Twitter is now X as the little blue bird disappears to – 829 points –
Twitter is now X as the little blue bird disappears

Such a genuinely shit name.

I’m not even one of the rabid Musk haters, but it’s just an absolutely dreadful name that a 10 year old thinks is cool…

I fully expect people to still be calling it twitter for a long time.

That's because it's an established brand with a huge value to it. Everyone knows twitter. Only an idiot would throw that away.

Musk has been on a roll of bad decisions since he first offered to buy Twitter lmao

I call meta still facebook. fuck this rebranding bullshit to disssociate with shittyness

Meta/Facebook and Google/Alphabet are very different from Twitter/X. The first two created parent companies under which their large brand names still exist, but are now managed along with their other properties (Instagram, Snapchat, Waymo, Deepmind, etc.) Musk, meanwhile, is trying to completely burn down the Twitter brand for some incomprehensible reason.

I bet you all next he will rebrand some of his other companies as ‘S’ (SpaceX?) and ‘E’ (??) just to be CEO of SEX. This man is so extremely childish.

He already has done it for Tesla models: S, 3, X, Y

"We're expect folks will go along and stop referring to 'tweeting' and go with the more brand appropriate term of 'x-creting' from now on." Musk said before adding, "'X-cretions' and 'x-creted' are encouraged too.

The fact that I don't know if this is real or a joke tells you how ridiculous Musk has become.

idk if you came up with this but I expect to see this joke a bunch more in the coming days lol

I can't imagine that others haven't had the same thought, but I had not seen anything previously. It's low hanging fruit, but you take what you can get!

You'll remember that name, because the moment the site appears, you'll click the little X on the top right corner of your computer screen to get rid of it.

I took it for a spin.

  2. Do you want to sign in with Google? -> press X
  3. Sign in on Twitter -> press X
  4. 404 page not found -> press X on tab

It's anything but inconsistent.

It’s called X now.… proceeds to prompt “log in to twitter”.

This is becoming a branding shit show.

Musk doesn't seem to understand the concept of a developmental environment prior to a production launch.

TDD: Tantrum Driven Development

It’s ok, at least it’s just a website. Would be different if he was designing something like… oh idk… a car that people trust with their lives to drive itself. Or even a massive rocket carrying astronauts and valuable cargo.

Don't think musk designs the rockets that much, from what I've heard musk is basically just the figurehead

Maybe he's hoping that when people click X to close the ads, he'll get paid.

Do the "twitter videos" become "x videos" now?

They suspended's account and the rumor is they are considering calling the videos on their platform xvideos... I REALLY REALLY want this to happen.

I'm at work, so will have to check later, but I'm really hoping this isn't true.

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Search results are gonna be buggered six ways from Sunday

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Brilliant move by Musk. 'X' has long been identified as the universal symbol for closing out of an application. Hopefully with this move even more people will permanently close out of Twitter and move on so I don't have to read so many dumb news stories where the lazy journalist uses a few random tweets as their "source" for the headline.

Let's also not forget it's adult connotations, things are rated "X" for a reason 😅

Can't wait till Premium X membership is known as "XXX Members".

Then Elon's handle changes to "Professor"

It's funny you should say that because I just deactivated my Twitter account. I never used it, and now I never will use it. Lemmy > Everything.

So let me get this straight. Musk bought Twitter for 44 billion, fired most of the staff, destroyed bunch of features and functionality, scared advertisers away and now changed the brand's name. Wouldn't it be less hassle to just start a platform and pay people $100 each as a sign up bonus?

That's absurd! Assuming 4 billion in actual startup costs, at the purchase price they could only afford to do that for...

four hundred million people. LOL.

Jesus this was a dumb transaction.

Just for perspective, the U.S. population is 300 million. Add on the 67 million population of the UK and you still have plenty of change left over.

Jesus, this was a stupid decision.

Yup. Four hundred million is more than the entire daily userbase of twitter.

Damn, this comment thread was a level of enlightenment I was not expecting this morning 🤯

There are currently ~366 million Twitter users.

If Musk paid each person $100 to start using "X" instead, he'd spend $36.6 billion, leaving him with $7.4 billion to actually build the rest of the website and infrastructure.

Yup, he's stupid.

Copying my comment from another thread:

But they're not just re-branding. Twitter is now under some kind of corporate shell company. I haven't seen much coverage of that, but my suspicion is that it's intended to act as some kind of insulator to contain Twitter's debts.

