That post reeks of Stockholm.
I hope this turn of events causes her to make some permanent changes. Canceling holidays won’t be enough.
That post reeks of Stockholm.
I hope this turn of events causes her to make some permanent changes. Canceling holidays won’t be enough.
A 13-year-old with autism was arrested after his autism sparked fear.
“You will deliver ze bread in an unmarked baker’s van.”
Businesses and personalities have different sets of followers on different social platforms and this is an easier way to give everyone the same content.
Sure, some people are going to use it with spambots, but it does have legitimate purpose for real people.
Can’t afford anymore slamming in this economy.
They can have a little aid, as a treat.
Listening to the hosts of a lot of my podcasts talk about how “the next four years are going to be tough.”
Bro, you have children and LGBT friends, are you being serious?
The Galveston Coffee Shootout.
Smallest Japanese bill is ¥1,000 (about $8 USD).
I like to invoke the old magic of installing from a disc.
Run, Adora!
Everyone is very familiar how Konami ran Kojima out of the company and then ran Metal Gear into the ground.
They’re desperate to keep it solvent.
I hope they fail and Kojima gets to buy back his IP at pennies on the dollar.
The Japanese Conservative Party has almost no power. They are considered extremists. They really are just a bunch of loony toons that get almost no press coverage outside of bullshit like this.
The ruling Liberal Party is the non-extremist conservative party. (The irony is not lost on me.)
Oh, well, if the Kremlin says it’s not true…
Damn, you just made me realize that I haven’t seen any old men with seven phones bolted to the handlebar of their bicycle cruising around and randomly stopping.
COVID executed Pokemon Go. Replaced it with Animal Crossing.
I like how Joe Biden AND Dark Brandon are on here.
“You can never go back. YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK!”
95, to be precise. Only two years older than William Shatner.
Little too late for that…
They’re allowed to use the approved greetings:
“Blessed be the fruit.” and “Under his eyes.”
“Be peace, not win.”
His tombstone had better say “Goodbye.”
Imagine being such a legendary part of computing history just because you recorded a few voice lines for some upstart that sold internet access by the hour.
Sanders: “I’m still alive, you know.”
“Sometimes I can still hear his voice…”
Jerry Lewis: “All the voting, and the screaming of the orange man, and THE NICE LADYYY!”
Friendly reminder that Boeing is not a plucky airline that can't make safe airplanes, it's an AMERICAN MILITARY DEFENSE CONTRACTOR worth billions. If I you threaten that arrangement with slander like the truth and facts, they are good friends with people who kill for a living and completely unashamed in paying for their services.
I don’t think the facts match the claim, but I completely agree with the sentiment.
For years, the ‘legit’ consumer has had to deal with ad interruptions and bad UI and service disruptions and having media removed from their library. Something that pirates don’t even have to think about. The music revolution that Jobs and Apple created with iTunes, which allowed people to just buy music and just own it and just use it however they want (no DRM) with an ease that made piracy look difficult and seem too risky to bother, never came for TV or movies or books or any other media category.
And now the streaming revolution has all but undone that progress as well. You don’t own anything, a company decides when you have or lose access to something, and even if you pay money for access you are still advertised to and your data is still sold off.
Religious mutilation: Not even once.
The original, for anyone who wants the wholesome:
"Maybe if Activision gets bought by Microsoft, Blizzard won't be as scummy."
Hahaha, nope.
Between the company rape culture and enabling internet & gambling addiction, Blizzard is dead to me.
Support your local private servers.
When North Koreans unionize, they don't fuck around.
All Of Apple’s Foldable iPhone Prototypes Have Visible Creases
Domain name was cheap.
Everyone in tech knows you find a domain name first, then decide what kind of business to build around it.
“No! They’ll enjoy preserving our history to muuuch!!”
They know the dark secret of book preservation. The people preserving the books… gulp READ THEM!
The Big Mac set in Japan is ¥750 right now. Which converts to $5.07.
Does McDonald's America think each restaurant is a theme park or something?
::: spoiler For those that don’t get it… :::
He could, he should, he won’t.