
2 Post – 239 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

you're high on mushrooms in the Viking age, the gods are everywhere

If you don't mind a classic chess. Blitz/bullet/rapid/horde are different styles that don't take as long to learn enough to have fun. Chess puzzles or against the computer are available if you want to keep it strictly single player. Lichess for multiplayer or I like chess tactics pro for puzzles.

Crosswords, there are programs like alphacross that aggregate from other sources to try different puzzles to find ones that aren't too easy or hard.

ScummVM is my emulator of choice, like ePSXe it runs on phones and opens it up to a bunch of classics

I won't support any streaming service that has a sub+ad tier. Ads with no sub or sub no ads, anything else is incredibly greedy and the same as cable TV.

They want to imprison homeless instead of house them to exploit them for slave labor. Abolish slavery in prisons and see if they keep outlawing homelessness.

Good, lower OECD birth rates means member countries can open the borders more for immigrants looking for better prospects, better compensation and benefits for jobs in high cost of living areas, and less stupid hiring processes. Every labor shortage is a capital shortage. Also notice how CNN quotes executives and no labor leaders.

If I learned anything from Carlsen-Niemann we're going to need to check their butts.

Foreign government, moneyed interests, or domestic dipshits, taking all bets.

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About two years too late for me to accept apologies on post pandemic price gouging, already cancelled prime and use local groceries over corpo stores. In general they have better quality of selection and prices most of the time, plus it encourages me to explore more variety of small groceries from other cultures, farmers markets, etc.

Similar with fast food if you want to charge me 16 bucks for a meal I'm going to an actual restaurant instead

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Yeah I don't think mods and "power users" that stayed after last year are necessarily against reddit succeeding, just not willing to buy in at a 6.5bil valuation for a company that can't turn a profit and lost 90+ mil last year and 700+ cumulative. The CEO got 193 mil last year it's clear where their priorities are. And after the bad will they gained last year burning mods and third party apps it's not a big surprise many are watching with a big ol' bucket of popcorn.

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Between a corpo job only using teams and email and international folks all using WhatsApp I kinda want to just go back to irc and stay there forever. Everything that came after it has just been worse.

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No need to guess, just look at how Trump's confederates treat BLM protestors and their executioners: https://www.texastribune.org/2023/04/14/daniel-perry-racist-comments-texas-shooting-austin-protester/

Abbott made good on his promise and pardoned Perry last week for the murder a jury found him guilty of committing.

Based on a completely superficial review there are three almost guaranteed ways to become unhinged; studying infinities, refactoring legacy code, and working with timezones.

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Anyone who feels the freedom to fuck with our elections or disenfranchise voters should have the book thrown at them, maximum penalties under the statutes.

Governments banning social media based on who can use it to spy on who, instead of creating privacy regulations and enforcing them to create and regulate markets, which is kinda what they should do, to make it so it doesn't matter who owns which app. Taking an opportunity and shitting all over it for some childish standoff should be beneath us.

What could have been done to increase the valuation higher and maintain goodwill with the community:

  1. Cut CEO pay by 90%
  2. Pay mods as employees, think of the GM/guide structure of early mmos where you start as a volunteer for a free sub but can work your way up
  3. Subscriptions to remove ads
  4. Push ads in API for third party apps to host your ads, remove for subscribed users
  5. Profit sharing from ads and subs with top content creators
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Fascists look like idiots when interviewed until they get violent. They have no definitions or reasonable arguments for their position because bigotry isn't a reasonable position and to them anyone who challenges them is an other, an outsider who deserves to be dehumanized. As long as they can convince people to be scared and angry they are safe to exploit hate. The more people collaborate, work together towards shared values, participate in local school and city board meetings, the less power these idiots can steal.

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Not seeing anything yet but it can be hard to get accurate news reporting from a country that kills subversive journalists and is in a war. I think most are assuming it's either an internal or external paramilitary group related to the war in Ukraine, or domestic terrorists related to the recent elections, I think targeting a concert is more likely the latter but we'll see which group takes responsibility if any.

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June 30th, 2023. There were always subreddits like r/thedonald that used violent right wing authoritarian cult-like political rhetoric, but after the users and mods who gave half a shit left when they banned third party apps and sided with advertisers over the people keeping it from becoming 99% bots and bootlickers.

