
11 Post – 820 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The freakonomic guys are hacks that have no idea on how to do sociology or econometric analysis.

Early chess engine that used AI, were trained by games of GMs, and the engine would go out of its way to sacrifice the queen, because when GMs do it, it's comes with a victory.

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They don't want it to succeed.

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The persona is the real person. When he take out the hair, the mask is put on.


That's why Netflix's Evangelion don't have "fly me to the moon"

He kinda control the WHO via donation budgets.

Can't add micro transactions or lootboxes to emulated games.

It was born to fail, because its porpoise was to delay and sabotage the California high speed train project.

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Unethical life pro tip: want to kill yourself but left something for your family? Buy a life insurance policy, call the suicide prevention hotline and wait for the cops to kill you. Isn't technically suicide, so the life insurer can't deny your family claim!!

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German green party

Nuclear plants:🤮

Carbon plants (that actually produce more radiation that nuclear plants): 🥰

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This is the same guy who said that millennials can't afford houses because avocado toasts?

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I work in construction insurance, protecting the government and investors against construction companies that do this. Our underwriters study the project, the construction company history and everything related and we qoute a price that the construction company should pay even before the government or the investors transfer anything. If the construction company or the project fail for any reason we take control over the project and find a new construction company to complete it. After that, our lawyers go after everything owned by the construction company and their executives to try to recoup anything we can.

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Looks like yes, is the same mf again.

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They should have asked if the president can order the assassination of a Supreme Court Judge or a senator. Would love the justification.

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Ah, the classic quarterly Star Citizen drama.

Because of woke

She looks like she just talked to the waitress about a fake rule in eating nachos and got caught up by her date.

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That description sounds more like a Pokémon trainer.

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Her date was eating all the fully loaded nachos, so she went up and ask to the waitress to make up a rule about how one person cannot eat all the nacho with meat and cheese. But her date knew that rule was bullshit and called her out about it. She's trying to look confused and sad because they're going to be too soon for the movie.

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I will never use the designated flag burning area. I'm burning my flags wherever the fuck it please me.

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They're not heels, They're gender affirming shoes.

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Seeing all the flags of different countries sharing the torrent makes me think this is what international cooperation looks like.

Unfortunately, it's linked to the account she uses for her job.

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At half the video I knew the main culprit was about to be revealed, then he put the "contrapoints" lighting and I was like please don't be contra, and he starts talking about how that person was stealing from smaller lgbtq creators and I was oh fuck, is contra, but then it was actually that guy I didn't even knew existed and was a relief.

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People think of evolution as it's needed straight A+ to pass, when C is enough.

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American banks stopped loaning to Trump years ago because he didn't paid his loans on time and without a fight. This is why he has to go to Russia and to the Deutsche bank for money.

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You could talk about abrahamic religions, that encompasses Judaism, Christianism, and Islamism because in theory all three worship the same God, but of course they are never grouped like that because they don't want to be related with Muslims.

That field? Excel.

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I remember reading a paper about how the death of your spouse raises the probability of death by 30%, but it goes back to normal after 6 months.

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Why does Drake's house looks like a government building?

Life pro tip: In the middle of a school shooting? Call the cops and say that the gunman is giving away books with gay characters! They would ram and arrest him without hesitation.

One of my fav subreddits is still private, and I'm sure the admins didn't even knew about. r/CheatAtMathHomework, you help me during college, never judge from my stupid questions or tried to give me 'clues' to solve it by myself (shout out to r/learnmath that was for that), straightforward answers to check if I was correct was what I wanted and what you provided. Never forget what they took from us.

This was top comedy in ancient times.

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Why 25 and older? Why not give it for free to everyone who wants it?

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Fucking Aquaman?

>find the restaurant again.

>come back sober.

>food taste like shit now.

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Good meme, but "my people" from Sunak's perspective is his bourgie pals and associates and they are doing pretty well.

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Imagine if AI starts to pick up those malicious code as valid, and when you ask it to help you set up a server or something it gives you the malicious code.

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Even the "story" is a fucking ad.

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