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Joined 9 months ago

Kyle Kinane. Super funny guy but his first couple stand up albums were like this. He definitely toned it down as time went on though. His bit about Trader Joe and Trader Jose still kills me.

Oh fuck you Nintendo.

As if the act of murdering someone's dog wasn't infuriating enough the city has to go and say the officer did nothing wrong when they very clearly and objectively did. I can't imagine the rage the owners must be feeling right now.

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I'm not sure what the 'less sleep/mild cold' one is trying to say but it did make me realize something about myself. When I'm sick, but not super sick, I do find it very peaceful. It makes me okay with laying on the couch watching stuff all day long whereas if I were healthy I'd feel anxious about wasting my time.

I think that might be what it's trying to say except for the fact that that is NOT the case when I'm running low on sleep.

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I don't get the whole furry thing but sometimes I wish I had artistic talents because I would have no qualms getting paid to draw whatever degenerative crap people are into these days. Seems like a solid side hustle.

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That would be awesome. My guess is yes but it would probably take a lot of work. Can you imagine N64 Smash online multiplayer that actually works?

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This response was pointlessly aggressive.

The Ring is a horror movie which involves a haunted VHS tape that causes the death of whoever watches it. The viewer will be told they'll die in 7 days and when that time is up a weird ghost girl thing climbs out of their TV to kill them. The joke here is if you place your TV facing out the window of a highrise the ghost will just fall out the window seemingly to its demise.

You're not wrong about how important those keys are and how he definitely should have known better. But I at least have a little sympathy for the guy. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time, even with important stuff. Hopefully they are lucky enough not to lose 40k on one but unfortunately he wasn't. Whether he should have known better or not, that just plain sucks.

I've heard a lot of people reference PopOS and Garuda as of the last few months but I've never heard of them. When you say popular distros I immediately think Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, Suse, etc. Does your comment include those as well or when you say popular do you mean "popular for gaming"? Also how is the Linux support for external controllers?

To be fair outside of Proxmox and some Debian containers with Docker I haven't spent much time in the Linux space for the last 7 or 8 years. I'm thinking about finally making the switch.

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To offer a different perspective, I feel like that argument works more for something you knew you didn't like from the beginning, but less so for something you used to like. I don't listen to bands I don't like but when an artist I do like puts out a string of albums I think suck, it's hard not to give each one a shot thinking "maybe this one will be better."

Is that actually true or is that just their legal team playing it overly safe? Because if it is true that's incredibly stupid.

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Wow I hadn't even thought of it that way. For real.

"Aunt Bethany, does your cat by any chance like jello?"

Just had my 3rd surgery too a few weeks ago. I don't eat spinach but I drink a shit load of milk. They're going to do a metabolic workup on me to try and get some answers.

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I'm assuming just to host it and send through an SMTP provider? Even in the self hosting community whenever I see someone ask about running their own email server the answer is usually "don't". I think because dealing with SPF, DKIM, and DMARC isn't usually worth the effort.

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Any Mothman sightings nearby?

Lurking beginner here, why is this bad?

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Can you elaborate on why the Wii to Switch version is your favorite? I played it on 360 back in the day and have it on Steam. I'm curious what the differences are.

Thank you for that answer! That makes sense.

Well holy shit. Nintendo's frankly terrible online for the last several Smash games has always been particularly offensive to me. As I've grown older all my friends stopped caring about Smash so online play was the only way I'd get to play with anyone. Even with gigabit internet not once did I get a match I would describe as good. The closest to tolerable was at least half a second of input lag. That's for the last 2 games. It made me so mad, like why fucking bother putting online play in your game?

No they lasered it into pieces and removed it. The metabolic workup is going to be a week long urine capture, diet log, and I'm sure a few other things.

Wait was that a gameplay trailer? I kept waiting for it to do the thing where it switched from footage from the original source to footage from the collection and it never did. If all this collection is is someone packaging up some roms with absolutely zero changes then fuck that and fuck them.

Can someone explain the joke to me? I'm assuming it's from a game.

It's been quite a while so I might not be remembering correctly, but even though they advertised it as an application, wasn't Google Wave more akin to a proof of concept? I was under the impression they took that engine and incorporated it into their collaboration products like Google Docs?