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Joined 1 years ago

And though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend, I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend.

Far-right influencer Rogan O’Handley went so far as to suggest that if the Chiefs won the Super Bowl, Swift and Kelce would trigger an apocalyptic chain of events that would kill millions. “You MUST defeat the Chiefs,” O’Handley wrote in an X post addressed to the San Francisco 49ers. “If you don’t, Mr. Pfizer and his girlfriend are going to tour the country as ‘world champions’ helping elect Joe Biden WW3 will likely follow in a 2nd Biden term and millions will die. The fate of the free world rests upon your shoulders”

Just wow. Only a tidbit of the crazy they are spouting in this article.

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Might check into hotel reception too. I worked nights at one, and my main duty was making sure the building didn't catch fire or disappear while waiting to do the audit and start morning coffee before I left.

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I used to live in an Enon, quickly realized it's "None" backwards. So much nothing, there was a ceremony for a stop light.

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Thankfully never, not sure how I would have recovered from that one! Did catch it pretending it was on fire a few times. It was alerting the local FD our alarms were triggered when on site, it was quiet an no burning was going on. They called a couple different times about it and even showed up once... in case I was lying? Bet safe than sorry I guess.

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Add an egg to that shit, like an egg drop soup, omg!

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Sooo... Not only has it not trickled down but, they haven't even paid their fair share, huh? Who woulda' thought?!

I had to look up so.e examples using that, some of these are great!

The yellow lined area is not a parking space. The space is left open for ramps on vehicles that need an extra side space to get in and out of and extend the ramp.

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Yogurt and granola, with a side of nuts and cheese for an portable, decent protein, heavy snack/light meal. Or, salad with chopped lunch meat and some cheese on top, so I can again get some easy protiens. I also keep some decent frozen meals in case I'm short on cook time and need a hot heavy meal. There are work gaps where I can barely spend time at home and the bagged "family meals" of pasta or mixed veggies are awesome portioned out for multiple meals.

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The abilities of some to twist and misconstrue almost everything is almost impressive. Anytime anything might be helpful to society, they come up with conspiracies and ways it must be for evil.

I don't have, and never planned on having, any kids but, I always vote for and push for education. It is scary what large numbers of ignorant people can accomplish.

And if I just whip a gun out and shoot everyone who espouses this shit, it won't take very long for me to be shot or jailed myself. And, now it is proof to them that the other side IS out to get them and their fairy in the sky. Changes nothing for the better in the political hellscape but, does ruin my families lives. I do not want violence to be the answer. But, if it has to be, unless there is a tight movement against these holy dingbats, it's just a useless sacrifice to jump and go ballistic on them. As much shit as I've seen on here with extreme left saying the only answer is violence back, I have not seen anyone working towards that in the real world. What, everyone is waiting for someone else to get started? Or, we really are not has homicidal as they are and prefer to logically come to a conclusion?

Exactly. OK, we get Biden again. Now use the next 4 years to REALLY push ... for ranked voting, age limits for reps, or anything! Because you still can.

That was fantastic, well put.

What about those of us that tried but get met with "It's all rigged anyway, doesn't matter if you vote, or who for"? Like, we are all behind these nutjobs?? Should we be as bad as them and go for extermination of our opposition?

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I found this USA Today

From a snippet:

Moreno said the posts are inaccurate and misconstrue the nature of the urban planning framework.

"The 15-minute city is the opposite of lockdown," Moreno said. "The 15-minute city is an open and connected city, which balances the differences in access to services."

The framework does not limit residents' ability to leave their neighborhoods or access services in other areas of the city.

“All citizens are free to go where they want," Moreno said. "There are no constraints.”

Slack for all.

Except the part where he was quoted saying that it was a victimless crime. Ick

Piping in with some odd history info. They were originally made to give theater patrons something to watch while the main film was re-wound. Theaters used to play the same movie on repeat all day until they got a new film, then it was that movie all day. There were no "move times". If you showed up midway you just stayed until it repeated so you could catch the beginning. Also why news reels and other visual media would get played.

Psycho made the change to set times. Hitchcock did not want anyone to accidentally see the end without starting from the beginning. Shortly after that those movie trailers got bastardized into the ads we now know them as.

