6 Post – 58 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Ok, guys I'm going to try to organize some community action about all of this over on the community I made on ! Specifically in this thread, I'd like to work on actions like crafting the letter we'd to send to the FTC as well as the letters we're going to send to the EFF and Louis Rossmann. If you're interested in collaborating on all this or just following the action, please join the community and keep up with the thread. I'm considering creating a sister Discord or Matrix. And it would anathema to the cause to use Google Docs to collaborate on writing this e-mail, but I figure we can use OnlyOffice ( or Etherpad ( instead.

Are you guys in?

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The Book of Eli with Denzel Washington (who said his son got him to sign on to the movie) and Mila Kunis. It's 47% on Rotten Tomatoes.

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This is not how war functions. Tell me what refugee camps or other sets of civilians Ukraine is bombing. This is how Netanyahu and his government function.

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P.S. If any lawyers and people really knowledgeable about web technologies and standards here on Lemmy can get together and help us draft something together that we can all send in, that would be amazing.

Why isn't OPEC imposing sanctions on Israel, refusing to export oil to them, like the US did with Japan in 1941.

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The Democratic Majority for Israel has been killing progressive primary candidates with attack ads who might even challenge US support for Israel while it continues to expand settlements and oppress Palestinians. These attack ads never speak about the candidate's policy on Israel. And it's a Super Pac, so it doesn't have to reveal its donors or how much they donated although the PAC version showcases that the PAC at least is being largely funded by a person who donates to Republican senators. Yay for Citizens United! </sarcasm>

Mellmann, the creator of the Super PAC and PAC doesn't believe that the US and US politicians should ever be critical of Israel, Israeli policies, or Israeli treatment of Palestinians, should ever make the $3.8B sent there annually have any sort of strings attached, and that there should be any sort of movement against Israel's illegal occupation and refusal of Palestinian refugees right to return (ethnic cleansing 101) akin to the movement against South African apartheid.

Look, Israel is the birthplace of Judaism (and Christianity). It is and always will be the home of Judaism and its followers. I think whatever happens in the future, that should be a cardinal rule. But a theocratic democracy is not possible, especially one where you're freaking out about becoming a minority and seem to think people of a certain religion or ancestry are more privileged in law and the courts.

But do you know who else has been in Israel-Palestine and the rest of the Canaanite region since the Bronze Age (the same as the Ancient Israelites)? Palestinians. Israel-Palestine is just as much their home as it is for any descendant of the Ancient Israelites (and so this should be another cardinal rule whatever happens in the future). Just because their religion today is Islam and their language is Arabic instead of some sort of Canaanite religion doesn't mean they deserve their home any less.

Like people didn't stay there and change religions and languages after Rome took out the Jewish government in AD 70 and people warred over the region over the next couple of millennia.

And even if they weren't descendants of Canaanites, they would have been living there for nearly 2000 years, longer than Israelites can traced as a distinct people before AD 70. And even if it wasn't 2000 years, but just 200 years, you don't get to displace or oppress people whatever their ancestor's relationship to the land is. The reality is that they're there and that's all they've ever known. And that's enough whether Palestinian, Uyghur, Rohingya, or Jewish in Europe and America and Middle East over the millennia.

I am so disappointed. With that attitude, we can't accomplish anything. With that attitude, our ancestors would have accomplished nothing

Yeah, Lina Khan lost that fight. But he's not the only judge out there. And the United States isn't the only country Google and Chrome are responsible to.

Didn't the UK block the acquisition?

P.P.S. If we can't find a Lemmy lawyer, I'm proposing we take this to the EFF and Louis Rossmann (who has experience lobbying for right to repair and trying to get legislation passed) for their help.

What? The New Deal was hardly successful at getting us out of the Depression? It took World War II. Most of FDR's presidency was over the Great Depression (he didn't cause it). That's hardly a successful economy.

The best Economic years of America were Eisenhower-Kennedy-LBJ followed by 6 or so years of Clinton. We might be finally getting back to Clinton good, but we'll see.

Ok, just saw the clip. The blurb is misquoting the guy. He's saying Biden's had the best economic intervention since the New Deal. I'd argue that Biden's covid relief and infrastructure and climate bills are the best Economic intervention by the elected Federal government since WWII and better than the New Deal.

So we should probably get started sooner than later. Especially while we have folks like Lina Khan in office.

I don't know. Would you buy Reddit shares when it IPOs if you saw what the users were doing and how they felt?

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Is this for real?

He should required to be up there to answer questions from congress and the Feds.

Nah, man. If they cited all those things, or more importantly the complete stifling of Gazans' ability to prosper or flourish today, that would be one thing. What did they cite instead? The desecration of the Al-Aqsa mosque. That is more important to them than the apartheid. Fuck Hamas. They're accomplishing nothing more than the death of Palestinians and more suffering. And they just empowered the most right wing, unpopular government that Israel's ever had, one that Israelis were divided against. Hamas and the Iranian regime need to be eradicated. They are hurting any chance at Palestinian freedom and equality and right to prosperity. And they're just causing more and more every day normal Israeli/Jewish and Palestinian suffering. This Iranian regime supports the tyranny of the Syrian government over the Sunnis (and its use of chemical weapons against them), Russia's terrorist attacks on civilians in Ukraine and the invasion of that country in general, the complete undermining of the Lebanese government by Hezbollah, and the complete overthrow of the Yemeni government by a similarly tyrannical group in Yemen. And it uses of rape and sexual violence and murder against men and women protesting the death of a woman caused by the morality police and the oppression of women by the regime.