Like when they break a company into pieces and put everyone's debts and no assets into a single part and then that part declares bankruptcy and all the debt magically goes away, leaving everything else with lots of assets and no debts and a future that looks really rosy. I can't help but think that this is something similar to that.

My contribution to this new logo.

I sure everyone will steal this and posted it on X as if they thought of it.

I'm sure it's not a unique idea. Lots of really smart and clever people think like me after all :D

Funnily enough I saw this exact images on multiple places outside of Lemmy, including on Twitter.

Even with the tongue... or just the bid and X cause I've seen hundreds of the bird with X eye but not any other ones with the tongue sticking out.

All of this is just noise designed to keep us talking about the site. You could call it bad advertising. We should stop feeding the troll.

Or worse a distraction for what really is going on. All this nonsense and he even had a hand with reddit CEO’s decisions. I think he is trolling the left to hide what the right is doing behind the scenes for the upcoming election next year.

I honestly think he's purposefully trying to kill Twitter. It's a tool people use for things from boycotting and unionizing to full on revolution. Things rich people and their friends don't like.

Even if this isn’t the intention of Musk himself, I certainly think this is what some of his investors (Thiel and the Saudis) are hoping for.

he stated multiple times, that he wants to create an all-inclusive app that mixes messaging with shopping, payment, etc in the style of wechat.

And he always wanted to rebrand it to X, as he owns the domain since the 90s.

Nothing about it is surprising, doesn't make it less shit, tho

Is he though because Thiel is just fucking buying politicians and not saying shit and that seems to work better

Go to, it goes "X" and then "Sign in to Twitter".

You missed a spot there Elon. You know what we industry professionals do - it's called a "design process". You:

  • Mock up the way you want it to look
  • Make it look that way
  • Then you push it live.

Bold of you to assume Twitter has test environment. Musky probably decommissioned it for cost cutting.

why test when ̵̛̱͎̣͇͆͌̔̾̄͛̊͗̏͆̿̏̍̋̂͂̉͘͜ͅư̴̖̦̺̝͖̤̳̺̤̘̤̯̱̖̦̓́́͠͝s̸̡͔͉̪̙̱̭̻̣̖͓̞͉͓̯͑̃̆̉̎ë̶͖̖̝̙̈́̂́̀̓̒͂̾̒̂̀̔͒̍͂̑̄̓͝r̵̨̡̡̡̛̛̘͚͙̝͔̘̥̹̪̭̯̭͑̅̓̋̏͋̔̽̓͒̐́̎͜s̸̢̛͈̍̒̉̐̔̏̋͌̈́̄̚͘̕̚̚͝ ̶̨̨̡̛̱̞̹̫̘̪͍͍̩͂́̾͌̔̂d̷͚͉̪̖̔̓͛͂̍͋̑̽̾̾̕͜͜͠o̶̧͚̬̥̫͇̥̞̰̹̭͆̀̍͋͋͋́͂̒̀̍̈̈́̇̽̇͒̋̕͝͝ ̸̼̪̮̰̈́́̋̊̎͝͝i̴̡̨̝̼̭̞̺̗̠̗̤̤͙̱̰̦̮̾͗͜ͅt̴̻͕͉̥̫̠̔̄̀̇͘͝ ̷̨̡̨̨͈̺͙͎͈͔̜̖̯̓̔͗̂̑͛̒̀̂͐̈́f̷̢̦̩̘̘͕̔̾ǫ̴̨͓̞̋̅͒̾̓̓̈́̂̃͒̍̑̉͒̋̿̇̑͘̚͝r̸̡͇͍̣̰̙̗̳̠̱͎̋̾̔̄̈̑͗́̊̽̕͜͠ ̶̱͑̔̂f̴̤̮̙̲̙̟̘͕̣̩̰̼̎͠ͅr̴͓̲̈́̄e̶̡̟̙̪͓̥̱̹̩̯̟͈͔̱͇̍̽͌̾̓̍̌̐́͋̕͝͝ę̶̨̧̛͍̞͇̤̱̪̱̩̙̣̔͑̾̔̓͛̔́̈́͂̚͜͜͠͝

Oh yeah there's no way there's a dev build or test platform anymore.

You need devs and testers to have dev and test platforms. Elon fired them all because he's smarter than they are, so they weren't needed.

