
0 Post – 156 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Webdeveloper from Germany, nerd, gamer, atheist, interested in nerd-culture, biology of everything creepy, evolution, history, physics, politics and space.

Progressive. Ally. SocDem. Euro-Federalist.

Political Compass: -7.0, -6.62

Thank you for your service

What does it mean if it's considered a lemon?

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Do you really think "didn't want to have sex" is the important part in the story of Narcissus?

I heard he's a Coca-Cola Plant

This is it.

People keep insisting that the populace would win a war of populace against state... maybe it would, I don't know and it's not the problem.

The problem is a war of half the populace against the state and the other half of the populace. Fascism is carried into power by popular demand, it's not like one day they just appear on the levers of power and have to put up with a revolting population. They will have been put there by the population, and it will be the better armed half of the population.

Thank you

What's Russia gonna do? Lose on two fronts instead of just the one?

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THAT is effective camo! It took me minutes wondering how they got the gloves on the photo and removed the arm... until I saw the arm.

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Aye, I used to sail the high seas, the hull of my ship gnarly with viruses, adware and malware from some infectious crackers or key-generators.

Then I had money, and started buying my software and my movies and all was good for a time. Then my media consume shifted to mobile devices, but I had Amazon Prime Video as the only really available video-streaming service around and all was good for a time. Then I added Netflix, as it arrived on my countries market and all was good for a time. Then I added Crunchyroll, Disney+ and Hulu and everything sucked, streaming the shows I wanted to watch was suddenly so expensive, no single streaming service had everything I wanted to watch, so I needed to subscribe to them all, costing an amount of money I would not spend on buying those shows.

Now I have unsubscribed from all but two again, but the market is so fractured, there is barely anything interesting on the services I still go to.

So my eyes keep wandering to that old tricorn, the hook and peg-leg, gathering dust on the wall. I can hear the waves crashing and feel the tide rising in my bones. The moneybags have decided to press us for more and more, their greed means no single harbor, not even two are enough to supply our demands. So there is plenty of bounty to be found on the high seas again, big fat galleons full of content otherwise unreachable or too expensive.

Doncha hear it boys? Davey Jones is singing again, calling us back to the sea, put on your VPN, defy the torrents and right your compasses with a good magnet. We did not choose this life, they made us turn to it.

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Breathing is at least 150k a year, that's more than enough, even after taxes and has me covered when I'm old and can't go for a walk anymore.

I don't need more, I'd rather enjoy my quiet time and taking an walk and standing still for a while at a nice vista, enjoying the view. I don't need the constant chase for money and even more money in my life and the stress of having to keep moving to get even more. When I walk at the beach with my better half, I'd rather think of how nice this is rather than how much this earns me.

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Hell yeah!

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you rip what you saw

reap, you reap what you sow, because if you sow wheat on fertile ground, you can later reap wheat.

Yeah well, one can be anti-oppression and anti-apartheid as well as anti-terror, anti-killing-civilians, anti-bombing-hospitals, anti-using-civilians-as-shields, anti-hostage-taking and anti-warcrimes.

The israeli Government is not the only one with blood on their hands and while nothing can excuse what the IDF is doing, nothing can excuse what HAMAS is doing too.

Both sides fucking suck, the only difference I can see is that HAMAS is bad for Israelis and Palestinians moreso than the Israeli Government is also bad for Israelis.

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He's still calling birth control "morally unacceptable", continuing the anti-condom and therefore pro-aids rhethoric of the church.

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The word "disinfornation" came from the press. The authors stated it "has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation", adding:

We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement—just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case.

Politico (owned btw. by german far right Axel Springer LLC, Germanys Fox News) distorted the meaning of the letter:

There was message distortion. All we were doing was raising a yellow flag that this could be Russian disinformation. Politico deliberately distorted what we said. It was clear in paragraph five

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When the AfD marched through our cities with cries of "Volksverräter!", I should have recognized it as a declaration of intent.

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Who could have known that traditional manufacturers who have been building cars for decades have reasons to do it the way they did?

Surely not the man who reinvented the subway (but shitty) reinvented content moderation (but shitty) and reinvented the car (but shitty).

How come "normal" Teslas with traditional coachwork are selling, well not great, but good and every time Musk thinks he's the genius who'll singlehandedly completely reinvent a very competitive product he just creates a worse version?

There is no such thing as a good religious person

That's a bridge too far for me.

Yes, faith is in and off itself detrimental to our society. Religiosity is a strong detrimental force, a mind-virus, a meme that damages the ability to clearly perceive reality.

But just like people who are infected with an infectious virus aren't bad, not all religious people are automatically bad people. I don't think they are good because they are religious, but that doesn't mean they are not good or not religious. So let us not fall into the same absolutist thoughts as the fervent deniers of secular goodness.

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This is PATENTLY wrong. It's 1.49% of GDP, not budget.

Defense budget is 10.9% of the governments budget, it's the second largest budgeted item after social wellfare and in front of infrastructure (which is crumbling) and debt. To increase it to 2% of gross domestic product means spending an additional amount equal to the entire budget for education and research.

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During shakespeares time, they did not allow female actors, so all women on stage were played by men.

Shakespeare had men acting in skirts and dresses. Juliet of Romeo and Juliet, a 14 year old girl was played by a man. The kissing between the Capulet heiress and the Montague boy were two men smooching on stage.

Repugnicans are a plague on both your houses (of Parliament)!

No, but the reason for it is one of safety, not morality:

Every bacteria, virus, fungus or other germ that can contaminate that lab and that meat is already adapted to hurt me, there is no species barrier. Nature generally abhors cannibalism because of this.

