GOP governor says June is about understanding & accepting homophobes to Not The – 187 points –
GOP governor says June is about understanding & accepting homophobes - LGBTQ Nation

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Jesus Christ preaching to a crowd. One person asks if there are exceptions to his message of love and acceptance and it makes Jesus verbally upset.

Gotta call this one inaccurate. The Bible says some shit about false gods and whatnot.

Gotta call this one inaccurate. The Bible tells YOU not to have false gods, it doesn't say you should hate other religions. I'd argue that the parable of the good samaritan in Luke 10:25-37 actually argues the exact opposite: "Love your neighbor as yourself" no matter who that person is

Also "some shit": Colossians 3:8 "But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth."

Why isn't the "no matter who that person is" part in quotes? What if they're a witch?

I'm not really gonna bother reading the Bible any more just to argue about all this. I don't really care. There's some real fuckshit in there.

It really seems like you have no idea about the topic at hand. So I don't get why you argued in the first place tbh.

My dude, I made the state finals for Bible quizzing in Ohio.

I literally don't believe you based on the knowledge you've displayed here I'm afraid.

I only quizzed for two years on Matthew and Luke, and it was literally 17 years ago.

So why the fuck do you give a shit about any of this now?

Or are you just trying to be a pedantic asshole?

I'm definitely a bit pedantic, I'll give you that. I just came in here to point out that the Bible isn't all sunshine and daisies.

Gotta call this one inaccurate. The Bible says some shit about false gods and whatnot.

Jesus repealed several older provisions.

That's old testament. What Jesus said overrode that.

Its a very common mistake since a lot of christian groups pull their hate from the old testament.

Specifically, Matthew 5:43-48

And, to be clear, worshipping another god remains a sin in basic Christianity, its just not an excuse to not love everyone.

That's weird because earlier in the same chapter it contradicts exactly what you said that he's not changing any of the old testament laws except for I think animal sacrifices he talks about specifically elsewhere:

17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished."

The reason the Christian bible includes the old testament afaik is because when the new testament gospels were being written 70+ years after Jesus died they wanted to convert Jewish people so they wrote how Jesus fulfills prophecies made in the Hebrew bible.

Old testament doesn't count? Why is it even there?

Christians pick and choose what parts of the old testament to teach.

When my kids had bibles forced on them the old testament wasn't included at all.

The way it's been explained to me in the past is that a lot of the old testament is very strict rules for surviving in the desert 2000+ years ago.

You'll find only the really hateful sects of Christianity lean heavily on it.

Ohh I remember the little orange ones with the old testament missing!