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Joined 9 months ago

You do anyway without piercings.

The nipple isn't technically one hole, it's kind of like a porous sponge. After all, mammary glands are just mutated sweat glands, it's a series of holes connected to a series of ducts.

So a lot of people find when lactating that it can spurt in crazy directions from unexpected parts of the nipple.

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Nah, I'm just a person with leaky tits.

Yes and no, if you scambait hard enough your number can eventually be added to a blacklist for larger scam organisations that bought your data for use in multiple scam attempts.

In my experience that has really cut down on the calls.

In 2020 the department of human services accidentally posted my personal phone number on a list of support services for people experiencing housing or food insecurity. This number was then circulated by every major news source in my state. I couldn't change my number at the time because I had no legal ID (still don't... Can't figure out how to get ID without ID, but I have a new number now at least) at first I didn't really notice the ratio of spam calls to genuine calls for the wrong number (ie, people calling my number because they needed housing/food) . I just remember getting 40+ calls a day at many stages.

But as the actual number for the food relief service was circulated, I eventually stopped getting genuine calls and I was getting 3-5 scam calls every single day.

After a year of scam baiting, I was getting 2 a week.

Now, I'll do something online that requires sharing my current number, within a few hours I get a scam call because my data has been sold, but I bait the heck out of that first call and I usually don't receive any further calls which suggest my number was blacklisted by a larger scam organisation, and I won't be hassled until my data is sold again as a new item.

It's hard to avoid getting your number on scam lists when the largest health insurance company, and the second largest telecommunications company in my country both had major data breaches where millions of customers identifying information was accessed and sold to scammers....

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The number of times I find myself plugging the iron in behind the TV and then holding an old Amazon box against the wall and juggling my pants while I iron because I'm in a rush and that's the available outlet plug and space.

Exactly, I didn't have a tantrum. I used a third party app because of the accessibility features it offered that the official app doesn't. I can't use reddit now, so I don't use reddit.

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I'm certain you understand, you are intoxicated, departing from the entertainment establishment before it closes, and you are responsible so you take it's upon yourself to secure safe, sober transport home. The application you use to order the ride informs you that your designated driver will arrive in a "Kia Chevy Juke". Despite being absolutely incapable of clear thought, you, or another member of your party is trying very hard to ensure you all enter the correct vehicle to avoid potential danger from nefarious individuals. Also, you have chosen to partake in this activity in a cold time of year, and as it is 4 o'clock in the morning, you are all quite cold.

The female condom has two rigid rings, one in the sealed end that sits under the cervix, and one at the open end.

The ring at the open end is designed to hold the condom open and give the penetrating partner a nice big safe target to make sure the penis/toy/whatever goes inside the condom and not accidentally between the condom and the vaginal wall. This ring also provides some minor protection to parts of the vulva due to its size.

The internal ring is much smaller by comparison, and is not that much larger than a diva cup. The internal ring of a female condom is a similar size to a "soft cup" menstrual cup, it's a little bit smaller than a contraceptive diaphragm.

I'm hard of hearing and terrified of standing in the wrong place at an airport and missing the visual cues to board the flight. Once boarding starts and people start queueing up, I usually get in line because it's helpful to see what everyone in front of me is doing - the order that they hand over paperwork or get carry on double checked. I can't guarantee I'll be able to hear the attendant if they ask me questions at the gate because it's so noisy, so I like to at least feel like I'm prepared.

One time I was flying with crutches and qualified for early pre-boarding because I needed the plane wheelchair (skychair). I sat right next to the gate desk and waited, then I started seeing people queue up so I quickly joined the line, wondering how pre-boarding works when the whole plane of passengers are already vying to be at the front of the line.

I get to the front, the attendant looks at my ticket then after some awkward back and forward eventually I realised they were telling me I'll have to wait till everyone has boarded to get the sky-chair on. I should have come to the desk when pre boarding was announced. I pointed that I was sitting right in front of them... Apparently they were called my name 3 times over the loudspeaker.

Apparently airports can only comprehend one disability at a time (if that!) they knew I was hard of hearing (it's on my ticket) but still thought calling me over the PA was the best way to get the attention of the deaf person sitting 80cm from their desk.

So I sat back down and waited for the line to clear, then I got back up when there were 2 people in line, and after another back and forward I learned that they had tried calling my name again about halfway through boarding because they only had one skychair and it was now or never because the chair had told fly with the other passenger because their arrival airport didn't have a chair, or something, I dunno, anyway I kind of had to crawl down the ailse to get to my chair because in the past I've just used the backs of chairs to swing myself along, but the plane was full so I couldn't do that.

