Here’s why it would be tough for Democrats to replace Joe Biden on the presidential ticket to politics – 31 points –
Here's why it would be tough for Democrats to replace Joe Biden on the presidential ticket

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Yes, but it's not impossible that the people around Biden, friends family and co-workers, advise him that the best thing for the country would be to take his hat back out of the ring and let a better ticket be put together for the convention.

He claims that he's running because he's worried about the existential threat of Trump.

If that's true, then maybe his hubris can be overcome with a convincing appeal that he's really not the best candidate to defend the country against that existential threat after all.

I would love for Obama to take him aside and go "Joe... it's time..." but I don't know if that will happen. There needs to be an intervention. ;)

He did in the past:

The problem is that biden dug himself in too deep with the help of the democratic party. Now extricating him would leave a gaping hole during a critical time in the election cycle. It's been a disaster long in the making, but biden and the democratic party were too stubborn to let things go any other way and now we're stuck.

the democratic party were too stubborn to let things go any other way and now we’re stuck.

Would that they were this stubborn in 2000...