I think the only way to accomplish either a true one state democratic nation that honors Israel-Palestine as the home of Judaism or a two state solution, is boycott and divestment (because there is no way to peacefully protest and engage in civil obedience to achieve freedom and equality (they murdered a journalist and nothing came of it) and there's no way to win militarily). It worked with the apartheid government in South Africa, and hopefully it will work with Israel.

I don't trust the libertarian Brave guy (formerly of Firefox, haha):

Vivaldi and Opera with Chromium as a back up are my Blink browsers.

Firefox and Firefox Beta are my main browsers. I use the containers add on with FF Beta to basically use it as a sort of equivalent of Ferdi but with Firefox Beta allowing Google services in one account can talk to each other, all contained in one container that corresponds to one tab group/window.

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I think Piers Morgan is a self-aggrandizing, amoralist (slipping into unethical in a lot of his "journalism") twat. But he's also this. And your cynical view is the right answer and consistent with everything Piers Morgan has ever done. It's all about the views, but this time it actually created something productive and worth watching and sharing.

Here's a good reason. Since Facebook likes to spy on you, I put Instagram on my work profile on Android, effectively sandboxing it. I'd had the account for several years at this point. Just the other day, it told me that my account had been flagged for violating the rules and trying to access data I wasn't supposed to have access to. It asked me to upload an image of myself with a code written on a piece of paper to prove I wasn't a bot, and they still deleted my profile and said I was acting as a bot and that I could not appeal the decision or talk to a human about it.

I agree it's a bit of a pain to get people to join these nerd apps, but man, it beats dealing with non-interactive bot/algorithm, punishing you for fighting back against having your information stolen.

Hey all, so along with this post, today, I made a couple of communities geared towards starting and organizing a movement like the one in this post that has us working together to petition our government for redress on the anticompetitive behavior by the Google Chrome monopoly. I messaged Ruud and reached out to c/support because I have no idea what I'm doing and where or when it's appropriate to advertise the community and I'm looking for guidance. So if it's inappropriate here, mods of c/Technology, I apologize and please delete this comment.

But here are the two communities I made: ! !

I want them to be a place where we can pull together like minded individuals of Lemmy and perhaps the Fediverse/ActivityPub together about a cause we care about and want to create a movement for. I figure c/movement will be were you can gather those folks c/organize is where you can have discussions and organize to take action. Perhaps there should be an associated matrix or discord channel for the second one.

I'd like both communities to be community owned and community-led. So on big decisions and deciding the guidelines, I'd like the community to call the shots while mods would do the heavy lifting of enforcing those guidelines and organizing things to where the community's voice can be heard (so for example, after having a discussion about guidelines, consolidating all of that into some sort of vote if there needed to be one on finally voting in the new guidelines). Anyways, rather than having a discussion about the communities here, let's have them over on the c/support thread ( or the communities themselves.

And the thing is we all have jobs, classes, family or something else entirely having claims to our attention and time, but we shouldn't give up or give in. Let's still figure out a way to persevere.

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I want them to be a place where we can pull together like minded individuals of Lemmy and perhaps the Fediverse/ActivityPub together about a cause we care about and want to create a movement for. I figure c/movement will be were you can gather those folks c/organize is where you can have discussions and organize to take action. Perhaps there should be an associated matrix or discord channel for the second one.

I’d like both communities to be community owned and community-led. So on big decisions and deciding the guidelines, I’d like the community to call the shots while mods would do the heavy lifting of enforcing those guidelines and organizing things to where the community’s voice can be heard (so for example, after having a discussion about guidelines, consolidating all of that into some sort of vote if there needed to be one on finally voting in the new guidelines).

And the thing is we all have jobs, classes, family or something else entirely having claims to our attention and time, but we shouldn’t give up or give in. Let’s still figure out a way to persevere.

Nope, it's pronounced dix. Learn some french, sheesh.

Yeah, or or

But any linux with modern hardware really. I play games on my desktop (and get work done too) with EndeavourOS (which is an easy to install and maintain version of Arch Linux, which is also the base of SteamOS. With Arch Linux you have bleeding edge updates, like new Linux kernel versions. SteamOS slows that down, only letting in those bleading edge updates after they've vetteed it on the SteamDeck hardware).

Steam takes care of proton support. You can try to support other store fronts with applications like Lutris, that try to apply that compatibility layer to those games.

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Nope. Just being your dad's dad.