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This is why they are also tell you the license plate number.

I don't need to know what a Honda Whatever looks like to know that if the licence plate and my app both say "ABC123", that's my uber.

My uber is a white Toyota camry? So helpful, there definitely aren't 7 of them parked outside the club each waiting for their uber rider and or kidnap victim.

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In Australia we call this "skimpflation" because they aren't shrinking the final product, they're skimping on ingredients to lower production costs.

It's the bane of my existence because brands I know and love will change their ingredients without warning and without changing anything on the packaging (sometimes not even changing the ingredients list! If the ingredients list has always just said "starch" they don't have to change anything going from arrowroot starch to cheaper potato starch)

I have allergies and I've bought two boxes of the same product at the same time, and had an allergic reaction to one, but not the other.

I used to always blame it on my housemates not washing the cooking utensils properly, but I now use separate cooking equipment and I clean down the kitchen before I start and cook at odd times so I'm the only one using the kitchen.

I've started emailing companies after my allergic reactions to determine if they have changed an ingredient, and 90% of the time they confirm they have changed the ingredients. Usually they put some PR spin on it about the new ingredient being more allergy friendly or sustainable (they don't clarify "environmentally" so I assume they mean "financially sustainable for the profits of our company")

Not a bad haul, I might be biased as an Australian, but that looks like good value for money for food that's balanced and easy to cook.

As a fellow non-meat eater, I am deeply disturbed by the lack of legumes in this photo, but if you're not a fan of cooking from dried, then I get it, canned can get expensive for what you get out of it.

Some charred chickpeas with olive oil lightly smashed on that rosemary bread would end up being my breakfast for a week straight if this was my house.

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Food I cook is starting to taste more and more like my mother's cooking. Moving out of home I always assumed my mums poor cooking was down to technique, boiling the brussel sprouts, steaming the peas until they were grey, water frying everything. As soon as I learned to cook properly it was amazing how much flavour everything had. Letting things brown fully, using oil, not overcooking everything.

But recently, no amount of skill can save the sad veggies sold in store.

It makes the hyperprocessed foods even more appealing when there's nothing you can affordably do to improve the simple produce and staples. When potatos cost the same as Pringle's, calorie for calorie (and they do, ) it's easy to see why "just eat beans, rice, and in season produce" isn't helpful advice - yes it's frugal, but it's depressing, and not as easy as it used to be. Why waste money on already rotting food that tastes bland when the same money can buy me a more nutrient dense food that lasts longer and tastes better?

I've got a few things growing on the 2m concrete slab my landlord calls a back yard, it helps having home grown spring onion, parsley and pea shoots to dress up a dish.

I'm a terrible gardener, I can't even get mint to take. "grow your own" is thrown around too readily when people complain about produce quality. It's not always an option, there is a physical skill, a cognitive skill, and resource requirements.

I teach IT for seniors (basically a class room full of your Nan asking how her phone works) and I 100% agree with both of your points.

For experienced users, a lack of distinct buttons, and the use of icons only has the potential to slow you down.

For new users, learners, and people with cognitive or visual impairment these features make websites and apps boarderline In-usable.

It's very hard to teach people how to use a computer when I must first teach them an endless codex of icons and symbols, and train them to mouse over anything and everything in case it's a button.

Like wise, companies like Google need to stop being cute with confirmation buttons that say "got it" or "I'm in". Stick to basics like "okay" and "agree", because a lot of IT students in community education are non-English speaking, so indirect buttons like this are even more confusing. And for those of us who are fluent in English, we're often scanning a page for specific text, and we're even less likely to recognise a button is a button if the text on it is something that has never traditionally been put on a button.

Exactly, if you've got money lying around, invest in something that doesn't require you to get off your ass and ensure the singular person/family selling their labour for your dividends isn't forced to shelter in a mold infested leaky death trap.

You're profiting of someone else's undeniable need for shelter and housing. You can at least fix the broken extraction fan above the gas cooker and not winge about the loss your precious rental income for that week.

The stock market is way easier to invest in than the property market. I genuinely don't understand why landlords take it on, then bitch about it.

I'm this person. I have a few rules - I never have a phone conversation on public transport (bus, train, etc) and if it's a long conversation or overly personal I'll tell them I'll call them back when I'm in a private room.

But I'll answer quick calls like "can you grab bread on your way home?" or "I'm on my way, but I'm running late" on speaker in public.

