
0 Post – 138 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

In combination with the exercise it sounds like you're doing anyway, have you tried a bit of Yoga and a bit of listening to meditative sounds before/during bed/sleep/end of day? You may have tried similar things already, but if not, maybe worth a go? It's not going to pass/waste time as such, but might put you into a better position to stop your mind racing with negativity, especially in that crucial pre-sleep phase.

Particularly looking at "Yoga for Anxiety" or "Yoga for Mental Health" type things, moreso than general strength and fitness Yoga. You'll find a bunch online. You might find something like this Yoga Healthcare Alliance 10 Week Course works for you (it's promoted by the UK's NHS for some conditions). It's focusing on basic de-stressing, de-tensing muscles, breathing focus, and may help you feel calm and relaxed - which may give you a good nights sleep - which could potentially do wonders for beginning to recover.

I'd also suggest combining it with some "sleep headphones" - a fabric headband with some really flat headphone speakers inside it - then listen to a combination of "meditation for anxiety" or "8 hours deep sleep ambient soundscape" type things whilst you lie there.

Ideally you'd do the Yoga sat on your bed, then drop straight into something like "a nice man tells you you're great and everything will be fine" followed by some sort of "inner peace meditation that lasts 8 hours or longer". Obviously, you'll find your own preferred voices/sounds. I've also used white noise style "starship engine sound" or "on a night train" audio.

If you watch them on your phone with "Newpipe", you can save them as videos or just as audio files - which you can then set up as playlists in VLC. No point in downloading the same thing every night.

This whole set of things might not work for you at all, but if you're up for hours anyway, what do you have to lose?

Personally, I found this process helped me massively on my way out of a similar patch (combined with exercising more, quitting caffeine for a while, CBT therapy - it was a multiple angle approach).

Regardless, I wish you luck and pass you my best wishes in your recovery.


You can use the box to collect cats in.

Damn! He's here?!? RichardRealName is my nemesis!

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I hate not being able to pause a game, particularly a single player game. I think Elite Dangerous solidified my hatred of this, by not telling you the game is still running when you're on the "pause" menu.

"B-B-BU-BUT it's a simulation and you can't pause real life so it makes it more real"

It's a game, even if it's a simulation game. It's a toy for grown-ups. A very nice and fun and relaxing toy, but a toy nonetheless. It's not more important than a phone call, call at the door, crying child, hungry cat, partner who needs a hand with something etc.

This probably extends to being able to save anywhere and rejoin later, but I think that one is covered pretty well by everyone else :)

I don't know how well it would work in practice, but every time I see something like this, the darker, more childish part of my brain wants me to send a human shit to them in the post, with a note saying "Thank you for subscribing to Post-me-a-poo (Daily)! To cancel your subscription, please add a 'Cancel Subscription' button to your website!".

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Gruel! Three spoons of oatmeal in a bowl, pour about 500ml (~1 pint) of boiling water on it. You can put a bit more oatmeal in, but if you go too far you get porridge. You're aiming for thin or miserly porridge.

For a mild seasoning, you can cry over the bowl, and let the salt from your tears enhance the subtle flavours. If you're feeling rich, salt can be purchased from shops and used instead.

For optional nutrients beyond simple survival, you can then throw any leftover or past-best veg, precooked meat or edible garden plants in the bowl. For deliciousness, you can add a bit of butter, or even cheese.

Heat it in a pan on the hob, whilst stirring, for as long as you can be bothered waiting. Cooking for longer tends to make it taste better. Alternately, microwave it for a few minutes.

You're ultimately going to end up with something like a thick soup (or a luxurious cheese sauce, depending on ingredients) that's surprisingly filling, and significantly nicer tasting than you might expect from the description.

Gruel. It sounds shit, but it's ace.

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She would be disappointed in how untidy my files are.

"Why is the final version of this project called "test1_b_new_reworked_draft_2_prefinal_dif_font_b_temp_FINAL.png"?

