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Sounds about right.

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Firefox is a weird buggy mess that constantly freezes.

This is definitely not normal, Firefox never freezes for me. May be worth checking that out, especially your extensions.

It's probably a tiny fraction of the C#/dotnet ecosystem. But hobbyist meme creators mostly care about games, I guess.

Isn't it ironic how you need instructions now to install Windows with a bearable level of bloat? Kinda like installing Arch just for uninstalling/skipping instead of installing.

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That's actually not that rare when I work later than usual. Some stupid problem my brain is too fried to solve. Eventually I give up, feeling defeat for the whole evening and solve the problem in 10 mins the next morning. Get enough sleep, people.

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Would be great if somehow this patent was bought out and made public domain so people outside the upper middle class could have an affordable way to track their vitals.

Apple is a strange choice as a champion for that. Their devices always have been notoriously overpriced.

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How about an efficiency breakthrough instead? Our brains just need a meal and can recognize a face without looking at billions of others first.

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Shitty as this behavior may be: Why would there have to be any payment? It's just an account with a private company.

They can setup arbitrary rules or ban you without any rules. It's their service, their database... Just like a club can throw you out on a whim. You may tell your friends and eventually that club may go out of business because of their shitty behavior but that's about it.

This would have been a whole other story if it had happened with the domain name...

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the Germany government, with all its money and resources and knowledge

As a German: LOL

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118.0.1 was first released on Sept 28 too, so this isn't exactly breaking news.

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Well, TikTok made an estimated $9.4B in revenue in 2022 making that fine 3.7%. That's pretty big.

A perfectly valid and valuable technology has been completely disregarded by the public

Damn, you were so close! Just expand what you said about NFTs to the whole crypto bullshit and you got it.

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Damn right he will! Wait, who again?

Both are so stupid and I still chuckle every time I see those.

I can support this claim. Ever since I've installed Linux on my wife's pc we haven't had any additional kids (nor sex for that matter).

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I happily shelled out $600 for the first iPhone. But $3,500? For a V1 product that will get way better (and cheaper) in the next few years?

Cheaper? When has the next gen Apple product ever become cheaper?

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I'm so happy I replaced Win 10 with Linux and now can watch this dumpster fire from afar.

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It's what set me free to move to Linux for good! It's such a relief to not be affected by all the bullshit Microsoft brings to the world with Windows 11+.

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So deep. So hard to get.

Inventing stupid words for "weak" people like that is an ancient German running gag. Like Schattenparker (someone who parks in the shade) or Warmduscher (someone who likes warm showers). It's always tongue-in-cheek and no serious insult.

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According to my recruiter, you code on a whiteboard.

Why are there so many paru fans? Last release is a year old, constantly out of date in AUR and failing builds in Github don't scream code quality. I prefer yay.

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I'm German too and we totally used Mäusespeck in the 80s/90s. I guess you're just younger, today people know what marshmallows are (and speak better English in general).

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If ET had been an android-phone he had been long called home before the intro started

That's a good one! But to be fair, Apple calls home just as much. They just don't sell that data (yet).

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They said it late in the pandemic too: we may be tired of that virus but unfortunately it doesn't care and it is not done with us.

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You can be goddamn polite and still swear without automatically becoming a fucking asshole.

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It's mandatory for online boasting.

surely this is a violation of those rules too.

Cost of business. The occasional two digit million fine opposing billions of revenue.

The practice is sometimes used as a form of anti-environmental protest.

Sometimes? What are the more common reasons?

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Wouldn't a locally installed IMAP client produce less traffic than any web UI? I only use those.

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I've been using Thunderbird since forever. It's not perfect but I like it better than bloated and laggy Outlook.

And what will happen? Didn't Q-Anon start fighting a supposed pedo ring in a pizza place? They'll totally turn on Trump now, right? Right?

I can't shake the feeling this is China testing the waters for cyber warfare...

In this way, your account will be identified by this name and your phone number will not be visible to other users

That's not the problem, Meta. I don't want to give my phone number to you.

No, they have a point. Because you earn money by views, people now make videos about everything instead of writing something somewhere that can be found by search engine. Video has its uses but it's far overused nowadays and it sucks.

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Well, it basically prevents something like F-Droid for iOS arising from the EU ruling. Kinda big deal. Not that the fanboys would care though. Apple is infallible.

Big tech won't suffer. They will just fork and maintain (and probably enshittify) their own kernel.

Small and mid tech will suffer, however. The article just mentions Android as the prime example for embedded systems and forgets to mention that 80-90% of industrial embedded systems run on Linux (at least of the bigger ones that require an actual OS).

Those will either be driven to Microsoft's shitty half-done, hardly documented embedded OS versions or some company rises as the white knight offering and maintaining LTS Linux kernels. Both scenarios will increase cost of course that will eventually come out of us consumers' pockets. The former, worse scenario will make industrial applications even less secure on top.

suggest to their customers that it’s new and innovative

I'm a big Apple critic too but to be fair that message reads pretty neutral. Where do you see the claim it's new and innovative?

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WhatsApp is owned by Facebook. Are you really arguing privacy here?

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I bet you're not a narcissistic politician though.