I have reverse slope hearing loss, and I'm a very forgetful person who always leaves their seventeen pairs of headphones somewhere that isn't on my person.

I can't hear phone conversations properly without putting the phone directly in front of me so both ears are listening.

It's gotten better with VoIP because the method of compression is different to the old copper lines - I can't hear shit over analogue, as a teenager I used to use relay services because I couldn't hear male voices over phone. But some people's phone service is still really badly compressed, I'm on a tight budget so unfortunately I can't afford a quality service, or a flagship smartphone that let's me pitch adjust incoming calls.

I can't afford hearing aids for RSHL (they're not standard) so in the meantime I answer the phone on speaker and hold it in front of my face. (unless I have my headphones and can plug both in)

I try not to shout at my phone, but half the time it's my deaf mother calling me and we just end up shouting at each other over the phone, or it's one of the students calling me, I teach conversational English for migrants and IT for seniors, so there's a huge language or hearing barrier and my stupid little monkey brain thinks speaking louder will help even though I know it won't.

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Plus a bunch of stuff that was illegal when you were poor suddenly becomes perfectly legal if you're rich enough to pay the associated fees.

I mean, sure the police call them "fines"...but still.

When I was 23 I moved into a sharehouse that had a dishwasher, I lived there over a year before I saw it, it had a false cabinet so it blended in. I'd always just washed my dishes in the sink and I keep all my dishes, cutlery and pans separate in a tub in the pantry because I have allergies. I'd never used a dishwasher before.

I googled how to use a dishwasher because I didn't want to be the 20 year old that can't do basic chores. I read the user manual and looked for the filters and catchment drains. They were filthy so I cleaned them, then followed the stacking guide in the user manual and ran it with a full load of my housemates dishes.

I was very impressed with how clean they came out.

I mentioned it to a housemate who found it very amusing I'd only just discovered the dishwasher, he warned me that it was old and broken and not a very good dishwasher so the few housemates that use it were actually talking about splitting the cost of a replacement if I wanted to get in on it.

Why? When the dishwasher was working perfectly.

All 7 of my housemates flooded into the kitchen to assess the cleanliness of the dishes because no one believed me that the dishwasher worked.

Turns out in the 7 years the house had been used for student housing since the landlords son took over as head tenant, not a single one of the rotating cast of 8 housemates had ever cleaned the secondary catchment filter, and only rarely did someone remember to clean the main filter.

Turns out the dishwasher works great when you remove the months worth of old rotten corn building up in the filter, and drain off the 7 years of muck that's blocking the greywater outlet flow.

My housemates will still say I stack the dishwasher like a sociopath, but I learned from the user manual so I don't care, the dishes are clean.

The actual law bans using the swastika to "glorify or profit from Nazi idiology".

Wolfenstein would not be impacted by the ban because at the core of the gameplay, the Nazis are the bad guys. It does not glorify the Nazis or celebrate them.

Sure Bathesda is profiting from the game, but they aren't profiting from the glorification of Nazi idiology, they're profiting from people's desire to shoot zombie Nazis in the face.

Also, what I loved about HP has changed, what I see in the original source material can't be unchanged. I loved the magic, the opportunity, the hope and the underlying messages of love and found family.

But I don't see those things anymore when I re-engage with the source material. They're still there on the surface, sure, but now I know more about the author I can't unsee the racist undertones, the issues surrounding gender roles and the failed allegorys for homosexuality. It was there the whole time, and I was blissfully ignorant as a teenager reading these books, and that's why okay, but as an adult, I can't go back. What I loved about HP isn't there anymore, and trying to read other again through the child like lens makes me feel uncomfortable because it's like I'm closing my eyes, sticking my fingers in my ears and convincing myself that it's okay to be complicit engaging with bigotry.

Isn't alliteration when the same letter is used? So "cop cow canine" is alliterative because of the letter "C", while "Cop, Cow, Dog" just has repetitive beats/syllables.

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Ah thank you, I was using too much logic and failed to remember that misogynistic laws aren't made from a position of reason.

I still don't see how that misunderstanding leads to such a violent attack.

If you (mistakenly) think someone is trying to haggle with you, the correct response is "ma'am we don't haggle here, the price is the price, pay or get out"

At what point does "she tried to haggle with me!" become an excuse for "so I bashed her face in"

Yup, that's why I'm here. Since sync for reddit ended, Relay was the only app I found with the accessibility settings that I need. Using sync for Lemmy, haven't tried any other apps or browsing methods yet but so far it's been great.

All the time, always and forever.