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The only thing the Bible says about abortion is how to perform one, and many American Christian organizations were on the side of safe abortions performed by medical doctors until recently. Their scriptures didn't change, medical science didn't change, so why do they now oppose abortion? The primary reason I can see is clergy and politicians working together to undermine women's rights. They don't care if they are hypocrites or hurt people because they feel justified by their faith despite faith being an awful reason to believe anything is true. I don't understand how anyone can say churches are apolitical and deserve tax free status.

Again. He's inciting violence again.

""" Within minutes of the assault on the building, Columbia University officials said they had no choice but to request police intervention.

"We regret that protesters have chosen to escalate the situation through their actions," """

The Columbia administration forgetting they have nothing without the students. One person gets yelled at and they clutch their pearls and call the bastards in to beat and arrest peaceful protesters. They are escalating things, not the students.

Students asking to expunge arrests related to these protests should be putting on their resume they are willing to stand up for their rights and the rights of others without a voice. The university and cops are the ones who should be embarrassed and ashamed.

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Not even close if we're talking about current users or active contributers. After they shut down third party apps and sided with advertisers over mods there was a huge migration off platform to several other platforms. Many smaller subreddits are ghost towns and the biggest ones that are still active have a smaller participating community, less total votes, and changing norms.

It's not just eternal September, it's the same thing that happened when digg died in reverse where communities grew and changed because people were joining. Users are adding site:reddit.com or whatever to Google searches because of SEO general searches are an advertising dumpster fire, but those search results are going to degrade over time along with the site's quality if they continue to make such shitty decisions for communities and users or people move to other ai based search tools.

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Employment is not a preclusion to imprisonment. If he wanted to stay out of prison maybe he should think about that before breaking the law and ignoring a congressional subpoena. If he didn't want it to happen during an election why did he appeal for 2 years first?

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Microsoft has become really effective at developing malware like Windows, edge, teams, etc and selling it to corporations to spy on employees and contractors

Any streaming service that tries to combine ads+sub is just as greedy as cable TV and I can't support that kind of shitty business practice. Ads free or sub no ads. Cancelled each service as they rolled out that trash. Currently only subbed to Criterion and thinking of resubbing to Shudder.

0 index versus 1 index, the classic counting collections conundrum.

If everyone stopped tipping at the same time, say labor day, then businesses would need to properly pay their staff again. As soon as tipping became expected the whole system was fucked.

People in positions of power or authority should be held to a higher standard, not an equal or lower one. He should get the book thrown at him and several years to think about why fucking with the elections is a bad idea.

Our diversity is our strength, get bent white supremacist fuckers.

So if the same applies to Russia Putin is okay with a foreign country invading Russia based on lies, capturing territory, targeting and murdering civilians and kidnapping children, violating treaties, and they would accept a ceasefire with the invader keeping everything they currently hold to regroup for another assault? Get the fuck out of here

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They had plenty of facts according to them until recently, it's just those facts were unsubstantiated lies fed to them by Russian intelligence according to the operative who confessed he was working for Russia when he lied about the info to the FBI that the GOP were crowing about on Fox entertainews as extremely credible.

Still waiting for apologies and resignations from Fox, James Comer, etc.

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RTO or taking away any employee benefits is a great way to lose your best performing employees

I would be ecstatic if every journalist who talked to mtg or any public menace selling unfounded bullshit conspiracies just kept asking for source? whenever she says anything in public to drive home the point just how one note their song really is.

Not scary for the auto workers who want to work on them, build them, supply parts for them, etc or the families who want affordable EVs. More scary for the wealth class who didn't reinvest enough into updating their facilities and processes to stay competitive businesses. The government already gave them extra time with the embargo but that isn't going to last forever.

Wrong solution to a problem they've created

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The article defers to NBER but then says they are purposely excluding inflation and the higher cost of living from their criteria. Call it whatever you want, but if you're going to use a definition most people don't use to pretend there isn't a problem you're fucked.

If student unions can organize with worker unions for protests/strikes that seems like a possible way we'll get enough momentum going to think about a general strike for some long overdue reforms

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They would plead the fifth if they could count that high.

Fark, slashdot, Penny arcade forums, something awful, phpbb, reddit, lobsters, Lemmy, ? Curious to see what comes next in public foruming

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Watching the sun rise every once and a while is free. You could probably get a pen and a few sheets of paper to write or draw your experiences. By volume a daily vitamin is well below $1 per day and could have significant benefits if you're not always eating healthy.