
3 Post – 140 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

"You wouldn't download a car."

Sounds like it's time to turn my phone into a car already.

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I predict a huge demand of workforce in five years, when they finally realized AI doesn't drive innovation, but recycles old ideas over and over.

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Great! Now they want the final stab with content being created by bots. Haha

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There is no defense?

Imagine a world without Adblocker, haha!

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US cars are just too tall.

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This is great news!

I imagine advertisements being streamed into the user's dreams, turning them into remote controlled zombies and causing mental breakdowns.

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That's why I constantly answer people like "What did you sa- nvm. Yes, sure!"

Nice Explanation.

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I'm glad, uBlock Origin blocks all these adblock blockers.

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Looks like they don't just put off their users, the also screw over their customers. Good job!

It depends on the speaker. Some of them talk so slowly, they are not even bearable at 2x speed, while some others are perfectly fine on 1x.

This place only unsafe for trolls. And that's a good thing.

Who would even create rar archives these days, when there is 7zip?

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And that's why I prefer KVM, even in corporate environments: I don't need to care about licensing and dropped support.

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Poor drunk impaired driver falling victim to autonomous driving... Hopefully that driver lost their license.

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A recovery environment is overrated under Windows. Just backup your files and reinstall from scratch.

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That's great news! I let all my contacts switch to other messengers if they want to stay in touch.

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This is hillarious! I didn't even notice that. YT always delayed video loading a little. Is this really a change?

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Why even view pirated low-quality content, hidden behind a paywall? I mean, that's what too many newspapers and magazines offer. Unfortunately.

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Good point! Clearing cache on exit is my firefox' default setting. Do recommend!

Has Elon Musk secretly bought Reddit as well?

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Taking away the most versatile and most commonly used tool shouldn't be the way to go.

If we keep up these obsolete paradigms, students will be forced to stick with ineffective handwritings off whiteboards. Their documents go to the trash after school since the serve no purpose anymore and they use up far too much space.

Instead, students should make excessive use of their digital helpers - as we already do at work or for all the other daily tasks.

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You really finish your projects?

Back in the day, Twitter immediately banned my fresh account (my first sign-up there) because I didn't provide my phone number. Therefor they sent me their newsletter spam and I had to write them 3 support tickets until they eventually deleted my account.

Then I tried again with a trash mail account and it also happened there.

Twitter has always been dead to me.

Nice! It they start getting rid of all the other clutter / bloatware, I may change my mind and I will keep one Windows installation.

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My recent job brought me - in a session of procrastination - to the tool that changed my life for the better: Logseq. You may wanna checkout Obsidian, too. Both are pretty similar tools with a few differences in style.

Imagine your own Wiki with the addition of a daily journal and other handy features. You can take notes to organize your whole life and everything is crosslinked.

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Don't deep fakes always look a little clunky?

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"Apple Cheaper Vision" You almost had me on the first words.

A passphrase is much longer than a password, and therefor provides more enthropy, even when it's completely mnemonic.

You should store it in an encrypted database with a password manager. But you also have to secure this database - with either a password or passphrase. And do not forget about a 2nd factor, like a key which you have to store somewhere. Maybe encrypt that one, too.

No matter how many steps of security do have: There will be a master password/passphrase, and you shouldn't write it down in clear text! So better find a way (some kind of secret algorithm, stored in your brain) to reproduce your master pass.

Stop working more than 32 hours a week. And do not make exceptions. Make sure, your work/life balance works out for you.

I wanna retrofit a 4090 to my OG Xbox. Any chance, that's happening?

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FFOS was an html mess. The GUI didn't have much to offer. You couldn't organize your apps since they were only accessible through the cluttered app drawer.

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This whole post is a joke about Moon Nazis! Is it?

This is not accurate at all. Germans don't need breakfast. And now get back to work!

Imagine a world without

  • Google Apps (cough location and license check services)

  • Microsoft Office

  • WhatsApp

  • Instagram

  • all the apps your non-IT friends are using daily

Then you can get rid of Google on your phone.

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They creators already moved to patreon since YT doesn't pay off.

OsmAnd+ on F-Droid. It uses OpenStreetMap and it runs completely offline. It is also available in Google Play Store, but there it costs a fee.

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3rd grade was apparently the only one where you didn't have a teacher with an awful handwriting.

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I started with blender and I agree: It's not made for technical modelling. There is a custom blender version with common CAD features, but I've been put off by the - typical for Blender - steep lerning curve.

Long story short: You can't go wrong with FreeCAD.

I drink coffee for self-medication (or perhaps this is drug abuse?). It helps me be awake and to focus.