I will buy adaptors, and seek out wired headphones with a jack that fits my phone.

Friends and families have bought me wireless headphones, but I am a walking Bluetooth black zone (I'm constantly having to reset Bluetooth connections on my all my devices, no one else in my household has the same problem), and I'm notorious for loosing things.

I superglued my wireless ear buds to a chunky necklace so even if one fell out it wouldn't get lost, it would just dangle around my neck. Lost the whole thing somewhere between the garage and the front door one night. Got my housemates out crawling in the grass looking for it with torches and playing the "lost ear bud" tone from the app, but we never found it. Not even when mowing the lawn did we ever hear it getting chewed up.

I'm not an audiophile, I have reverse slope hearing loss and I'm currently using a $10 pair of 3.5mm earphones with a $7 usbc adaptor and its exactly what I need because it's cheap, replaceable, and I wouldn't even notice better audio quality if it stuck it's tongue in my ear.

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It's also left open because that's where the drop curb is for people getting out of a car parked in the accessible spot can physically get onto to sidewalk.

My current boss who said she was retiring about 5 years ago (but didn't...) used Excel as a password manager but would create her own little "boxes" of merged cells, then when she wanted to clear the contents of a merged cell she'd select the whole area and delete entire rows and columns, but she wouldn't notice, so later then complain that the Gen Z office admin was "deleting important passwords" and when I pointed out that it was the boss doing that she'd either deny it, or repeat her process while paying closer attention then blame "Microsoft doing stupid things with this new Excel, it didn't do this before the cloud" (don't ask me why she thought her excel 2010 was on the cloud, other than the fact she saved this doc in Dropbox)

Said scape goat office admin transferred everything to OneNote when we did get finally get Microsoft 365, so at least the boss would stop accidentally deleting everything when trying to edit one thing.

Then the boss started to get annoyed at me for all my "stupid and impossible passwords", how dare I have passwords like "nf6oO!D4t^q%Tnr3" and "&x#5Fr$s68iETYof". I asked why it's a problem, just copy and paste, my passwords are like that because I generate mine within a password manager and I'm not changing my process, I'm already heavily compromising by putting my passwords in her silly OneNote so she can log into accounts I've set up.

She had all her passwords in this document, but she wasn't even using it to copy paste. She'd look at the document to read the password then type it out manually....

I showed her my password manager so she'd understand how useful it is, turns out our MSP had already set one up for her! But she didn't like it because "it always asks me to check a code on my phone just to see my passwords, it takes too long to faff around with my phone, OneNote is just as secure because it's in the Dropbox and you can't get into the Dropbox without the password."

Lord help me.

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Growing up in a vegetarian household, I never once had to remember to take the chicken out of the freezer when I got home from school. It was great.

If the ethical, environmental and health benefits aren't enough to convince a family to keep a bag of dehydrated TVP on hand - It's also so much cheaper!

To this day I love tofu, which is unfortunate because tofu does not love me. But just like lactose intolerant people and ice cream, it won't stop me!

Well except that we first need to use all the sane diesel farm equipment to grow soy and corn crops that we can then feed to those self propelled animals.

In most of the westernised supply chain livestock animals don't get to propel themselves very far anyway. Where once farmers would drive cattle to market on hoof, now they litteraly drive them in a truck.

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How does that even work?

I mean, to be a cis lesbian also implies being a cis woman....

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Marketing, promotion, quality content generation - which in itself is a bucket load of work.

You've got actual production work, setting up a decent lighting/camera/sound system for your content, preparing everything you need to film or run a quality live stream. Post production, editing takes longer than people think.

But pre-production, there's work to do on yourself, grooming and preparing physically, especially if you are going to be getting into anything fetish related, it adds another level of preparation (and possibly an extra level to post production clean up)

It's also not something you can always compartmentalise, I have a friend who does some generic feet stuff, she had to quit swimming and change her entire gym routine to allow herself to shower at home, because catching athletes foot meant she'd loose income. She has to choose her socks and shoes based on protecting the physical appearance of her feet. She can't just chuck on some thongs (flip flops) in summer because her clientele don't like the tan lines and are vocal about it.

PR is important, you need to have time to engage with the audience, reply to messages and maintain the illusion of the parasocial relationship, to keep your subscribers keen. It can take easily take an hour a day to do if you have large enough fan base and want to maintain it.

There's a lot to like about the "person next door" charm of a low budget, low effort approach to nudes and clips, but that's what most people on OF are already doing, so if you want real money you have to set yourself apart from that.