Unity continues to lose money as a business. I think it's fair to ask a royalty fee from more successful games (since their code constitutes a portion of the game code and assets). But they should do it the way Unreal Engine does. A flat 5% after a $1M revenue threshold. There should be a some sort of verifiable export service from game stores like Steam/GOG that report revenue and that can't be modified by the developer/publisher that the developer/publisher can then upload to Unity report their revenue.

Have you ever seen a politician make the rounds on Sunday news shows? They, especially Republicans, sound extremely different on Fox News vs. the rest of media (Democrats sounds different on mainstream media vs. progressive independent media). This colonel is doing the exact same thing. He learned from the clip going viral and the way people are reacting to it to sound like he's concerned and feels for the Palestinians rather than saying it's their own fault like he was in the Blitzer clip.

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The moment they canceled the Valedictorian speech, I would have simply failed to show up to the commencement. And I would have done my best to surprise USC of it. And I'd have organized or at least hoped other people would do the same thing.

Once, ages ago, I tried to correct the math of the Editors of Shacknews' math and like you, I was wrong. I made it to the front page of ShackNews the next night, haha. I used the same user name as I used on a forum with my friends, so my friends all found it out, haha.

There's definitely been admixing with other populations (including Ashkenazi Jews with Europeans), but Palestinians are Canaanite/Levantine (just like the Lebanese and Jews and Jordanians) and form a Levantine cluster. See: Meanwhile, Judaism is certainly from Israel (if the history didn't already point to it, the archaeology of Israel does). But a large number of Jews/Israelites were expelled by the Romans in the first century CE, creating a Jewish diaspora that shows genetic evidence of admixing with local populations over 2000 years. And certainly before the modern state of Israel was created and Zionist Jewish folk started immigrating back into Israel-Palestine after 1800-1900 years, the Palestinians were there.

Jewish people were persecuted in Christian nations because Christians started blaming Jews for Christ's death. You can see evolution of this idea from being nearly non-existent in the earliest gospel, the Gospel of Mark, to the newest canonical Gospel the Gospel of John. And sentiment is argued to have risen from Christian anger at the failure of other Jews to accept Jesus as the messiah and convert. All these negative stereotypes started to develop. And with the Romans destroying Jerusalem (or at least the temple in Jerusalem) and scattering Jews, you had a group of people with a strong cultural group identity that was strongly monotheistic in a strange land, that was easily to cast as the other. It's all bullshit.

Anyways, Israel-Palestine is the home of Judaism, the descendants of Israelites, and Palestinians (who probably partially the descendants of Israelites or at least neighboring Canaanites, from whom Israelites became distinct by the development of their monidolatry and later monotheism).

Also see this 2020 paper that compares the genetics of modern people living in this region (including Jews, Palestinians, Lebanese) with Bronze Age DNA from the region: (got this from an earlier section in the above Wikipedia article:

So yeah, at least some of the ancestors of modern Palestinians were in Israel-Palestine in the Bronze Age (ie before the Babylonian Captivity).

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Yep, this is what I do. Signal's pretty much one of my top favorite open source applications.

This is the way. The more I think about it, the more I realize it needs to happen. Market positions in each of them give Google an unfair, anti-competitive advantage in all the rest of them.

And before people say that it didn't need to be shut down, they ignore that the hospitals were overwhelmed and could have been even more overwhelmed if we didn't have mask mandates and/or lock downs. People were being denied health care because the hospitals had no space.

Yep, I only saw it like a couple of hours ago. I joined it too. But I'm hoping we can do more than just protest. Like organize to clean up a wetland or something. Or organize to petition the government.

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I'm more interested in what the term is for folks who wear different masks for different audiences and in particular folks who react to criticism by putting on a mask later all while saying the same thing. It was astonishing seeing this guy on Erin Burnett's show after seeing him on Wolf Blitzer's show. It was like watching Lindsey Graham on the Daily Show or Meet the Press vs. seeing him on Fox News Sunday discussing the exact same stuff.

Edit: I'd only listened to the Burnett interview. They're different people.

I took a look at it. Do you want to be a mod at both communities or at least c/organize with me (I figure the app shows me that you have passion about all of this)? Even if we don't necessarily get folks to download and install the app, I think we can potentially try out the algorithm and get community feedback on how they feel about it.

Same with Facebook. It's used its market power to copy features from its competitors and get a leg up on them from their existing userbase. It should have never been allowed to buy its competitors like instagram, whatsapp and what not. It's time to break them all apart again.

The most recent egregious example of this is the Threads app. But what it did to Snapchat with Instagram stories is another example, IMO.

Man, I thought I misspelled it, haha.

Yeah, I agree. His lobbying to ban gay marriage was anything but libertarian, but I think that's how he identifies.

I wrote a reply to this when I should have been focused on real life deadlines, and Lemmy with its server issues lost it. : (

But I think your question gets at the heart of the question of how these platforms can be used to organize action. Will get back to you some time this week when things have calmed down.

Firefox Multi-Containers addon can help you with that, sandboxing different instances of Google. And you can even route each container through a different VPN server if you subcribe to Mozilla VPN or do extra legwork with Mullvad VPN, so that they can't fingerprint you with your IP address, browser, and machine, even if you have a separate set of cookies for each container.