You can see the genius entrepreneur at play. Why waste money scrubbing the site from former branding when you can do 90% of the rebranding by changing the logo and background color. Everyone knows that the last 10% is like 90% of doing it right budget. Massive savings right there.

Seriously. How fucking dumb are the people running Twitter?

Hey I got a good idea, let's destroy the goodwill and globally recognized brand identity that I own for no real reason....

  1. There are no people running Twitter any more. Elon fired them all.
  2. Elon is one of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet and he calls the shots. It doesn't matter if anybody else objects.

They haven't even secured x on some big TLDs, their design process is not the only issue.

Nor will they, doubt is going anywhere. (German TLD) is even for sale right now and they still didn't grab it.

Someone should run a Mastodon node on that is like $3,200 but renews at just $65 through namecheap. it’s a bit of an investment, but it’s a quality fucken domain too.

Hahaha. Wow is this ever stupid. And getting stupider by the second.

This is important because the thing everyone hated about Twitter was definitely the logo. Should have done this much sooner. High priority stuff.

No idea how people are still buying and riding in this guy's cars after seeing how badly he runs a website.

Badly is a vast understatement. There isn't a word that describes blowing 44 billion. Maybe 1 Musk can be a new unit of idiocy.

“Damn it, Jim! You just lost the company 100.000 dollars!”

“How big of a failure are we talking about here?”

“It’s about a 0.00000227272 Musk! You’re fired!”

"He really Musked it this time".


Musked it. It’s just this thing people say around your office all the time. Like when you screw something up in a really irreversable way, you Musked it. I don’t know where it comes from though. You think it came from Elon Musk?

I don’t know. Who knows how words are formed.

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I'm not trying to protect him he is an idiot. However he is trying to find monetization and profitability other than filling the site with ads. It is really hard in 2023. He is going to drive twitter into the ground but it is not going to be because of his monetization or staffing decisions but because of his stupid i-know-it-all attitude.

to be honest, its kind of a great time for future social app start-up founders to use his expensive experimentation as learning observations.

What's his strategy? Leroy Jenkins?

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I really want to challenge this move in court and win!


Twitter is now X as the little blue bird disappears

I thought the the new logo was the X11 logo at first, they are bit similar.

Also a bit ironic seeing as Musk wants Twitter X to be an "everything app", while X11's cruft and bloated featureset have led to it being replaced by Wayland.

Might be tricky. Muskrat has been trying to make a thing for decades. Nearly killed PayPal at one point until he was forced out of that company

Problem. I have gone to Twitter and am clicking the X but it won't close.

Time to switch to Wayland

How in the world are there so many here who get that joke?

I guess lemmy is a seriously skewed part of the population. Which is cool I guess. ;)

The bird will live on in cities: skylines 2

Yep, now Chirper is closer to Twitter than Twitter is.

What a world...

Update: Elon Musk to sue Cities Skylines unless they change Chirper to "Y Bird" and give him a cameo.

The one about the cat being rescued from a tree always made me smile.

No way, it's not even an original logo?

He crowdsourced the thing with like less than a day to review.

And completely ignored the crowdsourced contributions in favor of the Most. Generic. Logo. Ever.

I mean, if you look at it and squint hard, it kind of looks like a bird in flight with its wings spread? But hardly immediately recognizable, much less iconic.

The old logo and name were a work of marketing art, and still so simple you get the gist of the platform from it. This is just, what the fuck dude.

It was a whole perfect package the name, nomenclature, logo, icon, and especially the notification sound all useless.

Imaging having that and pissing on it so you can relive your startup days as the big boss.

Next week: the Tweet sound is removed, replaced by Elon saying "I have sex" by default.

He rip out not only the great marketing artifact but also the users' sentiment from seeing the bird logo reminding them of how long they've used the site which is now shockingly changing.


Happening now

Join Twitter today.

But how do I join X? You know, the new thing supposedly currently happening? Why would I join boring old twitter now that X is happening?

Genius at work.

Oh my god, do you have an invite for X? I heard X is the new thing, all my home boys loves X!

I'll make 3 accounts, so I can access the XXX version of it!

Isn’t an “X” how illiterate people signed their name?

It's also how you close the window/app

Buy and then kill one of most recognizable brands of the early 21st century. Elon truly is the genius he and his bootlickers believe him to be.

is there a way to block all elon musk and twitter news?

