People who park in the handicapped ramp boil my blood. to Mildly – 610 points –

I have a disability and want to smack these jerks with my cane.


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I've seen multiple idiots, some entitled, some clueless that parked in the loading areas thinking it was okay because they're "not taking a handicapped spot"

I'm disabled, but I can still walk. The entitlement boils my blood too.

The yellow lined area is not a parking space. The space is left open for ramps on vehicles that need an extra side space to get in and out of and extend the ramp.

It's also left open because that's where the drop curb is for people getting out of a car parked in the accessible spot can physically get onto to sidewalk.

The yellow lined area is not a parking space

I know, that's why I said "loading area" when referring to that space.