
15 Post – 180 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Definitely real.

Plenty of sauces.


And while we wait we keep our factories running, our cars on the street, our planes in the air, our meat on the tables, our plastic wrapped around everything and keep believing that we will be just fine.

Jup. It just says that "the malware was disguised as PDF and QR code readers".

Not helpful, Mashable. Not helpful at all.

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Online banks use this method. I am not happy with this either. It's government-regulated, so OK (sort of).

A social media site? No, thank you.

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To save you all a click and some time: the source says that the report is bogus.

Digital "ownership".

"Ubisoft is determined to take things one step further to stamp out any attempts to continue playing it past its expiry date."

For the record, the story is made up.

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Just naming a company isn't particularly useful. Some context would be great, so others can hate the company too. 🫠

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Some banks do this *** too. The more money you deposit, the less fees you pay. Because 'premium customer' and all this.

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The benefits are not meant for the consumer.

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Ah. You pray at the altar of Google with the mantra: "It only works in Chrome or Edge. Why not upgrade your browser?"

What could possibly go wrong with giving all the power to one browser engine? If only there was a precedent to learn from...

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Demos used to be a lot more common. It used to be the norm for most games. Now it's extraordinary.

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I really wish this would gain some traction. As it is, there is just not enough content there to compete with YouTube in any reasonable way.

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Best. Change. Ever.

In case someone actually wants to know the truth, here it is:


Needs raw Onions, raw Eggs, raw Capers and Pepper.

Germans know how to prepare truly healthy unique dishes.

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Why judge people over their choice of beverage?

Why can't we all drink (or eat or be...) whatever we please without derogatory comments being made? What kind of a low is that?


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Has that actually happened? You sure you didn't click some "I agree" button after an update?

Windows has never set a new default browser for me without asking. Sure, it asked a few times, but unless I agreed, no settings were changed.

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Aaand another reason to stay with 10.

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It's not about this particular game.

It's about setting a precedent for games you do care about.

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Familiar only if you worked with it before.

Easy... fair enough.

Pretty... debatable.

Apple established itself as a luxury brand. So it gives customers this "prestige feeling". That's at least my take.

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What's the problem with just producing the necessary quality and being honest? Is that too expensive, making the lie more profitable?

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Agreed. I never understood why anyone goes out of their way to install Chrome.


Why not use Edge, which comes with the OS? I'm not promoting Edge, but it's already there. If you're going to install another browser, why not use Firefox instead? Every time I ask someone why they've installed Chrome, they either don't have an answer or say something like "it looks nice".

That said, Firefox' handling of tabs is still horrible. "Go Vivaldi" on this count. Sadly it's a Chromium browser.

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based on your activity on the platform

Which activity?

So many Reddit posts are removed and useless. And often these posts used to be the main answer. I don't bother much with Redditt anymore. It's not the knowledgebase it used to be. Will likely never be again.

Some questions I "reask" here on Lemmy and get decent replies. Thus building a new knowledgebase.

So I need to understand the autopilot of a plane first before I buy a car?

I would be mislead then, as I have no idea how such autopilots work. I also suspect that those two systems don't really work the same. One flies, the other drives. One has traffic lights, the other doesn't. One is operated by well paid professionals, the other, well, by me. Call me simple, but there seem to be some major differences.

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I posted news about climate change myself. Not for upvotes, but because I'm invested in the topic.

If you don't want such news, unsubscribe, block or just scroll past.

Reddit's hypocrisy is mind-boggling!

After proving in recent weeks that 1) they want anything but free and independent communities, and 2) they want nothing more than complete control over their communities and their data, and 3) they have no interest in being an open platform (where are the 3rd part apps? why force the app when you open Reddit in a browser?), they have the nerve to say all this about freedom and independence?

Who believes it? Is this a way to win back lost users? Restore damaged trust? It's obviously not what they say it's about. Companies don't give away freedom, Reddit least of all. There's plenty of evidence for that.

Again, only in the US.