Now if you grow it in a lab, that might not be too much of a risk, but once you enter capitalist industrial production there are numerous incentives to cut corners and increase the risk of contamination.

Contamination also exists in factory farming, but at least there, there's a species barrier and the impact of that cannot be overstated.

Alternatively, you'll create a swamp of human meat factory farms that use huge amounts of antiviral, antifungal and antibiotic agents and just get soooooo much more effective in training multi-resistant germs, already adapted to human tissue.

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The article says:

Electricity generation from renewable energy sources — including wind, solar and hydropower — surpassed coal-fired generation in the electric power sector for the first time in 2022, making it the second-biggest source behind natural gas generation. Renewables also passed nuclear power generation for the first time in 2021 and widened that gap the next year.

So at least it's

  1. Fossil Gas
  2. Renewables
  3. Coal
  4. Nuclear

It's about the territorial waters that come with them

Which makes him the cool pope, because after everything else he's still the pope. Calling him cool pope was never about him being okay with gay marriage and always about him being less anti-gay than for example the absolutely horrendous pope Benedict.

And him having fighting words with more anti-love bishops does frame him as "the most progressive among his group of regressives".

It's the fucking catholic church, don't expect them to be sane.

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Texas, in this case, is actually siding with the student through the CROWN-Act that was specifically adopted because of court cases over hairstyles that damn school already lost before.

Nyeah... partly.

If that were entirely true, a "power bottom" would make no sense.

The terms sexual usage originated in gay circles where it only delineates who penetrates and who gets penetrated. Traditional views on sex ascribe a submissive or passive role to the bottom and an active or dominating role to the top, but you can totally have a power bottom who takes control and an active role in the intercourse but is the one getting penetrated.

Texas passed the CROWN-act to combat hair-based racial discrimination because that very same school already lost two cases where they discriminated black youths because of their hair.

For once Texas is on the right side.

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That's a squeegee, they said they use it after every shower but doesn't help.

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Absolutely agree with you!

People who use biology as an excuse to hate on people have no grasp on how biology even works.

"There's only two sexes, that's biology 101", yes, it's literally 101, it's what you get taught before you learn the specifics, the exceptions to the rules and the finer details of the multi-dimensional spectrum that is the impact of our biology on sex and gender.

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I see you know about our bureaucracy

No, fuck the current Israeli government.

Fuck Likud, fuck National Unity, fuck Shas, fuck Religious Zionist Party, fuck United Torah Judaism, fuck Jewish Power, fuck Noam!

Those are the parties forming the thirty-seventh government of Israel and many Israelis have been protesting against it since the election. It's a government of the extreme far-right, made up of religious goons, nationalistic Zionists, jewish Supremacists, kahanist Fascists and Terrorists.

Yes! Terrorists, the "Jewish Power" or Otzma Yehudit Party is the successor organization to the prohibited Kach Party the same party that was designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the U.S. State Department in 2004.

Kahanist parties have actually been outlawed in Israel since 1985 but war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu will tell you that "Jewish Power" aren't actually racist, supremacist, nationalist, zionist Terrorists (in short, Kahanists). If you ask him, they are "normal conservatives".

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For some definitions of noses.

Do they have a weird bump over their mouth in the center of their face? Some do yes.

Do they inhale or exhale with it? No.

Has it got anything to do with their sense of smell? Also no.

What do they use it for? Well functionally it's more of an upper lip than a nose.

How do they smell? Awful. But also they use the chemorezeptors in their antennae to smell/taste the air.

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> Golf pal of dad go to Japan for business,
> he has prostitute over,
> goes at it like a wild rabbit
> she keeps screaming "Ana chigai!! Ana chigai!!"
> he thinks she mean big praise, great or wow
> next day he go golf with japanese businessman
> Japanese man get a hole in one!
> dad pal scream "Ana chigai!" to praise him
> Japanese man turn to him, looking confused
> "What you mean, wrong hole?"

Your flash drive: "Ana chigai!"

It is! Even if it's very, very rare.

But it does exist, for example in the Name of Bernhard Hoëcker, where it denotes a pronounciation of Ho-ecker instead of Höcker.

Every. Single. Day.

My cars bluetooth is broken, so I connect my phone via headphone jack. This way I can still use my cars speakers and mic to receive phone calls and listen to music or audiobooks on my one hour drive to work.

I also despise bluetooth headphones. My phones batteries last longer since I don't use bluetooth anymore and I can't be bothered to not lose them and always have them charged when I want to use them.

With my good wired Bose headphones I pay a third of what the wireless crap would cost, have better sound and they are always ready, easily to take care of and at worst slightly tangled from being crammed into a jeans pocket.

man, we urgently need a way to link to a post on another instance without leaving your own instance

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The state has a monopoly on violence for a reason. Imho. this wasn't self defense, this was vigilantism and killing two people over money is a break with civilization.

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Trump needs the border as open as possible for his campaigning. It's his main talking point. A bipartisan bill would undermine his candidacy.

Republicans don't want solutions to this, they want power and to get it there must be talking points they can scare their voters with. Actually achieving their ostensible goals would hinder their real goals they need the power for.

  1. It is spelled Dachshund (Dachs-Hund, German, lit. Badger-Dog, as the breed was created to hunt foxes and badgers in their burrows)

  2. It is pronounced Dax Hunt (good example by a native german speaker: https://youtu.be/6aveG0N6Jtc?si=mzCsfrVA95VJZggG )

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