1 Post – 308 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is something I do occasionally when I look at an old post on Reddit.

Sometimes you find some interesting stuff that you wouldn’t expect based on their original comment.

Fairly often it’s just online sex and posts about mobile games tho.

Getting home at midnight and realising I haven’t eaten and have no food in…

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Ah, okay, thanks Bill 👍

Will that achieve anything?

People know the effects, people see the effects, people don’t care.

Just seems like a silly outdated idea. Isn’t it well established that the best way to stop people from buying stuff like this is plain white packaging and advertising restrictions?

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If it’s any consolation, I just use bitcoin to convert to Monero to buy drugs. So in a way there is an actual use for it 😊

What is it with Lemmy users and not knowing what shitposting is…

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It’s in the shitpost community, it’s like a textbook shitpost…

When you watch TV do you say the actors are liars because they’re not actually the characters?

It’s supposed to be stupid and ridiculous.

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Such a genuinely shit name.

I’m not even one of the rabid Musk haters, but it’s just an absolutely dreadful name that a 10 year old thinks is cool…

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I cancelled Netflix last month and had only kept it that long for family members.

After cancelling, I got a welcome back email because they’re apparently happy to let anyone logged in reactivate the subscription…

So I contacted them again to cancel, get a refund and ask what happened.

Then I decided I wanted to remove my card details from the account, but apparently you can only do that by contacting support…

So they think it’s okay to let anyone restart the subscription from a TV without entering a password, but they’ll make you contact support to remove card details…

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Fuck that guy, but at the same time that’s a ridiculous sentence.

Honestly, you have to be mental to go to one of these countries. I know they want to become tourist hubs, but there’s just so many reasons to avoid.

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School shooting in Europe: A tragedy

School shooting in America: A Tuesday

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Yeah, too many “journalists” chuck around the term review bombed to mean when a AAA game gets a load of (deserved) hate.

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I said it in another thread, but Unity has truly fucked the vendor-client relationship.

While it is a nightmare, you can work with a company that changes its prices and terms, but you absolutely can’t work with a company that pulls this level of BS.

It’s just not safe to have your company so dependent on a vendor that could tank it on a whim.

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Honestly, that kinda happened to me.

Well, I had a blood test because I was having heart palpitations and under extreme stress, so not exactly “just collapsed”. But they found I have hypothyroidism, and life’s much better and much easier with the medication.

Turns out you’re not supposed to feel tired after doing nothing, sleep 12 hours, then wake up tired…

Annoyingly this must’ve been an issue for years, but I was raised to “shut up and get on with it”, and told the problem was that I’m “just lazy” :/

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The results aren’t easy when they’re useless tho.

Particularly an issue when you’re googling an obscure software issue, you just get spammed with the same copy/paste “troubleshooting” steps. Which usually boil down to “reinstall this completely unrelated driver”.

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I wouldn’t be surprised if people living next to Airbnb’s pushed for this as well.

It’s horrible having holidaymakers show up to an otherwise residential building/area.

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If my dogs ever tried to kill me, I’d just pin them both down. That’s the benefit of not having insanely powerful dogs.

IMO you shouldn’t have a dog that you can’t physically restrain. Any dog can snap and you need to be able to physically stop them if that happens.

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I’m not in software development, but this is how the entire company I work for operates.

We’re just kinda going forward with no clear direction, keeping stuff ticking over and constantly coming up with future plans that never come to fruition.

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Not a specifically bad instance, but everywhere I’ve worked has always had that guy who has a hundred irrelevant questions at the end of a meeting, holding up 10 or so people from actually getting on with work.

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Bland release notes.

I wanted some spicy ✨bipolar ranting

Thanks, saved for later.

I’m doing my part, for the troops 🫡

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What can I say 🤷‍♂️

I’m just a man, with a penis, changing the world one load at a time

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You’d have to be a masochist to actually play this on steam deck or with any controller.

Unless they have some sort of “steam deck only” matchmaking, but even then it’s just not made for controller.

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It’s very difficult to notice that it’s happening to you sometimes.

It wasn’t until my mid twenties that I noticed every single thing I say my mother seems to instantly try to take the opposite side and tell me I’m wrong, purely because it’s in her nature.

That level of negativity combined with a hair trigger for screaming, and she wonders why I don’t talk to her about absolutely anything 🤷‍♂️

There was some article on my local news site about steps the council is taking to combat climate change.

Meanwhile, some guy in the comments saying “It’s lovely in my garden…”

Thanks, Nigel, you crusty old bastard. Few more years and we’ll be putting you in the cars, you fucking dinosaur.

I looked into this before, but I found the options were too stripped down.

Ultimately I need:

  • Maps
  • Music streaming
  • Web browser
  • Email
  • Wallet functionality

Then there are miscellaneous apps that I need as well, some that don’t have browser functionality (local bike rental app) or something like a workout tracker.

Thing is, if you start adding functionality for the above then it’s just a regular smart phone and there’s nothing stopping you using the apps you’re trying to avoid :/

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I know it’s against what Lemmy wants, but this is what you actually need for a privacy focused service to become mainstream.

Normal people don’t spend all day looking for and setting up miscellaneous FOSS products to do what they need.

They want to pax $X per month to have it all in one place and easy to use.

There are these chicken bites that advertise “high in protein!” on the pack, then you look and see it’s 9 grams…

Like, how do you make chicken bites have only 9 grams of protein??

They’re actively trying to remove protein from the chicken to make it that low.

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bro, why’ve they drawn him so hot??

not even gay btw, but this shit could turn a mfer

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I really don’t think they owe people a Lemmy App. Hell, this platform might even be dead in a couple of months.

Lots of people are making Lemmy apps, so there’s no real need for them to make one as well. The entire platform is a work in progress and there are a number of apps available, so just be patient and eventually they’ll be refined and ready.

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It’s a problem that a lot of people have, some are willing to acknowledge it and try to take steps to work around it.

Some people were born into the social media generation and have been fed a product designed to be addictive their entire lives.

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I like how the landlord duties they mention are usually completed by other people.

They pay tradesmen to fix things and a lot rely on management companies to handle the houses/tenants. The cost of those services is then passed onto the tenant in the form of higher rent.

Truly the invasive species of the internet

Still can’t believe that some people thought this was possibly going to happen.

Can you get a more obvious publicity stunt?

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Funny meta social media posts? Fine. Whatever.

But this is honestly just insulting and unprofessional.

I’m sure they get some applications from people who genuinely need that job, and then they’d get sent that rejection…

Because forum posts are always full of accurate and helpful information?

In my experience it still makes good suggestions for most things, and is better than trying to phrase things in a way that Google likes, then trawling through irrelevant forum posts.

It’s only there to make suggestions, so if someone is taking its output without understanding and treating it like gospel then they’re an idiot who’s inevitably going to end up in a world of trouble.

If you take the suggestion, verify it with documentation, then make sure you actually understand it, chatGPT is a great tool.

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Meanwhile, other games just pick 5 basic templates then make 200 side quests based off those.

I do not understand how people can still play assassin’s creed.

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While it may not be the best option, is it not good that somewhere is at least trying it?

As long as it’s not widespread adoption, it seems like a good idea to at least trial these sort of things on a small scale to properly determine the real world application, even if the conclusion is just “yeah, it shit”.

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They got the spirit.