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Joined 9 months ago

McCarthy is selling himself short here. He deserves at least a little credit for this clusterfuck as well. All of these cowards deserve credit. After January 6 they all had the chance to stand up and do the right thing and wrest control of the GOP from Trump and the crazies, but no, they were all too scared.

While I hate her politics, I have nothing but respect for Liz Cheney.

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Among the world's economically developed democracies, it absolutely only happens in one nation. This is not up for debate; it's an objective fact.

How we choose to address this fact is up to us, but being in denial about it is not a sane option.

I love how most of the comments here are about how much everyone hates Hillary rather than about what she actually said. I get it that people hate her, but let's be real folks; Trump is the only relevant clear and present danger here. Bitching about Hillary seems pretty pointless at this point.

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This is very very bad for Trump because Powell is also a defendant in Jack Smith's federal case being tried under Judge Chutkan.

Powell obviously knows that her guilty plea in Georgia can and will be used by Smith in the federal case, so what it basically says is that she's going to be a cooperating witness (she really has no choice) for Smith as well.

Powell was there at the infamous December 18th meeting wherein things like shutting down all voting and declaring martial law were allegedly discussed. This in turn means that she can provide convincing and potentially damning evidence as to Trump's knowledge of and intent with regard to how the election had actually played out, and specifically with regard to his desire to overturn it.

There's a lot more to be said about this, but I have to go make dinner.

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That's a pretty tall claim. Maybe the worst SCOTUS in your lifetime, but if you know anything of US history, you'd know that calling it the worst SCOTUS of all time is a pretty tall order.

I wonder what other hugely unpopular positions they can poison themselves with. This is what minority rule looks like. The only way we stop this is by defeating Trump and reforming our democracy. Minorities should have enough power to protect themselves from oppression, but not so much that they can impose their views on the rest of the country. This is what's happening with the far right, which very much is a minority that's far out of step with mainstream American opinion on virtually everything.

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He hasn't. With a handful of obvious exceptions, the entire Republican leadership has spent the last four years running a clinic in cowardice, pathetic boot-licking and groveling.

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This seems mostly right, but I want to add a few points.

The first is that the Ukrainians won't stop fighting if the west stops supporting them. They may suffer some severe defeats and the nature of the war may shift to being more of a guerrilla insurgency, but they won't stop fighting.

The second is that even if the US withdraws support, it's not likely that European nations will necessarily follow, and between Germany and the UK and France, the Europeans can easily continue to support Ukraine at or above current levels.

My final point is that Ukraine actually is making slow progress in pushing back the Russians, it's just not going anywhere near as fast as anyone would like.

I also really dislike the term "stalemate" because it implies a static state of affairs as in a chess game where there are only so many pieces and moves, when in fact war is much different in the sense that additional pieces and moves can and probably will be added to the equation.

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Have you considered that there might be a great deal of regional variation such that while it seems "ridiculous" in your particular region and social context, in other parts of the country people are operating on an entirely different set of "received" facts about reality?

I pose this question because if the last decade has taught us anything, it's that we cannot take for granted that we are all operating on the basis of the same "facts" with regard to history and reality.

It will go to the SCOTUS first and if they overturn the decision then it's back to square one. Even if they don't overturn the decision, it also still depends on enough swing states also barring Trump from running, since Colorado is a blue state that he was never going to win anyway.

What we really want are states like Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania to bar him from running. Then he really would be fucked.

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You are seriously confused. OP specifically said that you're fucked if there is no visual cue.

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Yeah, me too. I pat myself on the back for this one nearly every day. Probably the best financial decision I ever made.

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Plenty of talk about Georgia being purple though too.

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They've actually lost a lot of their senior officer corps. The reason is that in the Russian military the enlisted ranks and junior officers have very little autonomy, so senior officers are obliged to be in much closer contact with the front than we would expect in NATO, for example.

Accidentally buying a modest house in what at the time was a "distressed" neighborhood because it was all we could afford. 15 years later the neighborhood has been gentrified and is highly desirable. The property has tripled in value and the land is now worth more than the house itself.

Anyhow, it was dumb luck on my part and again, mostly had to do with the place being affordable and relatively close to my wife's parents.