Someone made an extension to do just that. It blurs out all news about billionaires.

I can't remember what it's called, though.

The Connect client can hide posts based on keywords. I switched from Jerboa purely for that one feature.

I just made the same switch. Out of curiosity: were you able to up-downvote with jerboa? Exiting thread and getting back in, my votes are gone.

I noticed that occasionally. I just assumed it differed based on the instance of the post or something. My Lemmy experience has been a lot better since I switched away from Used to have crashes but haven't crashed since switching.But, lots of stuff is changing, so maybe it was something else. got way too big too fast and the small team behind it can't handle it all.

Everyone should disperse to a random stable instance, or make their own, and it'll be better for the health of the network.

If we lived in meritocracy, Elon would be living in his moms basement instead of being a billionaire.

The 2 people that downvoted you have no idea what meritocracy means lol.

Tweets are now eXcretions!

I smell a South Park storyline coming on

"Hey Sharon, I'm just heading to the bathroom to scroll through XcretR. I'll see you in two days."

Years of brand recognition down the drain. Twitter was such a big part of our culture that you literarily have movies, tv shows, music promoting it indirectly.

Less than 1% of Twitter users signed up for blue. Elon, nobody in its right mind wants your WeChat clone.

This has been his plan since a long time ago, he's just following up on it now

But it goes back much further than that. Musk wanted to rebrand PayPal X before they ousted him as CEO more than 20 years ago. He is so proud that he bought this domain in the 90s that he just keeps trying to make it a thing despite the inherent ambiguity.

This is what has me convinced that this whole thing isn’t 4D chess to eliminate Twitter as a tool of left wing speech and organizing. He loves the whole “X” concept. Rebranding Twitter to X feels too authentic to be a cynical destruction of the platform.

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Guys the Android app is still called Twitter.



What will happen next?! The Logo is really similar to or their X Window System.

It really isn't. It's an X. There's not much to it.

It's a shit name, it's a shit logo, it's a shit platform. But it's far from a copyright infringement. Especially because no-one will confuse the cesspool named Twitter X with a window manager for unix systems

Twitter X doesn't have enough Xs in it. I vote to rename Twitter X to T Wixxer, at least here in Germany.

This is wild, a significant percentage of Twitter's value was its brand, and this guy has just slapped an X on it and changed the colour scheme to dark mode. Do people actually still use Twitter?

  • 80 percent of the workforce fired -> maintenance issues crowd up

  • server bills went unpaid -> service became flaky

  • office bills went unpaid ->Twitter got evicted from many of its offices

  • Nazis, white supremacists, racists, white nationalists, xenophobes, homophobes and other trash back on service -> many regular users left the platform

  • journalists and reporters got banned and/or harassed -> many of them left the platform

  • public news services got harassed and branded as state owned media -> many of them left the platform

  • blue checkmarks (including many of the unbanned Nazis and racists) were promoted to the top -> many regular users left the platform

The brand name and the logo were literally the only thing Musk had left from his purchase.

Makes sense that he's out to destroy those as well.

journalists and reporters got banned and/or harassed -> many of them left the platform public news services got harassed and branded as state owned media -> many of them left the platform

Unfortunately not enough of those have left yet. News and journalism was the backbone of what made twitter big back in the day, and they still constitute a huge part of the traffic that keeps it alive today.

They seem to be among the last to recognise what associating yourself with Musks brand does for your own brand.

It's quickly turning into another Parler or Truth Social

The Twitter branding and userbase were the only value in Twitter.

Now old users are going to have no attachment to this weird new look and name.

And new users are not going to come, because they're going to think "it's still Twitter, why would I care about that?"

okay but why in the world would he rename it, what could he possibly gain from doing it? Twitter was going to die either ways but it seems Elon is getting impatient and wants to see it dead sooner

He wants to transform it into the "Everything" app. That's why he's pushing hard on the video platform side of things.

What do you do when you can't make money off your microblog? Subtly change it into a banking app and charge wild interest rates. Your users won't know what stuck them.


It’s one of the hollow letters used in math.

Basically what I’m saying is math should sue him.

Even the new name implementation feels half-assed. It still says Twitter everywhere you go on the website in words. Like why not wait until you’re fully ready to make the change?

Haven't updated their favicon yet lmao nice work.

They’ve updated literally nothing except the icon as far as i can see.

