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Joined 11 months ago

Also who knows how many loopholes. Apparently the word of God is very precise and is meant to be followed to the letter, except when it's inconvenient, in which case you hang strings between your house and your neighbors' so you can wander the neighborhood when you're supposed to stay home.

Many of those words aren't actually limited to those use cases, but they are used there because they have very specific meanings. A plaintiff, for example, is the person lodging a complaint. Doesn't have to be a legal complaint, but in legal terms it makes it very clear who we're talking about.

Others are just expressions. A snap election is just when you call an election earlier than the scheduled one. It's essentially a nickname for something more complicated. Same goes with casting a ballot. It just means to toss your vote in for the count. It's just the expression that stuck because it sounds fancier than just saying "voting."

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Lots of waterproof clothes about to disappear from the shelves. Gore-tex for example is just teflon-coated fabric.

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That guy looks like the weekly bad guy on a episode of Starsky and Hutch from the 70’s

You're not wrong, but that's also just a persona he plays, the hair and mustache are both fake. I don't know how close the persona is to the real person, but I'm sure he's hamming it up to some extent, just not enough to be a good person pretending.

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Simple explanation, the higher the bitrate, the more data is dedicated to each frame to be displayed, so the higher the quality of each frame assuming the same resolution. This means fewer artifacts/less blocking, less color banding, etc.

Lower bitrate is the opposite, basically. The video is more compressed, and in the process it throws out as much information as possible while trying to maintain acceptable quality. The lower the bitrate, the more information is thrown out for the sake of a smaller filesize.

Resolution is the biggest factor that affects picture quality at the same bitrate. A 1080p video has a quarter of the resolution of a 2160p video, so it takes much less data to maintain a high quality picture.

“I regret using Dolly as the example for the point I was making in the article,” she told Yahoo! Entertainment Saturday. “As I wrote in the piece, I love her and think she does some incredible things for the world. We all make poor choices in how to frame things sometimes. This was one of those moments for me! Dolly is one of the few people who is beloved by all and who loves all. The world is lucky to have her.”

You don't get to pretend that it was an error in framing your message. You meant what you said and the only thing you regret is the backlash. You picked on an angel and everyone else rightfully gave you shit for it.

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Remember when Microsoft said that Windows 10 would be the last edition?

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Most people don't like Dolly for her music. It would be hard to get so many people to agree on one artist based on their music.

But anybody saying she's a bad person is just flat wrong or just trying to stir shit.

You're comparing cheddar to parmigiano. Those are two completely different styles of cheeses. Try the same recipe with a parmigiano and a grana padano, and it will be much closer, and you very well may appreciate the difference in price between the two.

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Stealing food? I didn't see shit.

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Situations like this are why I never save my payment information anywhere.

I generally agree with the ACAB sentiment, but they were being paid $22 an hour which is a pittance. I wouldn't do the job for that salary either.

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The parabolas' focal points are outside of the building, which incidentally is also the best place to be.

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One is covered in heat-resistant silicone, the other is covered in flammable wax.

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Most conditioner is silicone-based. For anyone curious, if your conditioner lists dimethicone or any other -cone in the ingredients list, that's silicone.

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The stock market has to be one of the biggest mistakes we've made as human beings.

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Have you tried playing Pot of Greed? It allows you to draw two additional cards from your deck!

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To be fair, the AG himself is a Republican. I don't know much about him, but at least in this instance, he's on the right side of the argument.

When a trans person comes out, their dead name is the name they've abandoned in favor of their chosen name. Deadnaming someone is calling them by their old name. When done intentionally, it's considered incredibly rude.

Musk has a trans child whom he refuses to refer to by their chosen name, and he complains that people refuse to call his company by its new name.

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The American electoral system is an absolute joke.

That's why typically there are other election employees and observers present. Canada's federal elections are tallied by hand count, and results are always (as far as I'm aware) certified the same day. Canada's population is about 40 million people, so not quite the US's 330+ million, but a lot more than this town's 8000.

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If they don't want you to ship it back, it's pretty common for them to ask for some kind of proof of destruction. Back in the days of non-removable cords, they would have you cut the cord off your device or appliance before sending you a replacement.

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Oh sure, lemme just fix the police system real quick. Give me a minute. I don't know why nobody thought of that!

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If the compressor dies but the evaporator tray is still heating, it would definitely cause the fridge to warm up.

They're not priceless, they're $3.00

Ah, the Ender Wiggin solution.

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that would completely kill Chrome and Chromium

It definitely wouldn't. The majority of people would never know the difference. Most people use Chrome and don't use ad blockers.

And they know the owner has money too.

Not after spending 50 mil on it

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Ctrl-Shift-T for the last tab closed, Ctrl-Shift-N for the last window closed

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Didn't you hear them? They made them promise.

9/11 was not poggers

That wasn't the implication I was trying to make. I was saying that if you're used to cooking with cheddar, you don't replace it with parmigiano, and vice versa. They don't serve the same purpose in cooking. If you're cooking carbonara with cheddar, you're obviously going to be disappointed in the result. If you cook a carbonara with grana padano instead of parmigiano, you're like 90% of the way there, and most people won't know the difference. They're not equivalent but they're similar.

This is from a restaurant in Thailand called Cabbages & Condoms.

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You're afraid that a woman might pepper spray you if you scare her, while she's afraid you'll kill her if she upsets you.

The very same Rush Limbaugh who denied smoking causes cancer and who died of lung cancer caused by smoking.

I feel like a PS4 equivalent handheld is definitely respectable nowadays. That's about the performance that the Steam Deck puts out.

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Where's Ja in all this?

It's a translation layer. It doesn't emulate anything.

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Eventually they'll figure if they can get one person to pay 10 billion dollars a month, they can lose all their other subscribers and still hit their quarterly goals.

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This is not abandonware. The devs haven't abandoned their games. This is an active and purposeful fuck you from the publisher to the devs.

It costs them literally nothing to keep those games up, and yet they're taking them down against the devs' wishes. In fact, they refuse to be the least bit convenient to the devs, making them jump through hoops just to relist their own games.