
1 Post – 178 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Insomnium. Beautiful, melodic solos, decent riffs.

Everybody is talking about the lizard but what about the dough (clay?) with the lamp directed at it??

EDIT: nevermind, I'm an idiot. I had no idea it was a flat rock.

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Also, one of the main reasons the Russian army has been underperforming is corruption. Loads of money siphoned, incompetent people getting positions, you name it. Zelenskyy is also making sure the same doesn't happen in his country and stays on top performance/efficiency wise.

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Before I would get any itch to join the TikTok trend back when it started, I heard that the Chinese Communist Party was collecting some worrying amount of information on their user base, has been suppressing and/or blocking content that raised voice about the uyghur situation and did various nasty things. So I thought I would stay away from that until the situation improves. I have never heard a fraction of information about that happening. Did everyone just suddenly stop caring about how disgustingly TikTok treats privacy and user data (and how they suppress voices they don't like), or did I just simply miss the bit where they stopped doing all those things?

Because that's one of the many reasons I haven't touched it with a stick.

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This is great news and in any civilised country it would be enough to topple the government, or at least knock a few corrupt politicians out of their chair. Too bad it's playing in Hungary, instead. Don't get me wrong, I'm still hoping for the best, but there was a similar spark of hope back when one of Orbán's former oligarchs turned against him. Nothing happened, the propaganda worked and the masses voted for them again.

Then Gábor Kaleta, the Hungarian Ambassador of Peru was caught having watched terabytes of child pornography on a CP site. While he was actually condemned, he only got one year suspended prison sentence and a laughable amount of fines (considering the crime, the volume and his position): 540K HUF which amounts to ~1360 EUR. Did that make people totally pissed? Not really. The governing party, FIDESZ made a law "against paedophiles" to "protect children and families", and intentionally mashed paedophiles and gay people together, making bookstores wrap any kind of book that may contain the slightest amount of LGBT topic. Their voters were happy for it.

Then József Szájer, the MP of the gay bashing, Brussels hating government's coalition party, KDNP (Christian Democratic People's Party) was caught trying to escape out of the window, down the gutter pipe from a gay gangbang party, with some kind of drug (Ecstasy?) in his backpack, wearing only underpants. Did Fidesz's support decrease? Hell, no. They won another 2/3 of the votes on the next election.

Then (more recently), due to some unlikely luck, someone found out that the President of the Republic pardoned a person who was trying to cover up for the paedophile head of a foster home who abused a dozen kids (these pardons are usually not made public for some reason). Some investigation started and it turned out that she (the PotR) was pressioned by the aforementioned KDNP's main politicians. For the pardon to take effect, the head of the Ministry of Justice also had to confirm it. Guess what, that person is Judit Varga, the ex wife in the main article. They (the PotR and Varga) both resigned, but the KDNP member refused to. Did that discourage people from supporting FIDESZ? Not the slightest bit. The ones who were never the strongest fans and neutral/opposition voters got outraged by it, understandably. But FIDESZ's 2/3 was still standing strong. Imagine MAGA level ignorance.

...aaaaand now, as it turns out, the HEAD of the friggin' MINISTRY OF JUSTICE knew about this investigation going on about Völner, even warned him to stop, and did absolutely nothing when he even refused to stop. Not just that, but according to the recording, she even knew about the Cabinet chief trying to tamper with sensitive documents and scripts about this case (trying to cut ties to themselves).

I wonder if the voters are outraged by this more than the fearmongering done by FIDESZ about LGBT people, Soros, immigrants (while they are the ones trying to incorporate/settle Chinese policemen to expand the CCP's surveillance, Philippino bus drivers, Thai battery factory workers, etc.), the EU, Western European states and a former prime minister (who was and is god awful to date, to be fair) taking over the country and running it into the ground. Considering the past 14 years, I think I could bet money.

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Android itself is a great thing, and bloatware is not inherently a part of it. SAMSUNG, who makes Android phones is a whole different story, though.

But just way too many conflate Samsung with Android. Android is like the Linux of the phone world. Everyone can have their own distro, tailored to their needs. Samsung just happens to tailor the more AIDS type Android system.

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Well, every SSD is [S]olid.

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On top of that, it also doesn't waste the responsible team's time. It wastes the help desk's time who have little to no say in this subject.

I can only agree with every single word, but I think he should go the Churchill way, and just find some peaceful and relaxing job once the whole thing is over (I know, Churchill actually stayed around for a while). For one: because he will definitely deserve it; but for two: looking at history (not excluding my own country's), too many great politicians have fallen into the "...or you live long enough to become the villain" category. I'm rooting hard for Zelenskyy to at least get a draw and not go mad later.

Back in my teens that was basically common "knowledge". And that's Central/Eastern Europe.

Nah mate, they were completely right. What if you install an older version, and keep using it maliciously? Oh wait, now that you mention, I'm totally sure Edge had a similar problem at one point in the past. So refrain from using Edge, too. Or Explorer. And while we're at it, it's best to stay away from Chrome, as well. That had a similar vulnerability before, I'm sure. So let's dish that, along with Opera, Safari, Maxthon and Netscape Navigator. Just use Lynx, it's super lightweight!

EDIT: on another thought, you should just have stopped working for the above reason. Nothing is safe anymore.

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Orbán is Putin's butt plug and will be until he dies of old age. As much as I would love my country to stay in the EU, the only way to stop this raging toddler from destroying other kids' Lego castles is to lock him out of the room.

The problem is, once the country is out of the EU's protection, daddy Russia will be happy to raise him an alcoholic, racist scumbag.

I really don't know how the country can be saved from sinking even deeper in the mud it finally emerged from in 1989.

Or if killing a human could suddenly undo killing one.