Would the Favicon update immediately? I feel like Favicons always tend to hang around for ages and just assumed they were stuck in a local memory cache thingie or it was somehow tied to the browser. I've had some browsers hang on to an old favicon for months after the fact, even if I know for a fact that the favicon was changed from seeing it on another browser.

Yes. The old image would load if it was in your browsers cache, but you can clear this by pressing Ctrl+F5.

Or try incognito.

Or try another browser that wouldn't have twitters favicon in cache

Edit: you can also check the source code and Ctrl+f for ".ico", which is the file extension for favicons. You'll find a link to our little blue bird still in the source.

The weird thing is that sometimes loads into Twitter and sometimes doesn't, which shows that there's really no management in all of this.

It's not that weird, it's how TTLs work.

When your computer wants to know what server is, it (oversimplifying a bit) asks its own internal DNS (Domain Name System) resolver, which asks your router's resolver, which asks your ISP's resolver, and so on, until an authoritative resolver is found.

Each of those resolvers, before asking the next one, has its own memory it can reference just in case it gets asked about the same address very often, because asking can be costly in terms of time (because you have to ask the next server for the answer OR because so many different request are coming in that it's difficult to answer all of them). This memory is called a cache, and everything stored in that cache is given a Time To Live (TTL).

When a resolver that knows the answer to "what server is" is found, it gives not only the answer, but also a guess at how long that answer is valid. That guess is the TTL for the next server's cache. This number is controlled by the owner of

What all this means is

  • If you expect that should always resolve to the same server, the TTL should be very long (because you want the resolution to be served from the cache, meaning it's faster)
  • If you expect that will change in the near future you want the TTL to be very short (because you want resolutions to reach your authoritative server and get the new server address)

And what THAT means, relative to this particular bit of current events, is that somebody fucked up. If this change was well-planned, then the TTLs would've been shortened in advance of the server switch, giving time for the downstream resolvers to clear their caches.

But that didn't happen, which means that when your device asks "what server is", it sometimes gets the answer from the authoritative server (updated correctly to point to Twitter) and sometimes it gets the answer from a cache (pointed at who knows what).

Basically, Elon once again rushed some shit through and sure enough it's a fiasco.

How am I supposed to make a filter to block "X"? I know Lemmy doesn't support it yet but on Boost I could add filters to block certain posts with words/names.

I'm hoping that Boost for Lemmy will have this feature but my first question still stands. Blocking Twitter was easy because it was specific. How am I supposed to block a letter? I

Maybe they could add wildcard domain level blocking? Then you can block for now and or whatever it gets changed to later.

Why replace twitter though? Do you what facebook did with threads. Launch a new app and allow existing twitter users to automatically onboard.

People hate having major changes hoisted on them. See reddit.

I like how the suggestion in the comments is 10x better and more effective than what the multi billion dollar company went for

This seems like it's a ploy just to get attention and traffic. Seems that it's working as I'm seeing it in all the news sites.

Maybe. I mean they got a page load from me just to see if would redirect. IDK if that's the desired effect though.

They just killed many years of brand loyalty IMO.

Whoever is still there is going to call a tweet a tweet and X, Twitter.

Same for Facebook with Meta or Google with Alphabet. Stupid generic parent company names.

This seems different, though. Google and Facebook still exist, with their respective logos as part of a parent company that mostly nobody, except for investors, should really care about. Maybe this is what will end up happening here as well, as Elon is sadly famous for saying outrageous things and then backtrack on them, change his mind or just never mention them again, but the way it’s been communicated Twitter and the bird logo are just going away completely.

Just wait for Musky to try and start suing people for using anything with "X" in the title/name.

I mean it's his MO. I don't know that he's actually founded any of the companies he claims to have founded. When he takes something he thinks he's the first one to have every come up with it and that he owns all of it.

I really want him to sue, it'll be hilarious to see his ass lose repeatedly.

I'd love it if he extra fucks up and Jack Dorsey somehow gets the Twitter name back for bluesky

I don't understand the reason behind this. The consistency is all over the place behind the brand. Is this a lead-in into a larger idea? that will "connect all the dots". Or are these literally off the cuff changes? The creator payout for ads, seems like the only positive update that made sense recently, along with subscriptions, although those didn't really seem to affect the smaller accounts with <100k followers etc.

The reason is because Elon went through a manic minute at like 3am the other day and thinks the letter x is cool. Were we applying anything rational to this they wouldn't have rebranded as the twitter brand is about the only thing they have left going for the service.

