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Joined 12 months ago

A big loss. I'm still wondering what happened to his family since then. I heard they got out of the USA?

You don't have a choice.

Also Ublock Origin on Firefox already bypass this.

Mate we can't even hide posts

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You have fiber yet not enough bandwidth to support more than a single YouTube video? What awful ISP is that?

Also to answer your question, it won't work if you can't set the ISP router to bridge mode if you want to run your own router.

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Java backend? What year is it?

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Well another studio took over from Intercept Games to work on KSP 2 a while ago, right? Star Theory, iirc.

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Where are our hexbear friends to talk about this?

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Impossible. Isn't Texas the richest, most developed place on earth?

Was I lied to???11!

I mean anti corporatism is normal in FOSS communities.

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Not really, it looks fine to me.

Are you out of your mind?

You do need to figure out what is the difference between asynchronous and synchronous conversation.

But it's blizzard who bombed their own game...

Wait, they didn't put the 4070 super at 16 GB?

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Because it's a decent all in one platform and they don't want to deal with the alternatives.

Well Lemmy is still mostly populated by left leaning tech enthusiasts and for people like this, cars are just a tool or even something that should be banned at all cost.

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Great shitpost!

Damn... Can't they disassemble them and ship them in the West?

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You just said most user who replied were fine, yet you fixated so much on the 2 abusive idiots instead of just blocking them and move on?

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Nah, it's going to be bypassed soon.

Even in Europe we can't, since they replace them with fat Crossovers.

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And that's only the first migration. Expect a way bigger one once Reddit sunsets the old reddit interface.

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You're not going to find these kind of conservatives on Lemmy.

Now I'm curious to know how a head of compliance for a oil company found their way to

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I hope the STONKS Apes are ready...

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How? Did you got your dvd player hacked?

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And it's still unmatched by all Batman movies that came after...

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It's weird that the parking places aren't assigned to each lot, no?

Stationed Polish soldiers would probably just wipe them in under 2 hours then move on.

Hexbear drove them mad.

Is it, though? I'm still waiting for the guys I'm following to move on, like Scott Manley for example.

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That's weird. This franchise hasn't had new content since 2007. (or 2005)

As do Connect. Still, it should be a desktop feature, too.

Post hiding would be great to have.

I wish...

No, that's just the consequence of choosing a cheap domain name.

But we already got 2 good CRPG in this setting?

If Owlcat games was able to make 2 Pathfinder video games with Real-Time with pause gameplay, Larian Studios has no excuse for not doing for BG3 (and DOS2)

Or if the "present" actually exists

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If they are going to go that way, no one will ever know.