Good point, it is wasteful. Maybe instead of letting it rot in the food supply chain and on supermarket shelves we should let baby calves drink it, or stop forcefully impregnating dairy cows in the first place.

It's the salt brine that will clear you out, not the olives.

If you watch Super Size Me 2, they go into a lot more detail on why the selective breeding is so disturbing.

Amoung other things, the birds are bred for meat muscle development, their cardiovascular systems have not been equally enhanced and as a result, chicken farmers know that the birds are big enough for slaughter because some of them will just start dropping dead of heart failure.

Without interruption what incentive does protest have to make change?

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I mean, given what's happening with the women's only art exhibit at the MONA right now, this woman definitely has a legal leg to stand on even with this being a private company.

Even if it's just a matter of false advertising (if the app means cis women they should say cis women, not say "women" and then go out of their to exclude an entire group of women) or compensation for being given access then having access removed.

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I swear some landlords lay it on so thick they're basically reducing the total liveable square footage of their rental.

I think this depends where you live, having worked a summer as a trolley runner for blister pack production, we produced thousands of blisters, and at the end of the line half got pharmacy own brand foils and the other half got name brand foils.

Same pills, same packs, same factory same standards and testing, just different ink on the foils. But the pharmacy brands would have shorter contracts so they would only be identical to this name brand for 6 months, then try might get a contract with another factory and be identical to another name brand there.

I know with some drugs (Warfarin is the only one that's instantly coming to mind) it is important to pick a brand and stick with it because the slightest change can effect the therapeutic value.

For myself, I have allergies so sometimes a certain brand or manufacturing company will use a filler, binder or dye I can't have. And frustratingly there are no ingredients lists on pills for fillers and dyes.

Disassociation maybe?

I used to think my hearing loss and visual impairment was the reason I got so stressed walking through a car park - I can't hear cars and I can't always tell if a slow moving car is indeed moving.

But that made no sense because I have no issues getting around a bus depot and public transport interchange. I'll be fine navigating the streets with buses, trams, bikes and pedestrians, but as soon as I step into the parking lot I suddenly can't detect obstacles properly.

My partner pointed out thatI very clearly dissociate when I'm in a car park. I've conditioned myself to feel anxious in car parks (from when I was younger before I learned to navigate with my disability, the fear of car parks did not make sense) so now I pre-emptively check out and try to navigate on autopilot, which makes it more dangerous and anxiety inducing, making me dissociate more.

As soon as I realised that I was dissociating and that was the problem, I started working on it and now I have no greater level of disorientation in a car park than anywhere else.

If you've been using weed pretty heavily for a while, I'd give it a month T break.

For me the first week is insomnia, muscle pain and brain fog worse than when I'm actually stoned, the second week is depressive symptoms and feeling "dopamine withdrawal" (ie: nothing is fun, nothing is motivating, everything is empty), hyperemesis/diarrhoea, and hypersomia.

It's not until the third or fourth week of a T break that I feel human and begin to think "this is fine, I don't need weed, it's nice, but so is having some time off to be sober"

My dad now uses AI to write all his texts to me.

He's autistic and dyslexic and texting was always a massive struggle for him, so he'd leave voice messages, or just call me, and they'd be rambling and non linear, but it was my dad and his voice, his personality.

A few years ago he'd use dictation to send texts, and it was pretty funny because he hadn't no way of proof reading them and dictation is never great for people with accents or speech problems.... but now he will just use the microphone to ask whatever AI assistant is built into his phone the same rambling question he would have previously just voice messaged me.

And Copilot re-writes his rambling question and spits out a message that sounds like some formal business email. So now there's an extra level of misinterpretation, an extra level of being removed from communicating with the human being.

I've asked my dad if he finds AI easier than just leaving a voice message (because I personally think sending a voice memo is easier) and he says he likes it because it makes him feel like he's "normal" and can do the things everyone else has always been able to do with ease, even though he knows its not perfect.

I can definitely see the value in AI as an accommodation tool, and it has helped my dad a lot in his professional life where previous accommodation tools haven't been adequate to "keep up".

But I do miss hearing my dad, or reading his personality come through in the poorly dictated texts. My brother has gotten really annoyed at dad for this because my brother it's also autistic and it's actually harder for him to communicate with dad with an AI middle man, they've lived together for almost 30 years and they basically have their own language, so the AI texts my brother gets from my dad drive him nuts, when he and my dad have never had issues communicating.

I'm also worried that it's effecting the limited literacy skills he does have, he's getting rusty because he no longer has to try at all most days.

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