70 year old management member who came up with the idea of using this metric in the first place:

  • "The system shows you haven't touched your mouse for half an hour."

  • "Yes, I worked out a solution on paper, like back in the old days."

[confused noises]

The ones I've seen disable the 'consent' bits by default, but then there's 'vendor preferences' where 'legitimate interest' is automatically ON in 58 places (I'm not exaggerating; I have counted it) and you have to manually off all of them.

When you click the question mark at 'legitimate interest', all it says is some vendors are not asking for your consent to use your data but collect it based on their legitimate interest.

It's infinitely vague and it has the vibe of 'I'm not going to ask for it, I will just take it and I will use it for whatever I want anyway'.

Together with misinformation spreading faster than light. During the rise of Internet I thought we could finally turn the world into a better place, spreading knowledge, educating the planet. Instead, the shittiest, most toxic ideas finally got a faster train to get on. Good luck dumping money into education to help people filter out shady sources. Especially when you actually got into power by spreading that shitty misinformation to begin with (this latter bit is not about Ukraine, more like other countries such as Hungary).

Since the API exodus, I've only been using Google to look up something on reddit, strictly using cached versions only (no not give any more traffic to reddit). Whenever I could only find uncached hits, I still did the click of shame.

Thanks reddit, now I can cut the last cord. I couldn't have done it without you.

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Oh, that's perfectly fine: as Trump stated before, once elected he would start a dictatorship from day one. So if Biden is doing the same (obv. not) then he (Trump) wouldn't bring anything new to the table, he would just copy ideas and now republicans can't even say it's a bad thing.

But I guess I expect too much from the average Trump voter, remembering whatever that senile felon said months/years ago.

Yeah but I'd rather eat the shells plastic free.

You CAN pronounce it fish, but you can also just simply not pronounce it.

GH is pronounced _ like in high.

O is pronounced _ like in jeopardy.

T is pronounced _ like in potpourri.

I is pronounced _ like in receive.

Therefore, ghoti is completely silent.

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"They are minerals, Marie!"

Yeah, but years or months?

While it would still be an abomination to me, it's not impossible that the overflow holes are on the near walls which are not visible from this angle.

I don't think "fully purchased" applies to anything on amazon prime or Netflix where anything can be permanently removed.

Vegetarianism: the custom of eating vegetables. So I guess we are witnessing the birth of humanitarianism.

No no, he used to work as a wright. Built ships and shit.

And the cow doesn't understand why the sudden popularity.

My problem isn't the timing of my waking up but the sleep to awake ratio which is completely out of sync with the 24 hour day. My ex woke up after 5 hours of sleep and was completely fine. I can either sleep less (than my ideal 9 hours) and become a zombie for most of the day, or sleep enough and end up going to bed super late, because I also don't feel sleepy as early once I sleep enough. I'm just from a different planet where days are 28-30 hours long, and this place is just a constant fight with being sleepy and having to wake up before I feel properly rested.

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I guess you can look at it from various angles:

  • At first, I thought it was sexist to separate genders in chess competitions to begin with. Like, it's not weight lifting or boxing, as you *others *(oops) said. Why does it matter what I have in my pant(ie)s as I move my pawn to e4?

  • But I imagine female players weren't as great at the start, considering they didn't get to compete with the best of the best for years like males could, so it would have been unfair to throw them into a pool of lava to outswim such asbestos sharks as Kasparov. So alright, let them have their own kiddie pool until they grow their own prodigies.

  • But it's been decades. Does it really matter what gender they are? If not: stop separating them. If it does, that assumes male and female brains are built different (I doubt that, but I'm in no way an expert, so let's assume). At least different enough to differ in chess skills. Now, if I'm a dude, I play chess competitively for 20 years and then I go through a surgery, does it change anything at all in terms of chess skills? AFAIK hormone therapy takes some time, so it's not like I could turn into a dudette overnight. Even if I do, what does it change about my neural structure? So I start in a new female chess competition because I consider myself a female. It's just me, nobody else out of the 200 contestants, so what does it matter? Now, if the above is true, I start with a noticeable advantage - an advantage over 199 other conestants.

  • However, I started the whole reasoning process by assuming female and male brains are noticeably different in terms of chess performance. If that is not true, why are there still separate women's and men's events?

I'm sure there's more to it, and I'm just not informed well enough, so the question is honest, and I'm actually curious.

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And marinated in butter milk.

Entonces it also makes it top.

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I love how nobody said any restrictions and the AI started to solve the classic puzzle already. It could as well be a boat with a cage on it, or at least a leash. EDIT: or a tame/chill wolf. EDIT 2: I'm silly, there isn't even a wolf. Just embark with the goat ffs

"Jingna Zhang @ cara.app/zemotion @zemotion So freaking speechless right now. Seen many @vercel functions stories but first time experiencing such discrepancy vs request logs like, this is cannot be real??"

Does it have a trans sister?

The various websites will just say Firefox is "not supported". I just wrote this in another comment, but Twitch doesn't let you log in on FF because it has some kind of advanced tracking protection. I guess YouTube and the rest will just join the fuckery and block you from using their content if you're on FF. I mean, I really hope they won't do that, but knowing what degree of assholery these companies can pull off, I think it's the next step.

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Also, that's part of the reason everyone pictures the fruit of Eden as an apple. In the original script it doesn't even say apple anywhere, just fruit.

And all his fingers... count them!

And while I understand it's annoying, if someone is going at 48 in front of you, the time you will save by overtaking them isn't even enough for a whole ad. But if the circumstances don't allow for a safe overtake and you still risk it, you may lose more than an ad.

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I was today years old when I learned that the first web browser I have ever touched (NN) was, in fact, the great grandparent of Firefox.

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