2 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Absolutely, targeting activism towards the lifestyles of the rich is a crucial step in addressing the issue of higher CO2 emissions and climate change. It's not about vilifying individuals, but rather recognizing that certain lifestyles contribute significantly to environmental harm.

Focusing solely on the lower and middle class isn't the solution, as they are the ones who often bear the brunt of climate change impacts and economic adjustments. What might be considered "luxury" for them is often just basic necessities, and their livelihoods are directly affected by climate-related changes.

On the other hand, the elite and super elites can afford to make substantial changes to their lifestyles without sacrificing their basic needs. Cutting back on private flights, yachts, and excessive consumption won't significantly impact their quality of life. Their choices to reduce their environmental footprint can send a powerful message and create a domino effect, encouraging positive change on a larger scale.

This doesn't mean demonizing anyone; it's about promoting awareness and responsibility. We need systemic changes, and these should start from the top down. By targeting the source of excessive consumption and promoting sustainable choices among the rich, we can create a more equitable and sustainable future for everyone.

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Decency is an obligation as well, but here we are threatening female players who show solidarity against sexual harassment.

Update: apparently he is done after Fifa stepping in.

What a shitshow and disgrace though.

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Only valid answer. If there's a valid document stating charity status, no other discussion is needed.

This is what the Republican Party has become: working against U.S. interests, embracing totalitarianism, and receiving funds from Russia and China. Tuberville is a prime example of this disturbing trend within the GOP.

Fortunately for Glukhovsky, he is not actually in Russia, and was sentenced in absentia. His current whereabouts are unknown.

I hate clickbait.

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$380k (US dollars) is nothing more than a slap on the wrist for Musk. Fines need to be higher and continuous to make a lasting impact on him, users, and advertisers.

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Fortunately for Glukhovsky, he is not actually in Russia and was sentenced in absentia. His current whereabouts are unknown.

I assumed he was already in prison as the article built up momentum. Classic clickbait.

Religion was and still is the danger for society and end of democracy. It has no place in a scientific and enlightend society. Even the founding fathers knew.

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There was a time the GOP would have fought tooth and nail against the Soviet Union. Now that it's called Russia, it funnels money to the GOP. They act as useful idiots to the Soviet Union 2.0.

And I can't figure out how people still support them. US citizens have a high tolerance for idiots.

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Let's get back to a time when we recognized and sidelined irrational voices in public discourses. Instead, we're giving these charlatans room to spread nonsense, allowing others to wrongly validate it.

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Honestly, you can read and understand a lot of Trump’s plan by examining Mussolini’s strategy for fascist Italy.

Honestly, it's a far superior approach for European car makers than developing subpar software, pouring millions into it, and marketing it as a grand design while failing to get even the basics right.

Strategically, for Volkswagen, it's crucial to test and consider using Android Automotive as an alternative to their proprietary software to remain competitive.

However, data privacy should not be overlooked.

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My Constituents Cannot Afford Rebellious Tantrums, Handle Your Shutdown Act, or the MCCARTHY Shutdown Act for short

Chapeau 🍾

A truly just society places a strong emphasis on protecting its most vulnerable members. However, in American politics since the 1980s, there has been a predominant focus on deregulation, primarily benefiting the most powerful.

The establishment of new agencies aimed at safeguarding the weakest is a positive move toward reestablishing justice.

It's begun. Elon Musk(ovitch) has already disseminated anti-Semitic and false information to his followers in a now-deleted Twitter post.

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Not only that, they've capitalized on past crises to bolster their profits and jack up prices, playing a significant role in the artificial inflation we're experiencing.

The cornerstone of American politics, full democratic representation, was once a powerful force, enabling smaller states and minorities to influence US politics and direction instead of being marginalized.

Regrettably, some actors with ulterior motives have exploited this system, steering it away from democratic principles, prioritizing minority rule, and serving their own interests over the democratic spirit.

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Folks, preserving democracy means not allowing Republicans and right-wingers to interfere with fair elections.

Look to the French for a lesson on how to handle such issues.

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While upholding free speech is crucial, there are limits, especially when dealing with extremists and intolerant individuals.

US citizens need to start actively demonstrate the core values of democracy and resist the influence of intolerant elements (which are supported by Russia and orchestrated by russian spies) or else they will end freedom and democracy for everyone once and for all.

We can assume that Italy's fascist party's strategy of deterrence on its borders is not working. I hope that Italian voters can now see that the tough and cruel approach of Italy's far-right and fascist parties is not effective.

This is a global issue that the entire EU needs to address, instead of relying on inhuman rhetoric and policies.

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You are aware that China is currently the aggressor, and the US and Canada are showing symbolic strength with these maneuvers to support Taiwan?

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I wouldn't be surprise if Russias FSB is using money to create a bigger migration crisis to divide Europe in this matter.