I've also known some sleaze bag business owners who seek these kinds of services because they want to find a way to take advantage of programs n things they don't actually qualify for.

So glad it wasn't just me that immediately thought of him.

It's still there but it is not the same. I spent waaay to many hours in weird places thanks to that stumble button. Still regularly go to KOL, which I found there.

My little daydream is that thr judge's terms were something simple like "I want your statement beforehand so I can review it. But, you have to write it yourself, by hand. Your own hand." And he just couldn't muster up the gumption to do his own work.

I don't live in Indiana anymore but, I voted republican for the primaries because as a citizen I am concerned as to who will be on the 2 sides we currently have in November. I wanted to take my small stance in voting in that upcoming decision.

I think we should totally move to ranked choice and ditch the electoral college. This current, you don't get a say in half of the choice till the end, and then could be over-ruled with a rogue electorate, is absolute garbage in this day and age.

Oh! Same. You cannot portray the nuances of speech easily through text. I often feel like my intentions may be misconstrued if I don't emphasize or elaborate, lol. I still have an array of colored pens for personal and close friend/family use!

If i have the time to wait on noodles, spaghetti is a staple. They even make frozen meatballs you can cook in the sauce while it heats up!

Totally replied to the wrong thought chain, I pour boiling water in my cup and drop the egg. Usually once it's cool enough for me to handle, about 10mins-ish egg has cooked through

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Check the HR, insurance extras or employee perks whatever page or call the insurance about Behavioral Health programs. Some companies (not enough by far) have some free or lower cost providers in those programs. Not just EAP, which is also a great offering, just usually not long term. Some, it may just be "virtual in-network visits" are discounted over "in person" visits or something simple. A common obe I see is ~5-8 free w/the matched provider then it rolls into the benefit payments if you keep them going.

Its all a very dumb game and I try to pass along any "tricks" I can find to make the system remotely usable. If anyone has any, throw 'em my way!

Wow! That poor kid! Poor woman too but I can't imagine that kid learning all this and some imaginary person is on his birth certificate!? Trust issues forever. Fucking wow. Can anyone put a fictitious person down on a birth certificate? Can you do that for both parents? Does this get him out of child support? I have sooo many more questions.

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Haha! Yes, i learned there are very few cities/towns (my Enon was a Village) that have an original name in the US. If they do they were named after a prominent person that grew the area. Most spawn from somewhere overseas, especially the "New" named ones lol. Then as we migrated we just had no originality for naming. Not gotten far enough down that rabbit hole to know why. I imagine religion, like Enon.

I haven't been to any outside the US, and admittedly not that many in, with how many there are. So far The Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix has been one of the most interesting to me and I didn't see it all by far. There is a "petting zoo" downstairs with a selection of instruments you can play too! It was crazy satisfying to bang a big gong.

Oh wow! The places they deem fit to try and cut corners. My manager at that hotel spent some time stuck in one our elevators after he"fixed" it himself and then had to have Otis come out.

I am horrible at these things so I asked chat gpt and it's suggestion is "Connect, Create, Collaborate: Empowering Communities on Lemmy!"

I remember tanggrams being great as a kid as solitary creative play. Helps reinforce colors and shapes, their relation/fit with each other. How they combine to form new shapes. Prob more I've forgotten.

I had to go look those up, I had not heard of them They look tasty but, damn they are a little pricey, at least in my area. Are they pretty good sized/filling?

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Aha! I knew there was a string adapter for my tin can so I can plug it to my audio jack!

Virginia, Tennessee, Iowa and Kentucky still have policies that result in at least some US citizens being effectively shut out of democracy for life. Several other states, including Florida, Alabama and Arizona, predicate voting on having enough money to pay off court fines and fees – another barrier that makes it nearly impossible for low-income Americans to regain the right to vote.

Right, instead we.... should hop right through the meat grinder door? Why, because quicker death?

Dunno. All my brain can see is shop smart, shop S-mart!

I have done the cup and my own bowl with it. I make sure to have my noodles broke in half in my bowl before I pour my water in, then egg. With the cup it gets a little messier because of space but still doable.