earth Creationists and their like take the story as fact, despite the fact that such an event would have put humanity well below the number of people needed for a stable gene pool, and that two of an animal likely wouldn't repopulate an entire species. I digress.