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Joined 12 months ago

Legislation is Way overdue for this nonsense. My home security cameras are all being disabled and unable to record videos as they have for years because the company (fuck you Arlo) has decided they want users to just suddenly start paying subscription fees. If we let them every company will eventually move to this model. Even staunch capitalists need to recognize that this is an issue begging for legislation. Stop this insanity.

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This is important because the thing everyone hated about Twitter was definitely the logo. Should have done this much sooner. High priority stuff.

Do you guys remember that time u/Spez took the reddit API away from third party apps?

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Good luck with the logistics of that. Just ban tipping. It's bad for business, bad for individuals (in the long run), and a highly discriminatory practice.

It's a terrible practice and ultimately hurts workers. It should be banned simply because it promotes worker tax evasion, which is not what I really care about here, but it's a good reason to make it illegal. Making it illegal is only way to stop it in the US. It's absolutely rampant. You pick up donuts At the dunkin store and they ask for a tip now.

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Damn, I knew sugar was bad for you, but boy it looks like it can make you really irritable. Stop drinking so much sugar y'all. It's nasty.

Its not hate. It's not toxic. It's dramatic irony. You don't have to laugh, but this isn't meant to be hurtful to anyone.

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Dammit. I've been hailing Cabs with too obtuse an angle. Explains why I rarely get one and when I do it's usually some skinny guy with no hair.

$100 if you are patient enough

Hope this is just a Boomer hating shit post. Pretty sure it is.

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I have attention issues to and I can spend an entire day bouncing between two minute distractions. A list with three things that need to get done that day is what works for me. Sounds short, you can always do extras after, but having that list makes sure at least three things get done.

Also, iron skillets.

The inventor of the graham cracker?

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My body. As it gets older and worse I still have to insure it but it just keeps costing more and more.

More countries really need an irony clause in their constitutions. When the irony gets to this level clearly there are insufficient checks and balances in place.

Yep. There are strong movememts to undo what is really a very recent and very American practice of breeding in Brachycephaly. The American Kennel Club shamefully has contributed to these standards and glorified them in pure bred animals. Look at historical drawings and paintings of pugs as an excellent example. They were typically much thinner and had much longer snouts than what is idealized today. An increasing number of European breeders led quite strongly by the Germans are breeding Retro Mops or old fashioned healthier pugs. This has unfortunately not caught on in US (fuck the AKC - seriously), but retro pugs which are cross bred typically with terriers are starting to be a thing with a few select breeders. I have a retro mop. He outruns every single dog in his weight class in the dog park both in speed and endurance. He doesn't need a harness, he has a strong neck and uses a collar. No breathing issues whatsoever. For archival purposes please check out Therese Rodin has been a huge influence in this modern movement and I wish everyone would review her teachings or speak to her before considering purchasing a Brachycephalic dog.

It's now expected that you tip even if YOU pick it up. I do not understand

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This guy Qanons. They make about this much sense. His mom was just happy he remembered pants today and that his clothes match at least.

More of a fart post innit?

The best thing about gig deliveries is dropoff service imo. I never see the driver so cash isn't an option. Uber eats at least makes it easy to adjust tips and I often do adjust if surprisingly early or if they forget a drink.

Cmon, hopefully they are setting stage for the return of Clippy!

I've always thought he might have PD. Freezing can occur with this. While I don't wish the torture of neurological disease on anyone, damn this guy is a scumbag asshole.

People can't handle momma jokes here?

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DM me, well make arrangements, and I'll make sure Hulu gets your money.

Damn. Now I want a ping pong table.

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It's a system of points where if you make enough ad revenue for reddit u/Spez sends you a dick pic as a sign of appreciation.

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Yeah humans try to weasel their way into everything. It's well known the earth is held up by a turtle.

Fuck Spez

Lather and hands. Unless you live alone shoving the soap leaves hair on it and that's just nasty for everyone else to look at or deal with.

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Now you're just trying to pick a fight.

What's a textbook?

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Could you like label them or something?

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Just looks like standard BMW parking to me.

Huh. He almost looks human at least in this picture.

Someone needs a spanking!

People with scat fethishes.


I'm just pissed I didn't think of this myself as a custom keyboard layout. Guess I would have then been pissed that someone else commercialized my concept.
Looks like I need an attitude adjustment.

I remain confused about what you are tipping for at all for pickup orders? I assume you are under 30? Does purchasing food just equal tip, period? Is it totally detached from a service element and just a kind of bizarre tax for young Americans?

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Who wouldn't want to know? They probably invite all the people that say yes to a party and serve beer and popcorn and have everyone tell their stories. That's what I would do.

Do you want your lemon to get AIDS because that's how you give your lemon AIDS