She would then forgive me because her filing is worse than mine.

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Before everyone gets in a panic from reading the headline, the bug is from ~2014 - 2015ish, so it's almost 10 years ago now.

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Don't worry, it all balances out - his family just min-maxed his character into music. Most of his stats were comically low. For example, Mozart was really bad at ordering food from a drive-through or even ordering a takeaway by phone or through an app.

Other things Mozart was shit at:

  • Using a mobile phone
  • Riding a bike
  • Driving a car
  • Microwaving his own dinner
  • Using a computer
  • Assembling flat-pack furniture
  • Mariokart
  • Wiring a plug
  • Installing Linux
  • Fastening velcro shoes
  • Using self-service at the supermarket
  • Using a toaster
  • Celebrating his 36th birthday

He couldn't do a single one of those things. You can probably do at least two of them. So what if he beats you at music?

Perhaps it's been fixed since, but a this type of thing was the main issue with snaps to me:

"Why can't the program see the printer? Ubuntu can see the printer"

"Why can't I save to this USB pen? It can't even see it"

"These two programs are meant to work together, but they can't see each other"

"I can't open my project from my external drive"

"It won't let me import the photos from my camera. It can't see the camera"

Would have been less of an issue if they had an android-style permissions pop-up with each incident, but snaps just left you silently failing.

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I got detention off of a teacher for saying "Hitler the Shitler" or "Hitler is a Shitler" or something suchlike during a lesson, even though several other kids had already said it and didn't get in trouble.

Technically, the detention was for swearing, though I chose to interpret it as "Miss Teacher loves Hitler and he is her boyfriend".

I instigated a petty campaign of cartoons, blackboard messages, textbook graffiti and just general rumours that this poor teacher was genuinely a Hitler-loving-Nazi, and had a Hitler shrine in her house. As I was generally honest, well behaved etc, it was readily believed and spread quickly.

As she was relatively unpopular as a teacher, many of the other students joined in, goosestepping past her in the corridor, nazi saluting behind her back etc.

After a few weeks, upon entering the classroom to find a full blackboard chalk cartoon of her and Hitler getting married, she started crying and shouted at us and we all felt awful.

I apologised to her after the lesson, and she actually apologised for unfairly singling me out for punishment "to set an example" and oddly, we actually got on pretty well after that, and the Hitler jokes faded out naturally.

If you love to drink coffee, but don't like to eat coffee beans directly as a food, you actually like hot water more than you like coffee.

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"But Vladimir, you were never going to find any Nazis out there! The Nazis were in you all along!"

There's a gamingonlinux article which might explain a bit.

Very roughly, a few alterations to the anticheat to make it work on Wine made some of the anticheat's workings apparent, which in turn allowed people to work out new exploits.

Wine is an excellent tool for reverse engineering. Additionally, we had to disable many antitamper checks to make Hyperion run on Wine. This has allowed interested parties to learn a lot about the internal workings of Hyperion, relevant to both Win32 and UWP. As the initial shock of Hyperion’s release started wearing off, many people have begun discovering the various angles through which one can learn more about the inner workings of Hyperion.

As to why all the anticheat stuff matters so much, I'm not quite sure.

In English (UK), the word "Trump" means "fart".

e.g. "Eurgh! It stinks of rotten eggs! Who's trumped?"

"It smells bad in here. Has someone done a trump?"

"Oh god, would you please stop trumping!"

"Go out into the corridor if you need to trump"

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Was one of the records "Largest Dwarf Fortress Fort with a playable frame rate"?

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That's awful. Poor bloke. Taking the work back down, filling a couple of holes, painting them and retexturing the wall after - you'd expect them to say "You can take that down and repair it on your lunch break" and just move on.

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They're fine with the Old Testament, it's got plenty of treachery, rape, slavery and fraud cheered on by God, mixed in with smiting and destroying things that disagree with you.

They have a problem with the teachings of Christ in the New Testament, which is all a bit too "someone was different to me so I made friends with them and we ate together".