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The people are allowed to ask questions of and demand explanations from our elected representatives. He works for us and we want answers. Who the fuck are you to even imply otherwise? WTF is wrong with you?!

And that's to say nothing of Dred Scott or Korematsu.

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I just leave the door open, that way everyone knows I'm in there. I even wave at the kids.

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Me and my stripey boy, Chief Inspector Bean, we were together for nearly 20 years and I will miss him until the day I die.

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My wife and I have taken to naming our pillows. There's Flat Agnes, Lumpy Rutherford and The Rock, off the top of my head. I would have to consult my wife for the others.

Fuck McKinsey. Seriously. Fuck those guys with a 3 foot piece of 1 inch rebar.

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It should be "So long YouTube and thanks for all the fish." Goddammit!

If you're going to borrow from Douglas Adams, at least get it right.

The legal consensus is that they can't, but it's never been tested --nor did anyone ever seriously conceive of it as a possibility-- so it's theoretically possible as a matter of law.

Is anyone honestly confused as to whether or not it's an opinion piece? I find that very hard to believe, but I guess you never know...

The reason for the focus is that it was deliberately being used in a disinformation campaign. Were that not the case, I think you're right that it would have faded into the background noise as just one bomb among 6000 others.

The mistake here is in assuming that it's either all or nothing; that self checkouts are either great, or some kind of disaster.

The reality is that they're great for some applications, but suck ass for others.

Here's the deal; if it's just me with a few items, yeah, the self-checkout is awesome, but if it's me and my wife and we have a shitload of groceries for the entire family, guess what? Self-checkout sucks ass and it's way easier to go through a regular checkout stand where there won't be a hundred little different ways for the system to get jammed up and require an employee intervention.

What part about this do people not understand?

I have to think that a lot of the hostility to regular checkout stands comes from relatively young Lemmy users who don't actually have to shop for families of their own.

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She's threatened to move up the trial date if he violates the order as a way of limiting the effect his words can have on court officers and potential witnesses. This would be terrible for him since his whole strategy is to delay until after the election when he believes he will become president again and can make it all go away.

I really like Judge Chutkan so far.

This is not a coherent position. You're basically just talking about feelings, not actual facts or policy.

Also, where can I find this "Americans second" message you speak of? Where did you see or hear that? Are you sure you're not making it up?

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Actually it benefits everyone. There are a ton of reasons why this should be a bipartisan issue, but expecting people to think long-term is, of course, a fool's errand. I also think that most people, including most politicians, haven't really educated themselves on the subject and haven't really thought it through in terms of what it would actually do.

Because they're teenagers. In the real world nobody actually gives a fuck. Call me weird, but the different formats have never caused me a single instant of confusion in my entire life.

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The chances aren't as slim as many people seem to imagine. Putin is basically in a holding pattern for now. He's holding out on the chance that Trump might win a second term, thus changing everything about the current dynamic. If Trump doesn't win, Putin is probably in pretty big trouble since he almost certainly won't survive a defeat in Ukraine and will be hard-pressed to find a good exit that doesn't look like one.

Well I have to admit that I'm a little intimidated, and I ain't even European.

Came to this thread for my daily dose of trite cynicism. Was not disappointed.

Sure, if by "each subsequent generation" you mean millennials. Historically the trend in the US has always been the opposite; most people could count on being better off than their parents.

Because it's a stupid fucking reason not to vote and it's a misrepresentation of the post itself. You can't get much more idiotic than that.

I don't have a strong opinion either way, but it does kind of make sense that loading an unfunded mandate on already under-funded public schools isn't the best way to come at this problem.

Teddy Roosevelt was a progressive, part of the "progressive era" in US political history. There isn't a way to spin it such that he can accurately be called a conservative. The conservative position on national parks, at least in the west, would be that they should remain open for resource extraction. We see this at play with the recent bullshit surrounding the Bears Ears National Monument de-designation under Trump and the ongoing effort to allow drilling in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge.

You are simply objectively incorrect.

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That's something to worry about in every arena that involves money, not just unions. It's just a fact of life that there are crooks and liars in the world.

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Russia has already been doing the same for a year and a half now, you absolute fucking nozzle. WTF is wrong with you people? Have you no fucking decency? Your selective outrage is telling.