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Joined 9 months ago

I don't know how to change it in Sync :(

30 btw

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Boy, wouldn't it be something if these awful human beings were literally paid actors/actresses? That makes everything in the world of politics incredibly distressing, yet I wouldn't be surprised one bit.

Dark Souls was beaten with voice input alone. I saw someone working on doing that with Elden Ring just the other day. This isn't a disability issue. People just don't like difficult games, and that is very much a skill issue.

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If you understand the design philosophy of From's games, you know why you're wrong here. Have you ever even played their games? They all require you to be capable of knowing how to overcome obstacles and rise above a challenge. It's on you, no one else. They've literally always been this way. Their games are wildly successful with or without your complaints for a damn good reason.

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Quite the theory you've got there.


Ok, I'll bite.


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Ah, I know what you're getting at. Honestly, it sounds incredibly plausible. 4chan's porn has always been...off.

My opinion, but I like Palworld more than any of the 3D Pokémon games since X/Y. It's not really the same style of game when you really get into it, but the things that make Palworld different make it outright better to me. I don't plan to buy Pokémon games at all anymore, and Palworld is a significant reason why not. It's a little dismissive to suggest they aren't a threat.

Dunno if you were aware, but there's an easy tech you're able to use to get actually good travel speed. Slide down a hill, any slight decline really, and jump into a glide. Slide momentum is maintained into the glide, and any glider will give high speeds. It's the best way to explore by far.

The term "attention theft" is some dystopian shit, and just probable enough to make me vomit in my mouth.

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I've long accepted that we're going to see the bad ending, as I've never had any say in what happens, and I know what kind of world we live in. We're going out with a long drawn-out whimper while capitalists scurry to ride the wave on a ship made out of the corpses of the ignorant. This was always the way things were going to happen, and revolution was always the only way to prevent it.

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You sound like an ad. It triggered my uncanny valley response. Please never do that again.

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Real talk, an asteroid wiping us out would only expedite the inevitable. If we could pull together and deflect an asteroid, there's hope. If not, we failed the test and die with the consequences. But we don't need the asteroid to fail this test. We're making great strides towards destroying our home with home field advantage.

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A tragedy of firearms is it makes children just as dangerous as anyone else. If the child was using the gun, they were the most dangerous person in the school.

I worked 5 years at a job that sucked the soul out of me as I devoted all available energy towards making sure I never got laid off, developing an entirely seperate personality that was better geared towards sales and customer satisfaction at the cost of my self-respect and personal relationships, dreading every day as though it would be the one to finally push me over the edge and convince me to end it all.

Work isn't meant to make you healthy. The two often have a negative relationship with each other, in fact. Work is work. Let's not pretend we're above sex workers just because we're not on camera while we get fucked.

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This kinda news doesn't feel any better to hear now than it did when I was a child. The people who can do something about it don't care. We mourn our lost future. The cycle continues.

A lot of people don't have the time nor the energy to cook these days. If you work long hours or have multiple jobs to make ends meet, things can and will fall to the wayside. It's not always a matter of laziness like you're implying.

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Here's an upvote.

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Fortunately, the wealthy aren't a race of people, so it isn't considered genocide if I begrudgingly devour each and every one of them for the good of mankind. Checkmate moralists.

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Something about this place is comfier than reddit. I don't miss it.

Never gonna catch me 👽

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Insurance is a scam, and it pisses me off that we're still tolerating their bullshit.

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It's insane to me that the competition can't compete with the blueprint. I was really hoping that the deck would cause better products to follow, not worse.

Ignoring racism and bigotry has literally never worked, outside of maintaining personal delusions. The more comfortable people are in their hatred, the more bold they become in acting on it. Slavery and genocide happen for a reason, and it's in part because people don't take that shit seriously until it's too late.

What you're describing isn't human nature. We aren't all slaves to greed or supporting sociopaths. What we are is impressionable, disorganized, and willing to submit to a higher authority. Sociopaths take advantage of this by acting as our higher authority, feeding us misinformation, and keeping us thoroughly divided. A collective wake-up call is just about the only thing we could undergo to break the cycle, but we are firmly trapped within our delusions for the foreseeable future.

What we're doing isn't working. The system we have doesn't do what we want it to do. We all, on some level, understand this. To acknowledge that we want a better system that is better capable of doing good for as many entities as possible is to acknowledge that we want a revolution, because our system is incapable of doing anything that we want it to do at this point.

That was my reaction as well.

"I do have voices in my head. They're called thoughts, and I highly recommend the experience."

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Man, fuck you OP.

Society was built and designed for/by men. Misogyny is hardcoded.

This is unironically me. I just went through a lengthy diagnosis process that determined I do not in fact have ADHD, despite ticking an alarming number of boxes. I call myself ADHD-adjacent now.

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Yeah, I don't think it was meant to be pretty lol

Sexuality is a spectrum. Gay is more of a vibe than a science.

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In a capitalist worldview, which is indeed the system we live in, your point makes sense. However, creative endeavors existed well before the ability to profit off of them. If I didn't want for money in my daily life, I'd still be intensely motivated to create, as it's one of the few things you can genuinely love doing regardless of if it's making you money. Being creative is magnitudes more "basic human instinct" than making money will ever be, and I don't buy for a second that "nobody would create anything" without the profit incentive. I do think that we would have a very different system for sharing our creativity without copyright, and it'd arguably be a better one than what we have now.

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They don't even try to hide it. It's pretty common knowledge.

Your point also invalidates age verification for porn sites. Just use dad's ID.

Purely anecdotal and subjective experience here, but my long-term productivity was improved by wfh. I have autism and ADHD, and certain accommodations that I need to be productive can only really happen at home. Asking for the lights to be dimmed or even to listen to music to keep from losing my mind during a 12- hour shift on no sleep was basically impossible (deemed unreasonable for the employer to allow), and I personally needed more than just that to keep up. I've had to leave multiple jobs due to cracking under the stress of the environment and being unable to focus long enough to actually work anymore. Since becoming 100% wfh, self-regulating is a no-brainer most days, and I can maintain productivity for longer stretches of time with shorter recovery periods for burnout. The working world is harsh for certain people, and it stops many neurodiverse groups from actually being able to contribute our parts to the ever-hungry capitalist hellscape we cling to for our livelihoods.

I'm so tired, so very tired of the theater of American politics using human lives as sacrificial pawns, all so that the song and dance can continue for time immortal. There's no end in sight, is there?


The men are not okay.

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I happen to be anti-car as well as anti-capitalist, so these rocks are equal opportunity.

And so the cycle continues.