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The problem with fining incredibly rich corporations, is they either laugh it off, or just pass that "cost" onto the consumers.

I suppose the options are things like:

a) International regulation against "disabling parts of a product without good reason". Products simply cannot be sold legally

b) Enforced warning signs on packets (like cigarette packaging) - each HP printer box or online advert must display a warning sign covering 60% of all images stating "We are a predatory company and will disable your products for no good reason".

If those don't work, then death penalty for top 3 highest ranking of the company and top 3 highest paid of the company, per violation, per year.

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On the link for the wikipaedia "week"page, lower down, under "Christian Europe", it mentions: "The seven-day weekly cycle has remained unbroken in Christendom, and hence in Western history, for almost two millennia, despite changes to the Coptic, Julian, and Gregorian calendars, demonstrated by the date of Easter Sunday having been traced back through numerous computistic tables to an Ethiopic copy of an early Alexandrian table beginning with the Easter of 311 CE."

So I guess, Easter Sunday in 311CE, someone called a big meeting and said something equivalent to "Right lads? All agreed? Today is Sunday, everywhere. Got that? Go and tell everyone you know. We're synchronising everyone's calendars."

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Can you encourage them to hurry up with a bit of "Push It" by Salt-N-Pepa?

"Push it"
"Push it real good"

The Ooh Ooh song is Temptation by New Order

The Woo Ooh-ee song is Elevation by U2

The Woo-ooh, Eeh-Ooh-Ooh song is Woo Hoo by The

The Ooh-Aah Ooh-Hoo Ooh-Hoo song is Who are You by The Who

The Woo Hoo song is Song 2 by Blur

The Woop Woop song is Sound of Da Police by KRS-One

Hope this helps.

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You've probably got your answer already, but just wanting to confirm that Kdenlive can do all the things you listed.

Though the editor itself is very easy to use and obvious (if you previously have used premiere etc), you might find the UI for some of the individual effects a bit confusing. There's tool tips and sometimes help videos and stuff, but you might find yourself dragging a few sliders left and right to find out what they actually do :)

Note that generally speaking, Kdenlive doesn't currently support graphics-card-accelerated timeline preview very well, so if you're packing on the effects, you might not get real-time playback in the timeline without "preview rendering". If you ever used Premiere 20 years ago, it works the same as that.

From memory, Olive has the best "in-timeline" graphics card acceleration - but is otherwise at a much earlier stage of development.

As others have mentioned, some or all of these are also doable in Shotcut, Openshot, Olive.

Also, you might be interested in TJFree Tutorials on YouTube, which has a playlist of Kdenlive tutorials - for older versions, but it's mostly going to be the same. He also has tutorials in loads of other FOSS creative software. I found he tended to be "clear and efficient" and doesn't take 5 minutes to give you 1 minute's information.

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Tell me you play Dwarf Fortress without actually telling me you play Dwarf Fortress.

It is good, and I sometimes drink it myself, but remember to be careful if drinking hot water outside in autumn or early winter.

If a leaf falls from a tree and lands in your cup, you'll have discovered Tea - and last time that happened, some folk from a tiny island ended up with an empire covering half the planet.

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If you use the NewPipe android app to watch youtube, you can download directly from there, as video or audio, in a selection of formats.

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If your city has a "Linux User Group" or maker/hackerspace thing, you might just find you're less alone than you previously thought.


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My phone is about 15cm (~5¾ in) tall, and to me, that's the absolute maximum. It's slightly too big. The width, about 7cm (~2¾ in) is totally fine.

This (Galaxy XCover 5) was the smallest phone that seemed to exist (and I wanted one woth durability, removable battery, SD slot, headphones etc). It was very expensive though.

Trying to find cheaper ones for various people in the extended family, they all specified "oh, not bigger than my current one", but it was impossible. There's basically nothing less than 16cm tall, and most are even bigger.