Apparently he used to own back in 1999 before it merged with PayPal (or something like that).

From Wikipedia: On July 5, 2017, Musk repurchased the domain name from PayPal. He explained later that he bought the website because "it has great sentimental value".

Probably bought twitter just to have an excuse to use the domain again for something. That guy has too much money.

It’s pretty obvious he bought Twitter to turn it into a megaphone for his and his fascist buddies’ propaganda.

This is exactly it, in my opinion.

I mean, yeah, but also he tweeted something like "send me x logos and we'll make that the brand tomorrow" so idk but I don't think there was a lot of thought going into this one.

To be honest, the whole social-market industry seems like just lumped together manic episodes at this point (past their initial implementation) with no direction or thought leaders. ala reddit, twitter, etc.

He wants to make an "everything app" called X, like wechat in China.

Ah, when comparing it to WeChat. That makes sense... I can see that.

Whatever happens to twitter is not my concern. Die twitter. Die.

It's X because it's X-Treme!!!! Free X Blue for anyone who can do sweet BMX tricks!

Hmm, black and white design. Seems coincidentally appropriate. Though if he adds some red in there he'll have enough justification to have his employees wear uniforms designed by Hugo Boss.

How long until Elon starts referring to himself as Mr X, like Homer does in an episode of The Simpsons?

The death of Twitter as we know.....

Well I moved to Masrodon so no big deal.

It would actually take serious effort to think of a worse name. Besides everyone knew what Twitter and tweeting are. Incomprehensible decision.

The new name goes well with the audience as they already use extensively nazi swastika symbols as an expression of opinions.

Elongated Muskrat continues to deliver on the endless entertainment.

The Favicon is still the bird.

Twitter simply stopped using a staging environment or any QA before pushing anything live, it seems.

He likely made a few people work over the weekend to get the rebrand done "by Monday" (because he presumably decided to do this Saturday afternoon). So undoubtedly they half-ass the rollout.

Subprod environments are expensive

Elon is supervising the code now, so that will replace the test environment. His bigly brain will catch bugs before they ship 💯%

Thank you, Elon, absolutely genius business decision! I was really put off using a website with a highly recognisable and long lived brand, finally this solves the biggest issue I've had with Twitter since the takeover. It was such a huge issue before that it eclipsed everything else, I don't even think there are any other glaring issues. Can't wait to log back into Twitter now after this! Oh shit I mean ... X or whatever.

Elon is trying to get the Crest from Birdmans Helmet.

😂😂😂😂😂😂 that dipshit really did it

Why does Xerox have a social media app now?

Because it's just endless drivel copied over and over again to the detriment of our society.

What if Elon and Zack are in this together and Zack promised Elon a chunk of the shares for making threads successful by destroying the competition of Twitter with something more profit producing. Elon's reputation is just the sacrificial goat for making threads a success for both billionaires.

Puts aluminum hat back on.

All these billionaire assholes are on the same team.

Yeah, their own. But Musky and Suckerberg seen to genuinely hate each other. Elon is just more of a petty bitch about it.

man i hope he buys reddit and runs it into the ground. he seems to be really good at tearing down social media companies.

The guy running Reddit seems to be doing a good job of tearing down himself.

Is he going to start/but two more platforms and call the S and E?

And how do you call a “tweet” now?

People here seem to vastly over estimate how much your average twitter user is on board with all this. I'm sure we'll just keep calling it twitter/tweeting.

At least the greatest advantage of renaming it to "X" is that now, I know where to click whenever I'll unwillingly open up a page from that said website. 😃

Can't wait to xeet (pronounced zee-t).

I got my fourteenth Twitter anniversary message sent - after seeing the X logo appear instead of the iconic Twitter bird logo.

As an X Japan fan, this is all very confusing.

He did it to silence critics and the X is a symbol to his fans.

Stop posting about this dude, you’re not getting paid to promote it.

I swear people have just become slaves to bad content for the sake of acknowledgement.

Users there are ripping on the decision a lot.

Why do people keep discussing this? Specially here on lemmy?

Then people wonder why Rich people keep getting rich... because everyone keeps giving them attention.

  1. Elon doesn't make money off a lemmy post making fun of him.

  2. People talk about it because it's interesting. Posting interesting things is pretty much the life blood of social media.

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