1 Post – 54 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

We're on a run.
Cannabis decriminialized, now abortion legalization (shoutout to our french neighbours for setting the pace!), Deutschlandticket, energy gets decarbonized (yes, former governments made some mistakes there...) and the list goes on.

All that to be killed off because the fucking boomers will vote "conservative" next year, the country is moving too fast for them or some BS, LMAO.

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Ah, the annual whale fracking operation is in full effect.

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“Let the other societies take the skilled, the hopefuls, the ambitious, the self-confident. He’d take the whining resentful ones, the ones with a bellyful of spite and bile, the ones who knew they could make it big if only they’d been given the chance. Give him the ones in which the floods of venom and vindictiveness were dammed up behind thin walls of ineptitude and lowgrade paranoia. And stupidity, too. They’ve all sworn the oath, he thought, but not a man jack of ’em has even asked what a figgin is.”

GNU TPratchett.
He certainly knew what's up!

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This weekend, there is even a protest in my tiny 30k people town. You love to see it. I will participate, as I did last weekend in Braunschweig (Brunswick).

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And today we will continue, with protests announced in over 90 cities.

Very sound advice.

I had time to think for a bit. Please be advised that I'm not an American citizen and the following is purely conjecture.
Basically, I believe the US is FUBAR. There are 4 possible scenarios for the 5th of November:

  • Trump gets so demented it's getting impossible to get him propped up, he has to concede somewhere around that time
  • Trump finally gets thrown in jail, before election day
  • Biden wins - right now it looks like it would be a close call
  • Trump wins

The article mentions, as many have before, that the "conservative" way of "thinking" has become purely emotional. So what do you think will happen if either of the three first will come true? Someone will seize the day and shout some bullshit conspiracy or another and now 20-30% of your emotionally driven population will get set to "angry" and "revenge".
If he simply wins: Mission accomplished!

Now that I've thought a bit more, even (maybe especially?) if Biden wins in a landslide, the conspiracy spin could even be made stronger. Yikes. It might be the time of troubles on a very large scale and I reaaaaaaaaaly hope I'm totally wrong with all this!

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AI is the framework of a new digital economy, not the product.

That is one interesting sentence. Thanks.

I do not believe asking questions should be labeled as a crisis.

The game itself is great, the UI/UX is just on another level. The UI has no ambiguity, is very responsive to input and just feels smooth. The wording on the cards is also excellent and consistent.

StS is a joy to play and I bet it's also really great on the Steam Deck.

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Tencent only got preference shares AFAIK (i.e. they can't vote with them).

Hmm, I've only played Stellaris from this company and that game is great. A bit pricey with all the DLC, but the alternative of releasing a new Stellaris every few years probably amounts to the same.
Also, I'd rather play a well fleshed out 8 year old game, than getting a bare boned husk with each iteration - which sadly tends to be the norm for 4x games.

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To add to the other sentiments ITT:
The ultra-orthodox religious GOP wing, aka Nationalist Christians (short: Nat-C) actually believes that the second coming of Christ / Armageddon / Rapture will start in or around Israel. They hope for the end of the world, by nuclear fire.

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With their personal data obviously.

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It's in the revised "wormhole aliens" edition .

Why not just dump the headline into the alt attribute or use aria-, is he stupid? Maybe someone should xcrete the tutorial to him, I don't have an acc on that shithole.

Also, this neoliberal course fucked up education somewhat fierce. We simply can't deliver the quality anymore as more and more experienced engineers (the main driving force behind those exports) are retiring. And don't get me started on the terrible internet/cell infrastructure!

Personally, I'd use just simple HTML + precompiled CSS in the form of SASS / SCSS. Because modern CSS is actually fun when it's precompiled :)

Go back to vorat. Oh wait, they didn't like you either :D

Is there some kind of conversion rate? Like each discovered tunnel justifies 1,000 more dead or something?

There was nothing quite as intense as a ServerSmash in Planetside 2. Which means ~800 people doing joint ops on a single map and everything is highly coordinated.
I think blob fights in EVE are even larger, but this was a first person shooter and also rather arcadey, not a thousand spreadsheets fighting at a server tick rate of 1 ^^

There are dozens of us!

How do you cope with all this without just giving up?

By making it personal.
No but seriously, in my country (Germoney) a terrible plan of the far-right fucknuggets got revealed and the people are taking it to the streets in response. During this week, I activated quite a number of co-workers to BE there this weekend. You can change people, you can change them with respect, words and your deeds. I'm a firm believer of "do good and talk about it". The process is a bit grindy though, ngl ;)

Is this the Southern Air Temple?

Beautiful shot, op!

All Cats Are Beautiful :3

I don't find that bizarre at all, it's what he is going to do!

some clinical psychologists or psychiatrists (iirc) gave a pretty decent breakdown of how trump is breaking down mentally.

this one here?

and they will never take our species to space.

Not too sure about that, but it'll make the live of a belter in "The Expanse" look like a holiday, beratna.
Based comment btw.

It's from Guards! Guards! :)

"They thought they were free"...

The Sim X: Terror from the derp. Yeah no Jake, we want a successor to X-COM Apocalypse if you don't mind.

Wake me up when the popover API is in. Might be next version, nice!

Thus solving the problem once and for all! Once. And. For. All.

In Germany, we have a word for that: "Leidensdruck" and I think that's beautiful.


Right, I knew I had forgotten something :)

Ha! Yes.
For the first time, we are trying out a full scrum team in our company, with an external "scrum master" who really seems to know what he's doing. It's bloody amazing. Small team, the daily meeting has yet to exceed 10 minutes and is usually <5 minutes, the planning and refinement meeting keeps everyone in the loop. The rest of the time I can just be a happy code monkey :)