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Joined 1 years ago

That hasn’t been confirmed at all. No one from the board has commented even anonymously as far as I’ve seen. This is a play by Altman and his supporters to try and influence public opinion and make the board seem incompetent.

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“Vorpious de liporius octo”, the coverup is worse than the crime.

Let’s hope if the crime isn’t enough that his attempts to cover it up are what takes him down.

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“This is a lie from someone who doesn’t know me and who is coping with the death of the political career of his friend Kevin. Thoughts and prayers.”

Couldn’t give less of a shit about their infighting but I don’t know if I’ve seen someone from the GOP using T&P so clearly in the way they always mean it.

The CFPB is an AMAZING tool to have in your back pocket. Pretty much if money is involved and a company is screwing you over you should jump straight to filing a complaint. When I filed on after Spectrum (formally Time Warner, formally Road Runner) was trying to screw on me equipment I had returned (and I had spent hours on the phone with them) I got a call FROM Spectrum in <3 days from a real person who immediately fixed the issue.

10/10, would use again. If there is a business screwing you over look for the right government agency and file a complaint. You’ll be surprised how effective it is. I’ve also had very good luck with FCC complainants.

And then, because they can’t help themselves, they came out with 6E. Honestly I think all standards bodies (USB, HDMI, WiFi) just love making stupid sub-versions that make things even more confusing.

It’s Jack Dorsey’s “Twitter but federated this time”, except there is only 1 instance, run by Jack…. But don’t worry, “Trust me bro” it will totally be federated/open.

Maybe it will be but until it is it’s just as bad as Twitter.

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Gigabit symmetrical or GTFO.

I pay something like $110/mo for my symmetrical gigabit fiber line (plus static IP). This should be the standard, not 100Mbps.

Calm down, it’s coming right after infrastructure week!

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Yep, typical. Spectrum in my area (like 5-7 years ago) suddenly over doubled everyone’s speeds almost overnight once competition came in. I loved telling them to pound sand as I got symmetrical gigabit installed.

Anything the CFPB wants to regulate I’m 100% in favor of. The CFPB is an AMAZING tool to push back against corps with horrible customer service (to be fair Apple’s customer service has always been good for me). I’ve used the CFPB to get a corp to reply to me after brushing me off.

If money is involved at all and a business is giving you the run around I encourage you to file a complaint. They have to contact you with a few days and they actually want (or are required) to solve your issue.

He sounds like he is on death’s door. His voice is raspy as fuck, it was painful to listen to.

As if we needed another sign that ZDnet was trash…

I fucking hate these obviously bullshit articles. “Gen Z is using feature phones”, “Gen Z are using paper maps”, “Gen Z is doing XYZ”.

No, they aren’t. At best some sad excuse for a journalist found a handful of tweets and wrote a whole article on it like it’s a “trend”.

Look, I know “journalists” are being squeezed to produce at an unreasonable rate but if you write drivel like this then you have no business calling yourself a journalist, hell I don’t even think you can call yourself a “writer” or “contributor” either. It barely passes as writing and you are contributing nothing to society.

Agreed. Apple is rarely first to use a technology, but they sort of “perfect it”, or release a version that works for a large amount of the populous. Obviously they don’t always hit home runs but very often when they release a product it sets a new baseline of what to expect out of that type of thing.

What am I missing? This article is about Trump’s rants against Jack Smith (special prosecutor), nothing about Stormy Daniels or a strap on?

I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I think this is actually a great thing for Mastodon. The truth is the majority of people are just never going to sign up for a Mastodon server as they stand today. The majority of people want algorithmic feeds run by a central entity. I know the people here don’t want that, but that’s what the majority of people do want. Will I use Threads? No but if this breathes more life into Mastodon and exposes more people to the concept then that is a good thing. Being able to use a client of your choice to interact with people on something like Threads is also a very good thing. The alternative is a completely closed social network like Twitter.

I know, I know “embrace, extend, extinguish”, but literally this is the best that we can hope for unfortunately. The alternative is everyone goes and uses a closed system.

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Twitter developers fall into 1 of 3 categories:

  1. H1B Visa holders who are stuck

  2. Incompetent devs who can’t find another job

  3. True believers (you know, morons)

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This made me throw up in my mouth a little bit.

Didn’t you fan boys learn after Elon? Altman is not something I’d recommend idolizing. From his crypto BS, to his preper stuff (saying he will survive in the apocalypse… sure), to the stuff his sister is saying he did to her, to his general doucheyness, to his attempts at regulatory capture…

I couldn’t agree more, so many people waste their time thinking about things instead of instead trusting how they feel about things. That’s why my favorite word is truthiness.

God I miss Colbert.

I guess if you were looking for a platform that is run by a large man child, is somehow on shakier ground than Reddit, and will suck then this is good news?

I wonder if Elon’s tweet will apply here:

If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill, No limit. Please let us know.

Obviously I expect Elon is full of shit and won’t actually do this (or do it 1-2 times then get bored) but it would be funny to watch 2 assholes (Elon/Trump) fight over it.

Except they were too stupid to do it for the only change that mattered to a lot of us, API pricing/access to the full Reddit.

I was ready to pay up to $15/mo but after they way they treated the Apollo dev and the fact that for all intents and purposes Apollo was Reddit for me by the end. I’d been on Reddit since the start and used many clients but Apollo was the best and I couldn’t go back to the official or any of the clients that put up with what Reddit did.

I’m confused, my M1 MBP had like 1-2 things max that were x86 still that I needed and those ran fine on Rosetta.

I know docker is a bit more annoying but it’s not that bad IMHO.

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Proton and Rosetta 2 are two totally different beasts. One allows windows programs to run on non-windows hosts and one translates x86 to Arm.