Nevertheless, the right to remain silent is protected in many countries. Deciding whether to use it on the other hand, is not always easy.

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Tbf, I work with Linux regularly and it's great for me. But for the average user who wants basically zero learning curve like your average Android provides? Linux is a hard sell. To repeat what has been said so many times here:

  • Games. It's better than it used to be, but Windows just does it better. The same goes for general software compatibility. Windows Store apps, for example, generally don't run at all.

  • My surrounding never wants to open or see a command line. Ever.

  • Driver & hardware support. Windows still beats Linux here. And this is an important one.

  • Easy compatibility between distros. What works on one may not work on another. That's a problem.

Like that.

Really, for someone willing to learn how their PC works, Linux is a good choice, maybe even a great choice. I love my Linux PCs. Am on OpenSuse at the moment and its been a fantastic experience. Couldn't avoid some of the problems above, of course. But this isn't about me.

For someone who just wants to click and install games, plug in random hardware and start using it a few seconds later, never touch an update interface and basically wants a system that just works intuitively because that's what they've known for years... Windows is a better choice. And I say this with a sad heart, because I really wish that Linux was the competitor that Microsoft fears.

Edit: thanks for the reminder; I will likely install Windows 11 (the unsupported version as it were) for my immediate surrounding, apart from some techies. 😄

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Whatever gets the job done, frankly.

There's things Linux excels at. There's things Windows is better at. Hate me for saying that, but I use what's needed and is better and quicker for the task.

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requires some setup

The story of Linux in a few words.

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Didn't know about that one. Why, there's no objection in adding more to the collection right here. 😊

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People begin to realise that Lemmy is the bottom of the barrel. Constant server outages, low quality content and a community that is growing ever more toxic.

There. You wanted incorrect and controversial.

I answered a bit further down a bit lengthier. Hope that's OK. 🙂

To be clear, I enjoy my Linux environment. But could I leave Linux on my parents' devices who recently bought a new printer and use a facial recognition camera? I'd be worried...

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At least there is one. Many apps don't offer that at all but make us go through hundreds of options and turn them off manually.

Until an update makes you do it again.

And again.

The worst. Usually an uninstall for me.

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How after World War 2 we didn't truly learn and still fight wars over racism, nationalism and other reasons that keep us from uniting.

How we managed to ruin the earth to a severe degree in just 50 years or so.

And video games.

And The Flintstones.

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Online privacy is not something that anyone should take lightly. It is a matter of protecting personal data and one's human rights. Personal data can include anything that identifies you or reveals something about you (e.g. your health records, browsing history, etc.). This data can be - and is - collected, stored, analyzed, and often sold by third parties without your consent or knowledge. This in turn can lead to serious consequences for you.

To name just two examples. Advertisers can use your personal data to target you with ads that manipulate your behavior or preferences. Governments can use your personal data to monitor your activities or censor your opinions. The very fact that you post this question under an alias and not your real name makes the point that you value your online privacy.

In line with that, online privacy allows you to express yourself freely and access information without censorship or surveillance. Online privacy is a human right that we should respect and defend. It is essential for social justice and human dignity. Without online privacy, we cannot enjoy the benefits of the internet as a platform for open communication, education and sometimes innovation. We cannot participate freely in online communities, share our ideas, learn new things, or explore new possibilities. We cannot challenge the status quo, expose corruption, or demand accountability. Many might not be able to be themselves, without fear or shame.

In my opinion, we should use encryption tools, trustworthy VPNs, secure browsers, and other methods to safeguard our personal data from prying eyes. We should also support and listen to organizations that advocate for privacy rights and fight against online privacy violations.

It matters, because it is our right and - frankly - our responsibility.

Forgive the rant... this topic is important to me.

TL;DR Online privacy is important, because it protects our personal data and our human rights from misuse by third parties. It also enables us to express ourselves and access information freely on the internet.

Edit: added last sentence of second paragraph

Edit 2: fixed some grammar

Me. ✋