Twitter is now X as the little blue bird disappears to – 829 points –
Twitter is now X as the little blue bird disappears

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Such a genuinely shit name.

I’m not even one of the rabid Musk haters, but it’s just an absolutely dreadful name that a 10 year old thinks is cool…

I fully expect people to still be calling it twitter for a long time.

That's because it's an established brand with a huge value to it. Everyone knows twitter. Only an idiot would throw that away.

Musk has been on a roll of bad decisions since he first offered to buy Twitter lmao

I call meta still facebook. fuck this rebranding bullshit to disssociate with shittyness

Meta/Facebook and Google/Alphabet are very different from Twitter/X. The first two created parent companies under which their large brand names still exist, but are now managed along with their other properties (Instagram, Snapchat, Waymo, Deepmind, etc.) Musk, meanwhile, is trying to completely burn down the Twitter brand for some incomprehensible reason.

I bet you all next he will rebrand some of his other companies as ‘S’ (SpaceX?) and ‘E’ (??) just to be CEO of SEX. This man is so extremely childish.

He already has done it for Tesla models: S, 3, X, Y