I’m not aware of Proton doing anything like Rosetta 2 and if it did Steam would have probably used an Arm chip in their Steam Deck instead of an x86.

Maintaining 2-way compatibility doesn’t seem like an important goal. One way, x86->Arm, sure but not Arm->x86. Apple clearly sees x86 as a dead end for its own product lines and we will see if the rest of the industry follows suit over time. Of course there is a ton tied up in x86 but aside from legacy apps or games I don’t have much need of x86 in my life.

Even the servers I run are trending towards Arm due to the power savings. AWS graviton stuff is like ~25-30% cheaper than x86 last I looked

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From his lack of response on the topic it’s clear he still supports that position (being anti-gay marriage). He was ousted in part because Mozilla is supposed to be and open and inclusive place to work, hard to do that when your boss doesn’t believe you should be allowed to marry.

Furthermore he proved his lack of morals and character by starting a crypto browser. This guy isn’t worth defending.

Jobs fire people ALL THE TIME over personally held beliefs or things they say/do outside of work. We can argue that’s not right but as long as it happens to the rank and file I think it appropriate to at least try to hold C-level to the same standards. If it helps you sleep at night I’m almost sure he would have survived the backlash at any company that wasn’t like Mozilla, lord knows C-level came get away with murder most places.

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No thanks, I plug 2 cables into my MBP and get:

  • Multiple USB-A/USB-C ports

  • Ethernet

  • 3 monitors

  • Power

  • Sound

  • SD card reader

  • And a few other things I don’t use

Contrast that with my old MBP that had “all the ports”, I’d have to plug multiple things in, I still had to use hubs, and it struggled to drive 2 monitors. No thanks.

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Instead of throwing the NAND away, which increases electronic waste, the factories recycle them into cheaper products or sell them to local companies, giving rise to obscure SSD brands on the Chinese market.

Ah yes, I’m sure electronic waste is their top concern /s

Reprocessing components for lower-tier products or new products is a regular practice in the hardware world. Companies are always looking to maximize profits.

Ok, at least we touch on the real real eventually (at the very end of the article but fine).


Musked it. It’s just this thing people say around your office all the time. Like when you screw something up in a really irreversable way, you Musked it. I don’t know where it comes from though. You think it came from Elon Musk?

I don’t know. Who knows how words are formed.

Plenty of developers? Ok, sure. It was rocky for less than a year after they released the M1’s. I barely had any issues on my M1 Max that I got at release and I was just thinking the other day about how in haven’t thought about “will this run” or “oh there’s that thing that doesn’t run” in forever.

How is it that all these comments miss the fact that there are zero leaks from the board (even anonymously) that this is the case? This is so clearly a move by Altman and his supporters to chum the waters and make the board look incompetent (when there is no evidence to corroborate it). “People in the know” is what you say when you can’t be more specific and could literally be any from my Altman himself to disgruntled employees. You can bet your bottom dollar if they had a real line into the board you’d give something much less wishy-washy.

Stop reading headlines as facts people.

That’s not true at all, just don’t buy through Apple/Google, buy off their website. Apps charge extra for IAP (vs online) all the time, I have no clue what you are talking about.

The state AGs are slow on complaints but next time reach for the CFPB, they don’t mess around and you’ll get a call from a human (from Amazon) in a short amount of time.

I spent hours on hold with a company (not Amazon) and they kept giving me the run around. After filing a complaint I got a call back in less than 2 days by someone who immediately fixed the issue.

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I mean Uber started as a black car service and wanted it to be possible for drivers to do it full time if they wanted. Neither Uber nor Lyft were ever billed as “make some money sharing a ride to where you are already driving”, the platform doesn’t even account/allow for that.

I fully agree on Airbnb but I don’t think the Uber example works.

Totally fair, I’m not trying to downplay what he initially did, I just think focusing on the coverup aspect is, in some ways, more effective. They can convince their followers that what he did wasn’t actually wrong (even if it absolutely was) but it’s harder to explain trying to cover up something that “wasn’t wrong”.

Twitter refused to comment prior to the article, Twitter changes their policies like most of us change our underwear, and Twitter is will known to making capricious and spiteful decisions (see also delaying links to domains they don’t like).

Yes, how could anyone be so rude to jump to such conclusions /s

What a waste of time article. Dems don’t control the house, this will go nowhere. This is as stupid as reporting on bills that everyone knows won’t even make it to the floor.

It’s feel-good fluff that won’t make any changes.


That’s literally the only answer. My guess is they can find a fix which even further underscores their incompetence at not having it ready at launch. I’ll give indie devs and small companies a pass on not having day one support for a new OS but large corps and especially medical apps like this have no excuse.

Whoa buddy, slow your roll. 15 whole minutes of profit? Are you trying to bankrupt one of these poor defenseless corporations, who signed a document that said “we did nothing wrong but unrelated we are going to pay you some money just because”?

On a more serious and somber note, until the fine wipes away all the profit gained and then some for the period they were breaking the law nothing will change.

Hmm it appears you are right, I don’t know when that got logged in my brain at “Latin” but for some reason I thought it was. Googling some I can’t find a good origin for that even though it’s often used online as “the coverup is worse than the crime”.

There are websites like this that say it’s Latin but Google translate doesn’t give the same results so I guess it’s wrong?

Call me ageist, I don’t give a fuck, these people aren’t at the top of their game, hell they aren’t even at 50% of what the top of their game used to be. Furthermore, like you said, it’s absolute bullshit that people can make laws that they won’t see the effects of.

Cut off rep age at something like 60 if not 50. The younger generations should be the ones deciding the future, it’s THEIR future after all.