I'm scared of this one breaking. The XCover 6 is 17cm x 8cm.

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My nose/sinus/throat is all very sensitive to perfumes and aerosols these days, and even if it's not strong enough to close my throat up and choke me, it still tends to make me feel sick. I've not used any spray and rarely any smelly stuff for over a decade.

Most soaps and some shower gels are fine though, so there's no problem with starting a day "clean".

On the morning train, you can normally smell people who use deodorant instead of washing. It's quite hard to describe - air freshener in a festival toilet? Artificial sweeteners on a stilton cheese? Anyway, if their perfume isn't strong enough to physically harm me, I don't care.

I used spray deodorants as a teenager, and unscented roll-ons for many years after - but after stopping using it, I found, like the couple you mentioned, that I didn't sweat as much, and the sweat that was there didn't smell as bad. Oddly enough, anecdotal evidence suggests my natural smell increased my attractiveness quite significantly. Of course, all of these may have just been coincidental factor of age/hormones/circumstances etc though.

I was a bit paranoid for some years, and always asked/checked with trusted people "do I smell?". I found I can smell myself when I do.

My work is sometimes quite physically demanding, so during the ~two months a year when it's potentially warm (Northern UK), you can get a bit sweaty - but so is everyone else. If you really feel the need, a quick armpit wash in a sink at lunchtime, or a "festival shower" with a wet-wipe would sort that out.

Anyway, so the rough answer is "There is less body odour. You get used to what's there. Most of it smells quite pleasant, sometimes even to the extent of it being animalistically magnetically attractive"

Yeah, but his job was to drill holes in the walls to install artworks all the time, so I imagine it wouldn't be a big deal to him (and likewise, wouldn't be a big deal for him to deinstall and refill the holes, as that was also his job).

Though it's probably technically social media, it's very different from everything else at the moment (other than perhaps reddit).

I feel this is much more like an old forum. It's pretty anonymous, you subscribe to things you like and want to hear more about. Comment if you like, lurk otherwise. Nobody's interleaving my subscribed posts with "suggested" posts and adverts. Mainly, it's small and probably almost nobody I know in real life uses it.

There's currently no big corporate users, far-right news channels, "influencers" etc, just nice, safe "Cats, Dad Jokes, Star Trek Memes, Linux News".

The following people could easily be confused with place names:

  • Greg Lake
  • Grace Park
  • Damon Hill
  • Jeff Bridges
  • Grant Orchard
  • Denny Lane
  • Anson Mount
  • Jimmy Cliff
  • Graeme Garden

So if you're struggling to name your Cities Skylines districts, this may or not help, depending on your sense of humour.

I hope this helps.

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I'm sure it's not everyone's reason, but mine was "Thinkpad still has physical left, right and middle mouse buttons".

Fingers crossed for a touchpad with physical buttons.

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In a weird way, it's kind of "so left wing it curled round the back and ended up on the far right".

If you think of "left wing" as in "we support Pol Pot, Stalin, Putin etc" rather than "let's open a community-run vegan art cafe to promote understanding between diverse social groups".

Wikipaedia article here

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Kriss Kross will make you jump! jump!

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My personal rule is "carbohydrate bases are mostly interchangeable".

If a topping works on bread/toast, it also works on a pizza base, Yorkshire pudding, noodles, chips (fries), rice, pasta, pancake etc

For example - tomato sauce, mozzarella, basil and pepperoni works on a pizza. I can confirm it is still delicious on toast, pasta, rice, Yorkshire Pudding, chips.

Controversially, this means sweet pancake toppings should also work on pizza bases or noodles.

Therefore this would mean that Nutella on pasta is probably pretty nice.

Thank you for listening to my TED Talk.

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This is definitely something that's needed, so thanks for taking the initiative to start something :)

Just to note, your front page suggests darktable as an Illustrator replacement - whereas I would have said Inkscape is the Illustrator replacement (they are both vector graphic editors) and that Darktable is for processing raw digital photographs.

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