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Joined 6 months ago

I use this very phrase as a response to poor customer service/poor behavior in general on a far too regular basis.

Konami fucked up by mistreating Hideo. Glad the actual talent working there has more sense about them.

Is that a picture of a wizard or a crab fisherman?

My clothes have artisanal wrinkling.

Anyone is capable of being violent with enough provocation in the heat of the moment. It's the people who are willing to be violent while calm and having had time to think about it that are truly dangerous.

Toy's R Us is, interestingly, still huge in Asia Pacific. In Japan, Babies R Us rivals other major childcare suppliers.

Of course you can start riding a bicycle again. It's like riding a bicycle.

How I look after watching mommy die while I was a baby.

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What do you mean "of course"? If I had to guess the game in question, I would have said CounterStrike or Call of Duty.

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Friendly reminder that Boeing is not a plucky airline that can't make safe airplanes, it's an AMERICAN MILITARY DEFENSE CONTRACTOR worth billions. If I you threaten that arrangement with slander like the truth and facts, they are good friends with people who kill for a living and completely unashamed in paying for their services.

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Religious mutilation: Not even once.

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"Maybe if Activision gets bought by Microsoft, Blizzard won't be as scummy."

Hahaha, nope.

Between the company rape culture and enabling internet & gambling addiction, Blizzard is dead to me.

Support your local private servers.

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When North Koreans unionize, they don't fuck around.

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The Big Mac set in Japan is ¥750 right now. Which converts to $5.07.

Does McDonald's America think each restaurant is a theme park or something?

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When you ask too much of Apple Support:

Jimmy Barnes in the music video for song Big Enough, screaming while overlooking western landscapes.

The Confederate Flag already exists, Martha. Most people know better than to fly it.

He goes inside, the door slams shut, demonic noises for five minutes, then the door flies open and an angry, bloody Gordon Ramsey comes stomping out

"Why do you have a FUCKING gateway to the demonic realm in your restaurant?! Do you have any idea how many lost souls I found in there?! ANSWER ME!!!"

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"When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year."

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It looks like someone crossbred a VW Bus with a panda bear then startled it.

Another point goes to the Streisand Effect.

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And I don't think he's ever been to medical school.

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"Balanced and Zionist in nature."

He said the quiet part out loud.

At this point, if you told me that the Made in America logo on all the planes can be scratched off and it says Made in Myanmar underneath, I would absolutely not be surprised.

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If you don't pay your monthly vacuum fee, Hoover will turn it off remotely.

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That might be slightly illegal.

That person might be slightly doomed.

Companies need to remember to change the login password BEFORE firing people with login passwords.

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I was in the later years of elementary school when the American school system really started to become grossly underfunded.

I repeatedly heard my teacher grumbling about copy paper and lack of supplies. A coupe of times, my teacher complained to ME! Expressing how they were stressed out about not being able to get all the stuff they needed to teach and didn't mean to snap at me like that. O_O

I really felt bad for them, they couldn't do anything to stop it.

How do we know we're not living inside a PDF right now?

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'Tennessee Nazis.... I HATE Tennessee Nazis.'

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This is anti-sneakerism.

You can use the radiant heat from that fish to cook another fish.

Jesus Christ preaching to a crowd. One person asks if there are exceptions to his message of love and acceptance and it makes Jesus verbally upset.

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Betcha that if it happened in coach they would've kept going.

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Yeah, this is corporate bullshit. However...

Minecraft is a rare bird that lets you download every single public release (that was archived) all the way back to the original test builds. I recently re-downloaded 1.14 to play a unique seed that only loads all the features correctly on that version.

And when you play Minecraft, you download the entire game as a .jar file to your computer and it stays there, even if you upgrade to a later version. There are third-party launchers that let you load those .jars and play without logging into anything.

So, it's up to you whether or not you tow the company line and use a Microsoft account and the official launcher or just download some fan-made software and run the old versions forever.

I recommend anyone who lost their Mojang account to just dig out the latest version downloaded to their computer and run it through a custom launcher, or look up instructions on running the game without a launcher.

(This only applies to the Java version of the game, but that's the best version anyway because of features and custom mods. Playing roms of the console/mobile games requires modding the appropriate system and that's a lot more involved.)

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I take offense to you trying to vilify pizza rolls like that.

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"Molecule Man, Molecule Man,

unable to provide for his family man..."

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The idea of an Asian country launching a wooden satellite sounds like a racist Simpsons joke from the 1990s. What a time to be alive.

They're not in front of the White House, they're not even in front of city hall, they're hurting their own.

The King loves it when the peasants fight amongst themselves.

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You want to see a grown person in full riot armor cry? Put a US police officer anywhere in the middle east.

satanism and nudity

Oh my god, that's awful. Where?

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"We're sorry we got caught."