Seriously rule to – 350 points –

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But consider: Swedish is a fictional language made up by a furniture store to sell sawdust and horse meat rolled into funny little balls

Close. Swedish is a failed attempt at Danish, as is Norwegian.

don't Norwegians English now?

All Scandinavians English. In fact, the vast majority of us are fluent.

But in case you meant that Norwegians ONLY speak English, that's not the case. They actually speak TWO kinds of Norwegian. Bokmål, which is a pretty good attempt at Danish and Nynorsk, which is a pretty good imitation of insanity.

if you consider Scandinavia as refering to the Nordics then Estonian has quite a bit of English speakers

I consider Scandinavia as Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, since that's what Scandinavia is. I'm not speaking of only Scandinavia to exclude the other Nordic countries, though, just because I know a lot less about the other Nordic countries vis a vis their language abilities 🤷

Except for the fun fact that Estonia is the only country outside of the Kingdom of Denmark that teaches Danish as a mandatory subject in school 😁

how sure are you about that last part

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