1 Post – 212 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Same thought process as people who were beat with belts and “turned out fine”.

a guy who stutters

Nobody came away from the debate concerned about his stutter. This is like someone on the right calling Trump “a guy who speaks his mind”. I’m voting Biden too, but do you honestly think that’s why many of us will be holding our noses while doing so?


Found the Sonos employee.

They’re not banning you from selling, buying, owning, or reading the book, so it’s not an obvious first amendment issue.

They’re creating policies for which books various government institutions can use tax money to buy and make available.

They just happen to be targeting books that recognize the existence of minorities, which is shitty.

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Some people fall asleep to rain sounds.

My neighbor with unsecured wifi and Sonos will fall asleep to this tonight.

In charge of nukes and thinks polygraphs are real. That’s great.

An important part of critical thinking is the ability to see flaws in comparisons and arguments even when they point towards conclusions you agree with. It’s telling that you interpreted their comment the way you did.

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Or just disable the brakes.

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You’re thinking of real-world geopolitics. These people tend to me more along the lines of “God only blesses the US because we’re helping to bring about the prerequisite conditions for the apocalypse”.

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Fuck batteries, with keto I taste like fingernail polish remover!

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Nice to see him back on the right side of an issue since his sharp pivot to being a neocon.

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Agreed in the general election.

Strong disagree for primaries.

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Depends where you put it.

Or are they labia?

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Primaries are for pretending we’re a functioning democracy. The general is for acceptance.

In New York, women have the same rights as men as far as those laws are concerned. There are annual topless bike rides, for fuck’s sake. Damn puritans trying to force their religious repression on the rest of us. Same people would’ve publicly whipped women for showing their ankles had they been born a bit earlier.

If your brain works in digital time, this is true.

Us olds have to translate the other direction.

It’s like hearing someone say “why doesn’t everyone just speak English? Why go through the extra effort of speaking Spanish?” because you assume everyone’s internal monologue is in English.

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Instructions unclear; started a pot garden and barter buds for food.

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Lawyer up, hit the gym, :wq!

Its strength is generating models of reality that have predictive power, and fine-tuning those models as new information is obtained.

Its weaknesses are a lack of absolute certainty and the inability to model that which has no detectable impact on reality.

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Same for primates but we still jump out of the way. Stupid fuckin artiodactyla.

They prefer “OnlyFans model” now.

Tomorrow on the news in the US: “What kind of monsters kill cute kitties and feed their children rotten food?”

If this were in a free country, sure. But these unions need government permission to strike.

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“I don’t know.”

The trick is not to follow that with “therefore…”

Also noteworthy is misotheism. Seems OP counts as both.

More guns, right?

I can almost always lucid dream, but I’ve never been able to turn into not-me. No issues with flying (except the damn power lines in the way), sexy-time-on-demand, using doorways as portals to wherever I want to go, etc, but if I try to become not-me, I wake up. Can’t say I’ve ever tried to become a cow, though.

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Is she responsible for following another country’s laws?

If an American shows a Brit their 10” hunting knife on webcam, should they be locked up?

Nice try, though. And nice attempt to move the goalpost away from your asinine reframing of equal rights as a “sickening” double standard.

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Lock her up for a while

For what crime?

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Considering it’s already available to the NSA, it would be an improvement. At least we’d know if/how they’re compromised.

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The majority of the people I text are non-nerds. To them, it just sounds like “I’m special, so if you want to text me, I need you to download this app you’ve never heard of instead of the feature your phone comes with, that you use for everyone else, and that works with Siri.”

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This wasn’t made for programmers. It was made for middle management who think the reason the ticket is taking so long is because the devs can’t type more words per minute.

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🐜 🌍 ☀️

This was a triumph.

I'm making a note here:

Huge success!

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Why the double standard always with women, it’s sickening.

In New York, exposing genitals is illegal for everyone.

In New York, exposing nipples is legal for everyone.

You’re the one advocating for a double standard.

If you just want the law to be “women can’t wear things that make my peepee hard”, move to Saudi Arabia.

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Not that different from us talking about “learning our ABCs”.

They’re easier to suck clean.

Similarly, in the US we have “telephone poles” to carry residential power lines, even if there are no telecom wires on them.

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