Do you forget to throw things away sometimes? to – 199 points –

I do


wat if i need it tho

You will. Because one time, 8 years ago, that exact thing happened to me and therefore I know it's not an irrational worry. 😤

Actually, it's a bell pepper that looked so red and delicious I couldn't keep myself from buying it.

It's about to drip down onto the beer bottles.


Once I had bought and 'forgot' pears in a hanging wire mesh etagere and yeah, the pears loved the wire a bit too much until I finally threw them away. Actually I don't remember if I bought them or someone else.

That half of a lemon that I put in the fridge a month ago? It's now half of a lime!

Wait another month! You'll have a new friend to discuss politics with! :D

Bold of you to assume mine is still yellow.

It's still good. Actually, it's even better now - the flavor has matured.

It's half of a lime, and it's hard as a rock.

I had a whole lime that ended up as a rock hard mini lime

The sound it made hitting a tile floor was concerning

I once threw away an empty plastic water bottle while on vacation. Just before I threw it away I thought to myself: "Maybe I should keep this, it might come in handy. I've been carrying it around all day and it has been supremely useful. Throwing it in the trash as if it was broken or not functional feels like a waste. Let me ask my wife about this." I asked her and she said I should throw it away. I did but first I kept it in my hand while we took a photo so I'd have something to remember it by.

I still think about this often.