
5 Post – 514 Comments
Joined 13 months ago


and suck your own dick.

Not to toot my own horn...But I can actually do that to myself. I discovered that talent of mine after I fell off my bike one time.

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I kinda tumbled down a hill

This one street in the town I grew up in had one side exposed to a steep down incline. A big garbage truck speed past me while I was in the bike lane and the gust of wind created by it put me off balance for a moment

How about we just make being a commercial pilot worth people's while instead of replacing them with robots?

Why can't the parasites in the executive board room ever just pay their employees more? "nO bOdY wAnTs tO wOrK aNyMoRe!" No, nobody wants to work in an abusive workspace for shitty pay just to get fired once the time for a raise comes around.

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the internet archive is a very useful tool for countering the "official story" whenever the powers that be are lying.

If you're able, I hope you donate to the internet archive. There's a lot of horrible people from all over youtube that like to erase their old videos to help control their own narrative.

"On the verge" of a recession? What the fuck planet are you living on?

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It seems the solution is simple. Don't use apple products anymore. Windows or linux.

Unlike apple, there's ways to make windows private and secure and most distros of linux are mostly private and mostly secure

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Ajit creamPai is just a puppet of the corporations, he's a dick that's corrupt and rubbing the fact that he's corrupt in your face, but he's just the most visible festering boil on the whole ugly face of our government.

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Since everything is going digital, it seems the only way to actually control the things you want is to pirate them.

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Ah yes, "found dead" like the people who reported on the Panama papers "died in car accidents"

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fuck with the algorithm make it show ads for porno and then they'll stop doing it

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yarr harr fiddle dee dee, do what you want 'cause a pirate is free!

Sorry, I love that song. What are we talking about?

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the first trials for this resulted in men becoming sterile and then killing themselves.

And then a bunch of female comedians made fun of them for "being a little moody"

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Nuclear power is actually way cheaper.

You just need to find a geologically safe place to put it and you need to make sure everyone involved follows safety protocols to the letter. And you can't have anyone cutting corners to save money. You need to spare no expense when it comes to safety.

The only issue is that people don't stay strict with keeping everything safe sometimes. People are terrified of it because when something goes wrong, everyone can see the very gruesome results very quickly

But I don't think microsoft or any company should be making an AI at the rate they are if it's going to take as much resources as it seems.

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Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free.

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You mean buying isn't owning?

Well then...Piracy isn't st...I mean Piracy is wrong an immoral!

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Piracy doesn't hurt anything. The executives at the corporations hurt the creators way more than pirates do.

Not that I would ever pirate anything! That would be immoral!

MULLVAD! WireGuard configuration! Quantum resistant encryption!

...Sorry...I have Tourette's syndrome.


sorry...I can't stop myself.

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For such "genius" "business leaders" they sure can't understand the concept of supply and demand

They just want to make people they view as lesser than them suffer.

Suffer on the way to work, suffer finding a parking spot, suffer getting into the building, suffer working, suffer getting out of the building, suffer getting back to the car, suffer on the way home

Over and over your asshole bosses are getting off on your suffering

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2 quarts is not equal to 2 liters.

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How much fucking money do they need?

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keep poisoning AI until it's useless to everyone.

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Fuck that asshole principal.

I bet his wife caught him jacking off to the video and so he had to react like that to save face.

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"but if we pirate things the singers won't get anything!"

yeah, fuck the music companies and fuck the movie companies. The moral thing to do is to pirate everything you want to watch, read and listen to.

the actors, writers and singers and everyone working behind the scenes are already getting next to nothing for their hard work compared to what the executives at all those corporations are getting for just sitting on their asses.

....sorry I blacked out, what were we talking about?

You should never pirate anything! that would be bad!

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I mean...I still would've blocked the ads no matter what. I paid for my computer it's mine and I should be allowed to control it.

two demented old farts that don't know anything. Those are our options.

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good luck with that.

One of the problems with a giant platform like that is that billions of people are always using it.

Keep poisoning the AI. It's working.

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The title of this post might as well be "Water is wet, the sky is blue, ice is cold"

Of course corporations are lying to have a reason to raise prices when they don't need to.

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Libreoffice? Open office? Thunderbird? Proton unlimited with its calendar?

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You ain't gonna get mine, you fuckers.

Proton VPN with port forwarding turned off...Or Mullvad with quantum secure encryption...whichever you want.

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All of these media companies splitting everything up and making it nearly impossible to figure out which service is hosting what shows is what did this. They got greedy and raised their prices.

So naturally people are going to be inclined to figure out how to safely pirate things and then they're going to do it.

You should never pirate things, that would be immoral to use mullvad and qbittorrent to pirate things!

Movies (7) and (9) anime are very expensive to make! You're stealing from corporate executives when you pirate!

Yeah, like that lie they told for decades about how "mac can't get viruses!" they got sued in a class action lawsuit over that claim, which is why they don't EXPLICITLY say it anymore.

Or how apple can yoink anything you install off your apple devices whenever they want?

Nobody ever said you had to be smart to be a billionaire... or a good person.

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That's already been confirmed to be bullshit....And what I mean by that is that youtube's claim is bullshit.

I've seen multiple idiots, some entitled, some clueless that parked in the loading areas thinking it was okay because they're "not taking a handicapped spot"

I'm disabled, but I can still walk. The entitlement boils my blood too.

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This is probably fake, but I know conversations like this actually happen.

I don't gamble, but if I did I would bet that the AI is going to teach a lot of mistakes and maybe even be the cause of someone saying something wrong, like an insult instead of a greeting or something.

If they need more money, they can just take about $2,000 USD per second from Bezos' money. He makes over $3,000 USD per second.

I forgot to mention. over 99% of all online sales go through amazon. They don't need to raise their prices.

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I really feel like his whole life got ruined as soon as he became a scientologist.

Edit: I meant to say "his" not "this"

All the politicians that took multiple trips to Jeffery Epstein's little playhouse want to protect the children!

Won't someone please protect the heckin' children?!

Edit 8 days later: Wow, a lot of people really like using their free speech rights to advocate against free speech...Weird.

If you don't support the free speech rights of the people you hate the most, then you don't support free speech at all.

All censorship is bad. One day it's naughty racial words and then the next day religious zealots can lock people up for saying "god" in the wrong context.

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