It shows that even with right-wing policies, terrorism persists. Israel has the right to defend itself but should also seek peaceful solutions through negotiations with Palestinian groups to achieve long-term security.

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Honestly, while the humor and memes might seem amusing, it's important to recognize that this is precisely what they want. By making the situation seem ridiculous, we risk diverting attention from the serious and substantial allegations against Trump.

We shouldn't allow them to manipulate the narrative and trivialize the issues at hand. Their intention is to downplay the gravity through memes and laughter, while the actual impact on global democracy is a significant concern.

Stay focused on the real issues and their implications.

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Expect an influx of more refugees, fueling a migration debate in the West. The entire situation seems straight out of a Russian or Chinese playbook aimed at destabilizing the West.

This timeline is disturbingly absurd, making it increasingly likely that we could indeed face such a situation.

It certainly does in today's global political landscape. Regrettably, we've reverted to a more conservative and pragmatic scenario where autocratic regimes are somewhat constrained by power dynamics.

As you may have observed, actors like Russia are disregarding international norms. Instead of pursuing diplomatic de-escalation, they're spreading misinformation to exacerbate conflicts and disrupt international relations, particularly in Western regions, bro.

The new name goes well with the audience as they already use extensively nazi swastika symbols as an expression of opinions.

When fascism gains ground and democrats adjust their rhetoric, how much value does democracy and human rights have in our world?

What's with Starfield being so high in ranking? Since when are loading simulators for planets better than fanservice games for wizards and Japanese Game of Thrones copies?

Interestingly, it's still debated if it was necessary to drop not one but two awful bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

More left-wing positions argue Japan was already on the brink of surrendering. Here is one publication summing it up pretty well m:

As General Dwight Eisenhower said, Japan was at that moment seeking some way to surrender with minimum loss of face, and “it wasn’t necessary to hit them with that awful thing.”

Saving face meant for one part of the Japanese military to keep the Emporer untouched. On the other hand, the Japanese military, contrary to the Japanese government:

[...]wanted to keep not just the emperor but to avoid an Allied occupation, disarmament, and war crimes trials.[...] They were determined to fight a final, all-out “decisive battle” to bleed the United States invaders until the Americans sued for peace.

We can at least say, whether you agree with the necessity of the use of atomic bombs on Japan, that humankind never again should make use of an atomic bomb.

Here is a GIF to remember (and look up the NSFW version of it...

Conservatives playing the 'woman card' for votes, thinking it'll sway centrists. Trump and DeSantis won't clinch the broader base. Koch sees a chance to push their agenda with a female candidate, mirroring the success of Italian fascists with Meloni.

I use for years (since 2015 after my very privacy heavy swiss cloud service shut down). It's Canadian, the end-to-end encryption (on device,upload and cloud) is the highest I encountered and it's extensive zero-knowledge policy was my reason to sign up.

They added some nice sharing features with quite the extensive control and easy Setup. So might be worth checking out.

And obligatory referral link for a free account 🙃:

Once again, my entire post opposes religious fanaticism, such as Zionism. And as well of atrocities of this conflict and an apartheid state created by Israel right wing politicians

Observe how many individuals, both here and across the internet, misunderstand the entire conflict, erroneously attributing atrocities committed by both sides to Jews in general. This is antisemitic and has no place in this context.

Both Palestinians and Jews have the right to peacefully share their country. Therefore, support the PLO instead of a terrorist organization like Hamas, which receives funding from Iran - another fanatic religious state.

Acknowledging Israel’s right to exist doesn’t negate Palestinian rights.

While the establishment of Israel was rooted in the need for a Jewish homeland after WWII, it's crucial to distinguish between historical necessity and subsequent political actions. The shift toward right-wing Zionism has influenced policies, but blaming the entire state of Israel and Jewish people in general oversimplifies a complex history.

Don't get me wrong: religion should be out of politics, and this unnecessary war should get to a full stop. Attacking the right of people to form states (that applies for Palestinians and Jews) is not a solution to this conflict. It only ends in more death and more wars.

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I find it challenging to navigate comment sections on this topic.

Firstly, Israel has the right to exist and defend itself against terrorism.

Secondly, Hamas is a designated terrorist organization. There is no justification for supporting such a group, just as you wouldn't sympathize with ISIS or the Taliban.

What we can agree on is that Israel's current right-wing government, spanning the past 20 years, has implemented policies criticized for creating an apartheid-like situation for Palestinians. The support for radical settlers and resulting violence against Palestinians is a legitimate concern.

It’s crucial to separate criticism of the Israeli government’s actions from questioning the right of Israel to exist. Criticize the policies, be concerned about the treatment of Palestinians, and advocate for a two-state solution that respects the rights and aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians. Removing religion and right-wing politics from the equation could pave the way for a more equitable and peaceful coexistence.

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